Debian 维护者指南 Osamu Aoki 杨博远 Chinese zh-cn Translation (2017-2019)  Fonzie Huang Chinese zh-cn Translation (2018)  xiao sheng wen(肖盛文) Chinese zh-cn Translation (2021)  Copyright © 2014-2024 Osamu Aoki Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without     restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND     NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.     本指南在撰写过程中参考了以下几篇文档: * “Making a Debian Package (AKA the Debmake Manual)”, 版权所有 © 1997 Jaldhar Vyas. * “The New-Maintainer’s Debian Packaging Howto”, 版权所有 ©     1997 Will Lowe. * “Debian New Maintainers’ Guide”, 版权所有 © 1998-2002 Josip Rodin, 2005-2017 Osamu Aoki, 2010 Craig Small 以及 2010 Raphaël Hertzog。     本指南的最新版本应当可以在下列位置找到:     * in the debmake-doc package and * at the Debian Documentation web site. Abstract 本篇《Debian 维护者指南》(2024-10-01)教程文档面向普通 Debian 用户和 未来的开发者,描述了使用 debmake 命令构建 Debian 软件包的方法。 本指南注重描述现代的打包风格,同时提供了许多简单的示例。 * POSIX shell 脚本打包 * Python3 脚本打包 * C 和 Makefile/Autotools/CMake * 含有共享库的多个二进制软件包的打包,等等。 本篇《Debian 维护者指南》可看作《Debian 新维护者手册》的继承文档。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. 前言 2. 概览 3. 预备知识 3.1. Debian 社区的工作者 3.2. 如何做出贡献 3.3. Debian 的社会驱动力 3.4. 技术提醒 3.5. Debian 文档 3.6. 帮助资源 3.7. 仓库状况 3.8. 贡献流程 3.9. 新手贡献者和维护者 4. 工具的配置 4.1. Email setup 4.2. mc setup 4.3. git setup 4.4. quilt setup 4.5. devscripts setup 4.6. sbuild setup 4.7. Persistent chroot setup 4.8. gbp setup 4.9. HTTP 代理 4.10. 私有 Debian 仓库 4.11. Virtual machines 4.12. Local network with virtual machines 5. Simple packaging 5.1. Packaging tarball 5.2. 大致流程 5.3. 什么是 debmake? 5.4. 什么是 debuild? 5.5. 第一步:获取上游源代码 5.6. Step 2: Generate template files with debmake 5.7. 第三步:编辑模板文件 5.8. Step 4: Building package with debuild 5.9. Step 3 (alternatives): Modification to the upstream source 5.10. Patch by “diff -u” approach 5.11. Patch by dquilt approach 5.12. Patch by “dpkg-source --auto-commit” approach 6. Basics for packaging 6.1. 打包工作流 6.2. debhelper package 6.3. 软件包名称和版本 6.4. 原生 Debian 软件包 6.5. debian/rules file 6.6. debian/control file 6.7. debian/changelog file 6.8. debian/copyright file 6.9. debian/patches/* files 6.10. debian/source/include-binaries file 6.11. debian/watch file 6.12. debian/upstream/signing-key.asc file 6.13. debian/salsa-ci.yml file 6.14. Other debian/* files 7. Sanitization of the source 7.1. Fix with Files-Excluded 7.2. Fix with “debian/rules clean” 7.3. Fix with extend-diff-ignore 7.4. Fix with tar-ignore 7.5. Fix with “git clean -dfx” 8. More on packaging 8.1. Package customization 8.2. Customized debian/rules 8.3. Variables for debian/rules 8.4. 新上游版本 8.5. Manage patch queue with dquilt 8.6. Build commands 8.7. Note on sbuild 8.8. Special build cases 8.9. 上传 orig.tar.gz 8.10. 跳过的上传 8.11. 错误报告 9. 高级打包 9.1. Historical perspective 9.2. Current trends 9.3. Note on build system 9.4. 持续集成 9.5. 自举 9.6. 编译加固 9.7. 可重现的构建 9.8. Substvar 9.9. 库软件包 9.10. 多体系结构 9.11. Debian 二进制软件包的拆分 9.12. 拆包的场景和例子 9.13. Multiarch library path 9.14. Multiarch header file path 9.15. Multiarch *.pc file path 9.16. 库符号 9.17. Library package name 9.18. 库变迁 9.19. binNMU 安全 9.20. 调试信息 9.21. -dbgsym package 9.22. debconf 10. Packaging with git 10.1. Salsa repository 10.2. Salsa account setup 10.3. Salsa CI service 10.4. Branch names 10.5. Patch unapplied Git repository 10.6. Patch applied Git repository 10.7. Note on gbp 10.8. Note on dgit 10.9. Patch by “gbp-pq” approach 10.10. Manage patch queue with gbp-pq 10.11. gbp import-dscs --debsnap 10.12. Note on dgit-maint-debrebase workflow 10.13. Quasi-native Debian packaging 11. 提示 11.1. 在 UTF-8 环境下构建 11.2. UTF-8 转换 11.3. Hints for Debugging 12. Tool usages 12.1. debdiff 12.2. dget 12.3. mk-origtargz 12.4. origtargz 12.5. git deborig 12.6. dpkg-source -b 12.7. dpkg-source -x 12.8. debc 12.9. piuparts 12.10. bts 13. 更多示例 13.1. 挑选最好的模板 13.2. 无 Makefile(shell,命令行界面) 13.3. Makefile(shell,命令行界面) 13.4. pyproject.toml (Python3, CLI) 13.5. Makefile(shell,图形界面) 13.6. pyproject.toml (Python3, GUI) 13.7. Makefile(单个二进制软件包) 13.8. + configure(单个二进制软件包) 13.9. Autotools(单个二进制文件) 13.10. CMake(单个二进制软件包) 13.11. Autotools(多个二进制软件包) 13.12. CMake(多个二进制软件包) 13.13. 国际化 13.14. 细节 14. debmake(1) 手册页 14.1. 名称 14.2. 概述 14.3. 描述 14.3.1. 可选参数: 14.4. 示例 14.5. 帮助软件包 14.6. 注意事项 14.7. 除错 14.8. 作者 14.9. 许可证 14.10. 参见 15. debmake options 15.1. Shortcut options (-a, -i) 15.2. debmake -b 15.3. debmake -cc 15.4. Snapshot upstream tarball (-d, -t) 15.5. debmake -j 15.6. debmake -k 15.7. debmake -P 15.8. debmake -T 15.9. debmake -x Chapter 1. 前言     如果您在某些方面算得上是有经验的 Debian 用户 ^[1] 的话,您可能遇 上过这样的情况: * 您想要安装某一个软件包,但是该软件在 Debian 仓库中尚不存在。     * 您想要将一个 Debian 软件包更新为上游的新版本。 * 您想要添加某些补丁来修复某个 Debian 软件包中的缺陷。 如果您想要创建一个 Debian 软件包来满足您的需求,并将您的工作与社     区分享,您便是本篇指南的目标读者,即未来的 Debian 维护者。^[2] 欢 迎来到 Debian 社区。 Debian 是一个大型的、历史悠久的志愿者组织。因此,它具有许多需要遵     守的社会上和技术上的规则和惯例。Debian 也开发出了一长串的打包工具 和仓库维护工具,用来构建一套能够解决各种技术目标的二进制软件包: * packages build across many architectures (“Section 8.3, “Variables for debian/rules””) * 可重现的构建(“Section 9.7, “可重现的构建””) * clean build under clearly specified package dependencies and patches (“Section 6.6, “debian/control file””, “Section 6.9, “debian/patches/* files””, “Section 4.6, “sbuild setup””) * 拆分多个二进制软件包的最佳实践(“Section 9.11, “Debian 二进制     软件包的拆分””) * 平滑的程序库迁移(“Section 9.18, “库变迁””) * 交互式安装定制(“Section 9.22, “debconf””) * 多架构(multiarch)支持(“Section 9.10, “多体系结构””) * 使用特定的编译选项进行安全增强(“Section 9.6, “编译加固””) * 持续集成(“Section 9.4, “持续集成””) * 自举(“Section 9.5, “自举””) * …​ 这些目标也许会让很多新近参与进 Debian 工作中的潜在 Debian 维护者     感到迷茫而不知所措。本篇指南尝试为这些目标提供一个着手点,方便读 者开展工作。它具体描述了以下内容: * 作为未来潜在的维护者,您在参与 Debian 工作之前应该了解的东西 。     * 制作一个简单的 Debian 软件包大概流程如何。 * 制作 Debian 软件包时有哪些规则。 * 制作 Debian 软件包的小窍门。 * 在某些典型场景下制作 Debian 软件包的示例。 The author felt limitations of updating the original “New Maintainers' Guide” with the dh-make package and decided to create an alternative tool and its matching document to address modern requirements such as multi-arch. The result was the     debmake package version: 4.0 in 2013. The current debmake is version: 4.5.0. It comes with this updated “Guide for Debian Maintainers” in the debmake-doc (version: 1.20-1) package. (In 2016, dh-make was ported from perl to python with updated features.) Many chores and tips have been integrated into the debmake     command allowing this guide to be terse. This guide also offers many packaging examples for you to get started. Caution     合适地创建并维护 Debian 软件包需要占用许多时间。Debian 维护者在接 受这项挑战时一定要确保既能精通技术又能勤勉投入精力。 某些重要的主题会详细进行说明。其中某些可能看起来和您没什么关系。     请保持耐心。某些边角案例会被跳过。某些主题仅使用外部链接提及。这 些都是有意的行文安排,目标是让这份指南保持简单而可维护。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[1] 您的确需要对 Unix 编程有所了解,但显然没必要是这方面的天才。     在 “Debian 参考手册” 中,您可以了解到使用 Debian 系统的一些基本方 法和关于 Unix 编程的一些指引。     ^[2] 如果您对分享 Debian 软件包不感兴趣,您当然可以在本地环境中将 上游的源码包进行编译并安装至 /usr/local 来解决问题。 Chapter 2. 概览 对 package-1.0.tar.gz,一个包含了简单的、符合 “GNU 编码标准” 和 “     FHS(文件系统层级规范)” 的 C 语言源代码的程序来说,它在 Debian 下打包工作可以按照下列流程,使用 debmake 命令进行。 $ tar -xvzf package-1.0.tar.gz $ cd package-1.0     $ debmake ... Make manual adjustments of generated configuration files $ debuild 如果跳过了对生成的配置文件的手工调整流程,则最终生成的二进制软件     包将缺少有意义的软件包描述信息,但是仍然能为 dpkg 命令所使用,在 本地部署环境下正常工作。 Caution The debmake command only provides decent template files. These     template files must be manually adjusted to their perfection to comply with the strict quality requirements of the Debian archive, if the generated package is intended for general consumption.     如果您在 Debian 打包方面还是个新手的话,此时不要过多在意细节问题 ,请先确立一个大致流程的印象。 If you have been exposed to Debian packaging, this looks vgry     much like the dh_make command. This is because the debmake command is intended to replace functions offered historically by the dh_make command. ^[3]     debmake 命令设计提供如下特性与功能: * 现代的打包风格 + debian/copyright: “DEP-5” compliant + debian/control: substvar support, multiarch support, multi binary packages, …​ + debian/rules: dh syntax, compiler hardening options, …​ * 灵活性 + many options (see “Section 15.2, “debmake -b””, “ Chapter 14, debmake(1) 手册页”, and “Chapter 15, debmake options”)     * 合理的默认行为 + 执行过程不中断,输出干净的结果 + 生成多架构支持(multiarch)的软件包,除非明确指定了 -m 选 项。 + generate the non-native Debian package with the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)”, unless the -n option is explicitly specified. * 额外的功能 + verification of the debian/copyright file against the current source (see “Section 15.6, “debmake -k””) The debmake command delegates most of the heavy lifting to its     back-end packages: debhelper, dpkg-dev, devscripts, sbuild, schroot, etc. Tip     请确保将 -b、-f、-l 和 -w 选项的参数使用引号合适地保护起来,以避 免 shell 环境的干扰。 Tip     非原生软件包是标准的 Debian 软件包。 Tip     本文档中所有软件包构建示例的详细日志可以由 “Section 13.14, “细节” ” 一段给出的操作来获取。 Note The generation of the debian/copyright file, and the outputs from     the -c (see “Section 15.3, “debmake -cc””) and -k (see “ Section 15.6, “debmake -k””) options involve heuristic operations on the copyright and license information. They may produce some erroneous results. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[3] 历史上还存在过 deb-make 命令,它在 dh_make 之前曾经流行过。     当前的 debmake 软件包的版本从 4.0 起始,其目的便是避免和废弃的 debmake 软件包的版本产生重叠。旧有的对应软件包提供了 deb-make 命 令。 Chapter 3. 预备知识     这里给出您在投入 Debian 相关工作之前应当理解掌握的一些必备的预备 知识。 3.1. Debian 社区的工作者     在 Debian 社区中有这几类常见的角色: * 上游作者(upstream author):程序的原始作者。 * 上游维护者(upstream maintainer):目前在上游维护程序代码的人 。 * 软件包维护者(maintainer):制作并维护该程序 Debian 软件包的 人。     * 赞助者(sponsor):帮助维护者上传软件包到 Debian 官方仓库的人 (在通过内容检查之后)。 * 导师(mentor):帮助新手维护者熟悉和深入打包的人。 * Debian 开发者(DD, Debian Developer):Debian 社区的官方成员 。DD 拥有向 Debian 官方仓库上传的全部权限。 * Debian 维护者(Debian Maintainer, DM):拥有对 Debian 官方仓 库部分上传权限的人。 注意,您不可能在一夜之间成为 Debian 开发者(DD),因为成为 DD 所     需要的远不只是技术技巧。不过别因此而气馁,如果您的软件包对其他人 有用,您可以当这个软件的软件包维护者,然后通过一位赞助者来上传这 份软件,或者您可以申请成为 Debian 维护者。 Please note that you do not need to create any new packages to become an official Debian Developer. Contributing to the existing     packages can provide a path to becoming an official Debian Developer too. There are many packages waiting for good maintainers (see “"`Section 3.8, “贡献流程””`"). 3.2. 如何做出贡献     请参考下列文档来了解应当如何为 Debian 作出贡献: * “您如何协助 Debian?”(官方) * “The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ, Chapter 13 - Contributing to the     Debian Project” (semi-official) * “Debian Wiki, HelpDebian”(补充内容) * “Debian 新成员站点”(官方) * “Debian Mentors FAQ”(补充内容) 3.3. Debian 的社会驱动力     为做好准备和 Debian 进行交互,请理解 Debian 的社会动力学: * 我们都是志愿者。 + 任何人都不能把事情强加给他人。 + 您应该主动地做自己想做的事情。 * 友好的合作是我们前行的动力。 + 您的贡献不应致使他人增加负担。     + 只有当别人欣赏和感激您的贡献时,它才有真正的价值。 * Debian 并不是一所学校,在这里没有所谓的老师会自动地注意到您。 + 您需要有自学大量知识和技能的能力。 + 其他志愿者的关注是非常稀缺的资源。 * Debian 一直在不断进步。 + Debian 期望您制作出高质量的软件包。 + 您应该随时调整自己来适应变化。     在这篇指南之后的部分中,我们只关注打包的技术方面。因此,请参考下 面的文档来理解 Debian 的社会动力学:     * “Debian: 17 years of Free Software, "do-ocracy", and democracy” (Introductory slides by the ex-DPL) 3.4. 技术提醒     这里给出一些技术上的建议,参考行事可以让您与其他维护者共同维护软 件包时变得更加轻松有效,从而让 Debian 项目的输出成果最大化。 * 让您的软件包容易除错(debug)。 + 保持您的软件包简单易懂。 + 不要对软件包过度设计。     * 让您的软件包拥有良好的文档记录。 + 使用可读的代码风格。 + 在代码中写注释。 + 格式化代码使其风格一致。 + 维护软件包的 git 仓库 ^[4]。 Note     对软件进行除错(debug)通常会比编写初始可用的软件花费更多的时间。     It is unwise to run your base system under the unstable suite even for the development system. * Creation of binary deb packages and their verification should use minimal unstable chroot described in “Section 4.6, “     sbuild setup””. * Basic interactive package development activities should use unstable chroot described in “Section 4.7, “Persistent chroot setup””. Note     Advanced package development activities such as testing of full Desktop systems, network daemons, and system installer packages, should use unstable suite running under the “virtualization”. 3.5. Debian 文档     Please make yourself ready to read the pertinent part of the latest Debian documentation to generate perfect Debian packages: * “Debian Policy Manual” + The official “must follow” rules ( doc/devel-manuals#policy) * “Debian Developer’s Reference”     + The official “best practice” document (https:// * “Guide for Debian Maintainers” — this guide + A “tutorial reference” document ( doc/devel-manuals#debmake-doc) All these documents are published to using the unstable suite versions of corresponding Debian packages. If     you wish to have local accesses to all these documents from your base system, please consider to use techniques such as “ apt-pinning” and “chroot”.     如果本指南文档的内容与官方的 Debian 文档有所冲突,那么官方的那些 总是对的。请使用 reportbug 工具向 debmake-doc 软件包报告问题。     这里有一些替代性的教程文档,您可以与本指南一起阅读进行参考: * “Debian Packaging Tutorial” + packaging-tutorial + * “Ubuntu Packaging Guide” (Ubuntu is Debian based.)     + * “Debian New Maintainers' Guide” (predecessor of this tutorial, deprecated) + + Tip     When reading these, you may consider using the debmake command in place of the dh_make command. 3.6. 帮助资源     在您决定在某些公共场合问出您的问题之前,请先做好自己能做到的事情 ,例如,阅读能找到的文档: * 软件包的信息可以使用 aptitude、apt-cache 以及 dpkg 命令进行查 看。 * 所有相关软件包在 /usr/share/doc/软件包名目录下的文件。     * 所有相关命令在 man 命令下输出的内容。 * 所有相关命令在 info 命令下输出的内容。 * “ 邮件列表存档” 的内容。 * “ 邮件列表存档” 的内容。 Your desired information can be found effectively by using a     well-formed search string such as “keyword” to limit the search domain of the web search engine. 制作一个小型测试用软件包也是了解打包细节的一个好办法。对当前已有     的维护良好的软件包进行检查则是了解其他人如何制作软件包的最好方法 。     如果您对打包仍然存在疑问,您可以使用以下方式与他人进行沟通: * mailing list. (This mailing list is for the novice.) * mailing list. (This mailing list is for the expert.) * IRC such as #debian-mentors. * Teams focusing on a specific set of packages. (Full list at * 特定语言的邮件列表。 + “debian-devel-{french,italian,portuguese,spanish}” + “”(该邮件列表用于一般 的(简体)中文讨论。) + “”     如果您在做好功课后能在这些场合中合适地提出您的疑问的话,那些更有 经验的 Debian 开发者会很愿意帮助您。 Caution     Debian development is a moving target. Some information found on the web may be outdated, incorrect, and non-applicable. Please use them carefully. 3.7. 仓库状况     请了解 Debian 仓库的当前状况。 * Debian 已经包含了绝大多数种类程序的软件包。     * Debian 仓库内软件包的数量是活跃维护者的数十倍。 * 遗憾的是,某些软件包缺乏维护者的足够关注。     因此,对已经存在于仓库内的软件包做出贡献是十分欢迎的(这也更有可 能得到其他维护者的支持和协助上传)。 Tip     来自 devscripts 软件包的 wnpp-alert 命令可以检查已安装软件中需要 接手或已被丢弃的软件包。 Tip     The how-can-i-help package can show opportunities for contributing to Debian on packages installed locally. 3.8. 贡献流程     这里使用类 Python 伪代码,给出了向 Debian 贡献名为 program 的软件 所走的贡献流程: if exist_in_debian(program): if is_team_maintained(program): join_team(program) if is_orphaned(program): # maintainer: Debian QA Group adopt_it(program) elif is_RFA(program): # Request for Adoption adopt_it(program) else: if need_help(program): contact_maintainer(program) triaging_bugs(program) preparing_QA_or_NMU_uploads(program) else: leave_it(program) else: # new packages if not is_good_program(program): give_up_packaging(program)     elif not is_distributable(program): give_up_packaging(program) else: # worth packaging if is_ITPed_by_others(program): if need_help(program): contact_ITPer_for_collaboration(program) else: leave_it_to_ITPer(program) else: # really new if is_applicable_team(program): join_team(program) if is_DFSG(program) and is_DFSG(dependency(program)): file_ITP(program, area="main") # This is Debian elif is_DFSG(program): file_ITP(program, area="contrib") # This is not Debian else: # non-DFSG file_ITP(program, area="non-free") # This is not Debian package_it_and_close_ITP(program)     其中: * 对 exist_in_debian() 和 is_team_maintained(),需检查: + aptitude 命令 + “Debian 软件包” 网页 + Debian wiki “Teams” page * 对 is_orphaned()、is_RFA() 和 is_ITPed_by_others(),需检查: + wnpp-alert 命令的输出。 + “需要投入精力和未来的软件包(WNPP)” + “Debian 缺陷报告记录:在 unstable 版本中 wnpp 伪软件包的 缺陷记录” + “需要“关爱”的 Debian 软件包”     + “基于 debtags 浏览 wnpp 缺陷记录” * 对于 is_good_program(),请检查: + 这个程序应当有用。 + 这个程序不应当向 Debian 系统引入安全和维护上的问题。 + 这个程序应当有良好的文档,其源代码需要可被理解(即,未经 混淆)。 + 这个程序的作者同意软件被打包,且对 Debian 态度友好。^[5] * 对 is_it_DFSG(),及 is_its_dependency_DFSG(),请检查: + “Debian 自由软件指导方针”(DFSG)。 * 对 is_it_distributable(),请检查: + 该软件必须有一个许可证,其中应当允许软件被发行。     You either need to file an ITP or adopt a package to start working on it. See the “Debian Developer’s Reference”:     * “5.1. 新软件包”。 * “5.9. 移动、删除、重命名、丢弃、接手和重新引入软件包”。 3.9. 新手贡献者和维护者 新手贡献者和维护者可能想知道在开始向 Debian 进行贡献之前需要事先     学习哪些知识。根据您个人的侧重点不同,下面有我的一些建议供您参考 : * 打包 + POSIX shell 和 make 的基本知识。 + 一些 Perl 和 Python 的入门知识。     * 翻译 + 基于 PO 的翻译系统的工作原理和基本知识。 * 文档 + Basics of text markups (XML, ReST, Wiki, …​).     新手贡献者和维护者可能想知道从哪里开始向 Debian 进行贡献。根据您 掌握的技能,下面有我的一些建议供您参考: * POSIX shell、Perl 和 Python 的技巧: + 向 Debian 安装器提交补丁。 + Send patches to the Debian packaging helper scripts such as devscripts, sbuild, schroot, etc. mentioned in this document. * C 和 C++ 技能:     + 向具有 required 和 important 优先级的软件包提交补丁。 * 英语之外的技能: + 向 Debian 安装器项目提交补丁。 + 为具有 required 和 important 优先级的软件包中的 PO 文件提 交补丁。 * 文档技能: + 更新 “Debian 维基(Wiki)” 中的内容。 + 向已有的 “Debian 文档” 提交补丁。     这些活动应当能让您在各位 Debian 社区成员之间得到存在感,从而建立 您的信誉与名气。     新手维护者应当避免打包具有潜在高度安全隐患的程序: * setuid 或 setgid 程序     * 守护进程(daemon)程序 * 安装至 /sbin/ 或 /usr/sbin/ 目录的程序     在积累足够的打包经验后,您可以再尝试打包这样的程序。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------     ^[4] 绝大多数 Debian 维护者使用 git 而非其它版本控制系统,如 hg、 bzr 等等。     ^[5] 这一条不是绝对的要求,但请注意:遇上不友好的上游可能需要大家 为此投入大量精力,而一个友好的上游则能协助解决程序的各类问题。 Chapter 4. 工具的配置     build-essential 软件包必须在构建环境内预先安装。     The devscripts package should be installed in the development environment of the maintainer. It is a good idea to install and set up all of the popular set of     packages mentioned in this chapter. These enable us to share the common baseline working environment, although these are not necessarily absolute requirements. Please also consider to install the tools mentioned in the “     Overview of Debian Maintainer Tools” in the “Debian Developer’s Reference”, as needed. Caution     这里展示的工具配置方式仅作为示例提供,可能与系统上最新的软件包相 比有所落后。Debian 的开发具有一个移动的目标。请确保阅读合适的文档 并按照需要更新配置内容。 4.1. Email setup     许多 Debian 维护工具识别并使用 shell 环境变量 $DEBEMAIL 和 $DEBFULLNAME 作为作为您的电子邮件地址和名称。     Let’s set these environment variables by adding the following lines to ~/.bashrc ^[6]. 添加至 ~/.bashrc 文件.      DEBEMAIL="" DEBFULLNAME="Osamu Aoki" export DEBEMAIL DEBFULLNAME Note     The above is for the author of this manual. The configuration and operation examples presented in this manual use these email address and name settings. You must use your email address and name for your system. 4.2. mc setup mc 命令提供了管理文件的简单途径。它可以打开二进制 deb 文件,并仅     需对二进制 deb 文件按下回车键便能检查其内容。它调用了 dpkg-deb 命 令作为其后端。我们可以按照下列方式对其配置,以支持简易 chdir 操作 。 添加至 ~/.bashrc 文件.      # mc related if [ -f /usr/lib/mc/ ]; then . /usr/lib/mc/ fi 4.3. git setup     如今 git 命令已成为管理带历史的源码树的必要工具。     git 命令的用户级全局配置,如您的名字和电子邮件地址,保存在 ~ /.gitconfig 文件中,且可以使用如下方式配置。     $ git config --global "Osamu Aoki" $ git config --global     如果您仍然只习惯 CVS 或者 Subversion 的命令风格,您可以使用如下方 式设置几个命令别名。     $ git config --global "commit -a" $ git config --global checkout     您可以使用如下命令检查全局配置。     $ git config --global --list Tip     有必要使用某些图形界面 git 工具,例如 gitk 或 gitg 命令来有效地处 理 git 仓库的历史。 4.4. quilt setup quilt 命令提供了记录修改的一个基本方式。对 Debian 打包来说,该工     具需要进行自定义,从而在 debian/patches/ 目录内记录修改内容,而非 使用默认的 patches/ 目录。 为了避免改变 quilt 命令自身的行为,我们在这里创建一个用于 Debian     打包工作的命令别名:dquilt。之后,我们将对应内容写入 ~/.bashrc 文 件。下面给出的第二行为 dquilt 命令提供与 quilt 命令相同的命令行补 全功能。 添加至 ~/.bashrc 文件.      alias dquilt="quilt --quiltrc=${HOME}/.quiltrc-dpkg" . /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/quilt complete -F _quilt_completion $_quilt_complete_opt dquilt     然后我们来创建具有如下内容的 ~/.quiltrc-dpkg 文件。 d=. while [ ! -d $d/debian -a `readlink -e $d` != / ]; do d=$d/..; done if [ -d $d/debian ] && [ -z $QUILT_PATCHES ]; then # if in Debian packaging tree with unset $QUILT_PATCHES QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches"     QUILT_PATCH_OPTS="--reject-format=unified" QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index --color=auto" QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index" QUILT_COLORS="diff_hdr=1;32:diff_add=1;34:diff_rem=1;31:diff_hunk=1;33:" QUILT_COLORS="${QUILT_COLORS}diff_ctx=35:diff_cctx=33" if ! [ -d $d/debian/patches ]; then mkdir $d/debian/patches; fi fi See quilt(1) and “How To Survive With Many Patches or     Introduction to Quilt (quilt.html)” on how to use the quilt command.     要获取使用示例,请查看 “Section 5.9, “Step 3 (alternatives): Modification to the upstream source””。 4.5. devscripts setup     debsign 命令由 devscripts 软件包提供,它可以使用用户的 GPG 私钥对 Debian 软件包进行签名。 debuild 命令同样由 devscripts 软件包提供,它可以构建二进制软件包     并使用 lintian 命令对其进行检查。lintian 命令的详细输出通常都很实 用。     您可以将下列内容写入 ~/.devscripts 文件来进行配置。 DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-i -I -us -uc"     DEBUILD_LINTIAN_OPTS="-i -I --show-overrides" DEBSIGN_KEYID="Your_GPG_keyID" The -i and -I options in DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS for the     dpkg-source command help rebuilding of Debian packages without extraneous contents (see “Chapter 7, Sanitization of the source” ).     当前情况下,使用 4096 位的 RSA 密钥是较好的做法。另见 “创建一个新 GPG 密钥”。 4.6. sbuild setup The sbuild package provides a clean room (“chroot”) build     environment. It offers this efficiently with the help of schroot using the bind-mount feature of the modern Linux kernel. Since it is the same build environment as the Debian’s buildd     infrastructure, it is always up to date and comes full of useful features.     It can be customized to offer following features: * The schroot package to boost the chroot creation speed. * lintian 软件包能找到所构建软件包中的缺陷。 * The piuparts package to find bugs in the package.     * The autopkgtest package to find bugs in the package. * ccache 软件包可以加速 gcc。(可选) * libeatmydata1 软件包可以加速 dpkg。(可选) * 并行运行 make 以提高构建速度。(可选)     Let’s set up sbuild environment ^[7]: $ sudo apt install sbuild piuparts autopkgtest lintian     $ sudo apt install sbuild-debian-developer-setup $ sudo sbuild-debian-developer-setup -s unstable     Let’s update your group membership to include sbuild and verify it: $ newgrp -     $ id uid=1000() gid=1000() groups=...,132(sbuild)     Here, “reboot of system” or “kill -TERM -1” can be used instead to update your group membership ^[8] .     Let’s create the configuration file ~/.sbuildrc in line with recent Debian practice of “source-only-upload” as: cat >~/.sbuildrc << 'EOF' ############################################################################## # PACKAGE BUILD RELATED (source-only-upload as default) ############################################################################## # -d $distribution = 'unstable'; # -A $build_arch_all = 1; # -s $build_source = 1; # --source-only-changes $source_only_changes = 1; # -v $verbose = 1;     ############################################################################## # POST-BUILD RELATED (turn off functionality by setting variables to 0) ############################################################################## $run_lintian = 1; $lintian_opts = ['-i', '-I']; $run_piuparts = 1; $piuparts_opts = ['--schroot', 'unstable-amd64-sbuild']; $run_autopkgtest = 1; $autopkgtest_root_args = ''; $autopkgtest_opts = [ '--', 'schroot', '%r-%a-sbuild' ]; ############################################################################## # PERL MAGIC ############################################################################## 1; EOF Note There are some exceptional cases such as NEW uploads, uploads     with NEW binary packages, and security uploads where you can’t do source-only-upload but are required to upload with binary packages. The above configuration needs to be adjusted for those exceptional cases.     Following document assumes that sbuild is configured this way.     Edit this to your needs. Post-build tests can be turned on and off by assigning 1 or 0 to the corresponding variables, Warning     可选的自定义项可能造成负面影响。如果有疑问,请禁用它们。 Note     并行的 make 可能在某些已有软件包上运行失败,它同样会使得构建日志 难以阅读。 Tip     Many sbuild related hints are available at “Section 8.7, “Note on sbuild”” and “” . 4.7. Persistent chroot setup Note     Use of independent copied chroot filesystem prevents contaminating the source chroot used by sbuild. For building new experimental packages or for debugging buggy     packages, let’s setup dedicated persistent chroot “ source:unstable-amd64-desktop” by: $ sudo cp -a /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild-$suffix /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-desktop $ sudo tee /etc/schroot/chroot.d/unstable-amd64-desktop << EOF [unstable-desktop] description=Debian sid/amd64 persistent chroot groups=root,sbuild     root-groups=root,sbuild profile=desktop type=directory directory=/srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-desktop union-type=overlay EOF Here, desktop profile is used instead of sbuild profile. Please     make sure to adjust /etc/schroot/desktop/fstab to make package source accessible from inside of the chroot.     You can log into this chroot “source:unstable-amd64-desktop” by:     $ sudo schroot -c source:unstable-amd64-desktop 4.8. gbp setup     The git-buildpackage package offers the gbp(1) command. Its user configuration file is ~/.gbp.conf. # Configuration file for "gbp " [DEFAULT] # the default build command:     builder = sbuild # use pristine-tar: pristine-tar = True # Use color when on a terminal, alternatives: on/true, off/false or auto color = auto 4.9. HTTP 代理     您应当在本地设置 HTTP 缓存代理以节约访问 Debian 软件仓库的带宽。 可以考虑以下几种选项: * 特化的 HTTP 缓存代理,使用 apt-cacher-ng 软件包。     * Generic HTTP caching proxy (squid package) configured by squid-deb-proxy package In order to use this HTTP proxy without manual configuration     adjustment, it’s a good idea to install either auto-apt-proxy or squid-deb-proxy-client package to everywhere. 4.10. 私有 Debian 仓库     您可以使用 reprepro 软件包搭建私有 Debian 仓库。 4.11. Virtual machines     For testing GUI application, it is a good idea to have virtual machines. Install virt-manager and qemu-kvm packages.     Use of chroot and virtual machines allows us not to update the whole host PC to the latest unstable suite. 4.12. Local network with virtual machines In order to access virtual machines easily over the local     network, setting up multicast DNS service discovery infrastructure by installing avahi-utils is a good idea.     For all running virtual machines and the host PC, we can use each host name appended with .local for SSH to access each other. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[6] 这里假设您正在使用 Bash 并以此作为登录默认 shell。如果您设置     了其它登录 shell,例如 Z shell,请使用它们对应的配置文件替换 ~ /.bashrc 文件。     ^[7] Be careful since some older HOWTOs may use different chroot setups.     ^[8] Simply “logout and login under some modern GUI Desktop environment” may not update your group membership. Chapter 5. Simple packaging There is an old Latin saying: “Longum iter est per praecepta,     breve et efficax per exempla” (“It’s a long way by the rules, but short and efficient with examples”). 5.1. Packaging tarball     这里给出了从简单的 C 语言源代码创建简单的 Debian 软件包的例子,并 假设上游使用了 Makefile 作为构建系统。     我们假设上游源码压缩包(tarball)名称为 debhello-0.0.tar.gz。     这一类源代码设计可以用这样的方式安装成为非系统文件: Basics for the install from the upstream tarball.      $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.0.tar.gz $ cd debhello-0.0 $ make $ make install Debian packaging requires changing this “make install” process to     install files to the target system image location instead of the normal location under /usr/local. Note     在其它更加复杂的构建系统下构建 Debian 软件包的例子可以在 “ Chapter 13, 更多示例” 找到。 5.2. 大致流程     从上游源码压缩包 debhello-0.0.tar.gz 构建单个非原生 Debian 软件包 的大致流程可以总结如下: * 维护者获取上游源码压缩包 debhello-0.0.tar.gz 并将其内容解压缩 至 debhello-0.0 目录中。 * debmake 命令对上游源码树进行 debian 化(debianize),具体来说 ,是创建一个 debian 目录并仅向该目录中添加各类模板文件。     + 名为 debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz 的符号链接被创建并指向 debhello-0.0.tar.gz 文件。 + 维护者须自行编辑修改模板文件。 * debuild 命令基于已 debian 化的源码树构建二进制软件包。 + debhello-0.0-1.debian.tar.xz 将被创建,它包含了 debian 目 录。 软件包构建的大致流程.  $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.0.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-0.0 $ debmake ... manual customization $ debuild ... Tip     The debuild command in this and following examples may be substituted by equivalent commands such as the sbuild command. Tip     如果上游源码压缩包提供了 .tar.xz 格式文件,请使用这样的压缩包来替 代 .tar.gz 或 .tar.bz2 格式。xz 压缩与 gzip 或 bzip2 压缩相比提供 了更好的压缩比。 5.3. 什么是 debmake? Note     Actual packaging activities are often performed manually without using debmake while referencing only existing similar packages and “Debian Policy Manual”.     The debmake command is the helper script for the Debian packaging. (“Chapter 14, debmake(1) 手册页”) * It creates good template files for the Debian packages. * 它总是将大多数选项的状态与参数设置为合理的默认值。 * 它能产生上游源码包,并按需创建所需的符号链接。     * 它不会覆写 debian/ 目录下已存在的配置文件。 * 它支持多架构(multiarch)软件包。 * It provides short extracted license texts as debian/copyright in decent accuracy to help license review.     这些特性使得使用 debmake 进行 Debian 打包工作变得简单而现代化。 In retrospective, I created debmake to simplify this     documentation. I consider debmake to be more-or-less a demonstration session generator for tutorial purpose. The debmake command isn’t the only helper script to make a Debian     package. If you are interested alternative packaging helper tools, please see: * Debian wiki: “AutomaticPackagingTools” — Extensive comparison     of packaging helper scripts * Debian wiki: “CopyrightReviewTools” — Extensive comparison of copyright review helper scripts 5.4. 什么是 debuild?     这里给出与 debuild 命令类似的一系列命令的一个汇总。 * debian/rules 文件定义了 Debian 二进制软件包该如何构建。 * dpkg-buildpackge 是构建 Debian 二进制软件包的正式命令。对于正 常的二进制构建,它大体上会执行以下操作: + “dpkg-source --before-build” (apply Debian patches, unless they are already applied) + “fakeroot debian/rules clean” + “dpkg-source --build” (build the Debian source package) + “fakeroot debian/rules build” + “fakeroot debian/rules binary” + “dpkg-genbuildinfo” (generate a *.buildinfo file) + “dpkg-genchanges” (generate a *.changes file)     + “fakeroot debian/rules clean” + “dpkg-source --after-build” (unapply Debian patches, if they are applied during --before-build) + “debsign” (sign the *.dsc and *.changes files) o 如果您按照 “Section 4.5, “devscripts setup”” 的说明设 置了 -us 和 -us 选项的话,本步骤将会被跳过。您需要手 动运行 debsign 命令。 * debuild 命令是 dpkg-buildpackage 命令的一个封装脚本,它可以使 用合适的环境变量来构建 Debian 二进制软件包。 * The sbuild command is a wrapper script to build the Debian binary package under the proper chroot environment with the proper environment variables. Note     如需了解详细内容,请见 dpkg-buildpackage(1)。 5.5. 第一步:获取上游源代码     我们先要获取上游源代码。 下载 debhello-0.0.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.0.tar.gz $ tree .     ├── debhello-0.0 │   ├── Makefile │   ├── │   └── src │   └── hello.c └── debhello-0.0.tar.gz 3 directories, 4 files     这里的 C 源代码 hello.c 非常的简单。 hello.c.  $ cat debhello-0.0/src/hello.c #include     int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; }     这里,源码中的 Makefile 支持 “GNU 编码标准” 和 “FHS(文件系统层级 规范)”。特别地: * 构建二进制程序时会考虑 $(CPPFLAGS)、$(CFLAGS)、$(LDFLAGS),等     等。 * 安装文件时采纳 $(DESTDIR) 作为目标系统镜像的路径前缀 * 安装文件时使用 $(prefix) 的值,以便我们将其设置覆盖为 /usr Makefile.  $ cat debhello-0.0/Makefile prefix = /usr/local all: src/hello src/hello: src/hello.c @echo "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)" | \ fold -s -w 70 | \ sed -e 's/^/# /' $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDCFLAGS) -o $@ $^     install: src/hello install -D src/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello clean: -rm -f src/hello distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall Note     对 $(CFLAGS) 的 echo 命令用于在接下来的例子中验证所设置的构建参数 。 5.6. Step 2: Generate template files with debmake     debmake 命令的输出十分详细,如下所示,它可以展示程序的具体操作内 容。 The output from the debmake command.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.0 $ debmake -x1 I: set parameters I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="0.0", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-0.0". *** I: provide debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-0.0.tar.gz debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-0.0" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 50 %, ext = md I: 50 %, ext = c I: check_all_licenses I: ... I: check_all_licenses completed for 3 files. I: bunch_all_licenses I: format_all_licenses I: make debian/* template files I: debmake -x "1" ... I: creating => debian/control I: creating => debian/copyright I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra0_changel... I: creating => debian/changelog I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra0_rules.t...     I: creating => debian/rules I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra0source_f... I: creating => debian/source/format I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1_README.... I: creating => debian/README.Debian I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1_README.... I: creating => debian/README.source I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1_clean.t... I: creating => debian/clean I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1_gbp.con... I: creating => debian/gbp.conf I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1_salsa-c... I: creating => debian/salsa-ci.yml I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1_watch.t... I: creating => debian/watch I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1tests_co... I: creating => debian/tests/control I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1upstream... I: creating => debian/upstream/metadata I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1patches_... I: creating => debian/patches/series I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1source.n... I: creating => debian/source/local-options.ex I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1source.n... I: creating => debian/source/local-patch-header.ex I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1single_d... I: creating => debian/dirs I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1single_i... I: creating => debian/install I: substituting => /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debmake/data/extra1single_l... I: creating => debian/links I: $ wrap-and-sort I: $ wrap-and-sort complete. Now, debian/* may have a blank line at the top....     debmake 命令基于命令行选项产生所有这些模板文件。如果没有指定具体 选项,debmake 命令将为您自动选择合理的默认值: * 源码包名称:debhello * 上游版本:0.0 * 二进制软件包名称:debhello     * Debian 修订版本:1 * 软件包类型: bin(ELF 二进制可执行程序软件包) * The -x option: -x1 (without maintainer script supports for simplicity) Note     Here, the debmake command is invoked with the -x1 option to keep this tutorial simple. Use of default -x3 option is highly recommended.     我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 基本 debmake 命令运行后的源码树。.  $ cd /path/to $ tree . ├── debhello-0.0 │   ├── Makefile │   ├── │   ├── debian │   │   ├── README.Debian │   │   ├── README.source │   │   ├── changelog │   │   ├── clean │   │   ├── control │   │   ├── copyright │   │   ├── dirs │   │   ├── gbp.conf │   │   ├── install     │   │   ├── links │   │   ├── patches │   │   │   └── series │   │   ├── rules │   │   ├── salsa-ci.yml │   │   ├── source │   │   │   ├── format │   │   │   ├── local-options.ex │   │   │   └── local-patch-header.ex │   │   ├── tests │   │   │   └── control │   │   ├── upstream │   │   │   └── metadata │   │   └── watch │   └── src │   └── hello.c ├── debhello-0.0.tar.gz └── debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.0.tar.gz 8 directories, 24 files     这里的 debian/rules 文件是应当由软件包维护者提供的构建脚本。此时 该文件是由 debmake 命令产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.0 $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic     #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,-O1 %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_install: # dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.pyc -X.pyo     这便是使用 dh 命令时标准的 debian/rules 文件。(某些内容已被注释 ,可供后续修改使用。)     这里的 debian/control 文件提供了 Debian 软件包的主要元信息。此时 该文件是由 debmake 命令产生的模板文件。 debian/control(模板文件):.  $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: "Osamu Aoki" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage:     Rules-Requires-Root: no #Vcs-Git: #Vcs-Browser: Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package. Warning     If you leave “Section: unknown” in the template debian/control file unchanged, the lintian error may cause the build to fail. Since this is the ELF binary executable package, the debmake command sets “Architecture: any” and “Multi-Arch: foreign”. Also,     it sets required substvar parameters as “Depends: $ {shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}”. These are explained in “ Chapter 6, Basics for packaging”. Note     Please note this debian/control file uses the RFC-822 style as documented in “5.2 Source package control files — debian/control” of the “Debian Policy Manual”. The use of the empty line and the leading space are significant.     这里的 debian/copyright 提供了 Debian 软件包版权数据的总结。此时 该文件是由 debmake 命令产生的模板文件。 debian/copyright(模板文件):.  $ cat debian/copyright Format: Upstream-Name: debhello Upstream-Contact: Source: # # Please double check copyright with the licensecheck(1) command.     Files: Makefile src/hello.c Copyright: __NO_COPYRIGHT_NOR_LICENSE__ License: __NO_COPYRIGHT_NOR_LICENSE__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------... # Files marked as NO_LICENSE_TEXT_FOUND may be covered by the following # license/copyright files. 5.7. 第三步:编辑模板文件     作为维护者,要制作一个合适的 Debian 软件包当然需要对模板内容进行 一些手工的调整。 In order to install files as a part of the system files, the $ (prefix) value of /usr/local in the Makefile should be overridden     to be /usr. This can be accommodated by the following the debian/ rules file with the override_dh_auto_install target setting “ prefix=/usr”. debian/rules(维护者版本):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.0 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr     如上在 debian/rules 文件中导出=DH_VERBOSE 环境变量可以强制 debhelper 工具输出细粒度的构建报告。 Exporting DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTION as above sets the hardening     options as described in the “FEATURE AREAS/ENVIRONMENT” in dpkg-buildflags(1). ^[9]     如上导出 DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND 可以强制 C 编译器给出所有类型的 警告内容。     如上导出 DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND 可以强制链接器只对真正需要的库 进行链接。^[10] The dh_auto_install command for the Makefile based build system essentially runs “$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=debian/debhello”. The     creation of this override_dh_auto_install target changes its behavior to “$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=debian/debhello prefix=/usr” .     这里是维护者版本的 debian/control 和 debian/copyright 文件。 debian/control(维护者版本):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) debian/copyright(维护者版本):.  $ vim debian/copyright ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/copyright Format: Upstream-Name: debhello Upstream-Contact: Osamu Aoki Source: Files: * Copyright: 2015-2021 Osamu Aoki License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a     copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.     Let’s remove unused template files and edit remaining template files: * debian/README.source * debian/source/local-option.ex * debian/source/local-patch-header.ex     * debian/patches/series (No upstream patch) * clean * dirs * install * links debian/. 下面的模板文件(0.0 版):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/install debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright     ├── gbp.conf ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 11 files Tip     对于来自 debhelper 软件包的各个 dh_* 命令来说,它们在读取所使用的 配置文件时通常把以 # 开头的行视为注释行。 5.8. Step 4: Building package with debuild 您可以使用 debuild 或者等效的命令工具(参见 “Section 5.4, “什么是     debuild?””)在这个源码树内构建一个非原生 Debian 软件包。命令的输 出通常十分详细,如下所示,它会对构建中执行的操作进行解释。 Building package with debuild.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.0 $ debuild dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui -i dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package debhello dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 0.0-1 dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution unstable dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Osamu Aoki dpkg-source -i --before-build . dpkg-buildpackage: info: host architecture amd64 debian/rules clean dh clean     dh_auto_clean make -j12 distclean ... debian/rules binary dh binary dh_update_autotools_config dh_autoreconf dh_auto_configure dh_auto_build make -j12 "INSTALL=install --strip-program=true" make[1]: Entering directory '/path/to/debhello-0.0' # CFLAGS=-g -O2 ... Finished running lintian.     这里验证了 CFLAGS 已经得到了更新,添加了 -Wall 和 -pendatic 参数 ;这是我们先前在 DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND 变量中所指定的。 根据 lintian 的报告,您应该如同后文中的例子那样(请见 “     Chapter 13, 更多示例”)为软件包添加 man 手册页。我们这里暂且跳过 这部分内容。     现在我们来看看成果如何。 debhello 0.0 版使用 debuild 命令产生的文件:.  $ cd /path/to $ tree -FL 1 ./ ├── debhello-0.0/ ├── debhello-0.0.tar.gz ├── debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb     ├── debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz ├── debhello_0.0-1.dsc ├── ├── debhello_0.0-1_amd64.buildinfo ├── debhello_0.0-1_amd64.changes ├── debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb └── debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.0.tar.gz 2 directories, 9 files     您可以看见生成的全部文件。 * debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz 是指向上游源码压缩包的符号链接。 * debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz 包含了维护者生成的内容。 * debhello_0.0-1.dsc 是 Debian 源码包的元数据文件。 * debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb 是 Debian 二进制软件包。 * debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb 是 Debian 的调试符号二进制软     件包。另请参见 “Section 9.21, “-dbgsym package””。 * 是构建日志文件。 * debhello_0.0-1_amd64.buildinfo 是 dpkg-genbuildinfo(1) 生成的 元数据文件。 * debhello_0.0-1_amd64.changes 是 Debian 二进制软件包的元数据文 件。     debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz 包含了 Debian 对上游源代码的修改,具 体如下所示。 压缩文件 debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz 的内容:.  $ tar -tzf debhello-0.0.tar.gz debhello-0.0/ debhello-0.0/src/ debhello-0.0/src/hello.c debhello-0.0/Makefile debhello-0.0/ $ tar --xz -tf debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz debian/ debian/README.Debian     debian/changelog debian/control debian/copyright debian/gbp.conf debian/rules debian/salsa-ci.yml debian/source/ debian/source/format debian/tests/ debian/tests/control debian/upstream/ debian/upstream/metadata debian/watch     debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb 包含了将要安装至目标系统中的文件。     The debhello-debsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb contains the debug symbol files to be installed to the target system. 所有二进制包的包内容:.  $ dpkg -c debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/lib/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/lib/debug/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/be/ -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/be/f1e0185834f3c3e2614cf8... drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/     drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/ lrwxrwxrwx root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello-dbgsym -> debhello $ dpkg -c debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/bin/ -rwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/bin/hello drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/ -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/README.Debian -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/changelog.Debian.gz -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/copyright     生成的依赖列表会给出所有二进制软件包的依赖。 生成的所有二进制软件包的依赖列表(v=0.0):.  $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \     depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: debhello (= 0.0-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34) Caution     在将软件包上传至 Debian 仓库之前,仍然有很多细节需要进行处理。 Note     如果跳过了对 debmake 命令自动生成的配置文件的手工调整步骤,所生成 的二进制软件包可能缺少有用的软件包描述信息,某些政策的要求也无法 满足。这个不正式的软件包对于 dpkg 命令来说可以正常处理,也许这样 对您本地的部署来说已经足够好了。 5.9. Step 3 (alternatives): Modification to the upstream source The above example did not touch the upstream source to make the     proper Debian package. An alternative approach as the maintainer is to modify files in the upstream source. For example, Makefile may be modified to set the $(prefix) value to /usr. Note     The above “Section 5.7, “第三步:编辑模板文件”” using the debian/ rules file is the better approach for packaging for this example. But let’s continue on with this alternative approaches as a leaning experience. In the following, let’s consider 3 simple variants of this alternative approach to generate debian/patches/* files     representing modifications to the upstream source in the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)”. These substitute “Section 5.7, “第三 步:编辑模板文件”” in the above step-by-step example: * “Section 5.10, “Patch by “diff -u” approach””     * “Section 5.11, “Patch by dquilt approach”” * “Section 5.12, “Patch by “dpkg-source --auto-commit” approach””     Please note the debian/rules file used for these examples doesn’t have the override_dh_auto_install target as follows: debian/rules(备选的维护者版本):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.0 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ 5.10. Patch by “diff -u” approach     Here, the patch file 000-prefix-usr.patch is created using the diff command. Patch by “diff -u”.  $ cp -a debhello-0.0 debhello-0.0.orig $ vim debhello-0.0/Makefile ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ diff -Nru debhello-0.0.orig debhello-0.0 >000-prefix-usr.patch $ cat 000-prefix-usr.patch diff -Nru debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile debhello-0.0/Makefile     --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile 2024-07-24 10:12:40.382927188 +0900 +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile 2024-07-24 10:12:40.478928659 +0900 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello $ rm -rf debhello-0.0 $ mv -f debhello-0.0.orig debhello-0.0 Please note that the upstream source tree is restored to the     original state after generating a patch file 000-prefix-usr.patch .     This 000-prefix-usr.patch is edited to be DEP-3 conforming and moved to the right location as below. 000-prefix-usr.patch (DEP-3):  $ echo '000-prefix-usr.patch' >debian/patches/series $ vim ../000-prefix-usr.patch ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ mv -f ../000-prefix-usr.patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch $ cat debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch From: Osamu Aoki     Description: set prefix=/usr patch diff -Nru debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile debhello-0.0/Makefile --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello Note When generating the Debian source package by dpkg-source via     dpkg-buildpackage in the following step of “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild””, the dpkg-source command assumes that no patch was applied to the upstream source, since the .pc/ applied-patches is missing. 5.11. Patch by dquilt approach     Here, the patch file 000-prefix-usr.patch is created using the dquilt command. dquilt is a simple wrapper of the quilt program. The syntax and     function of the dquilt command is the same as the quilt(1) command, except for the fact that the generated patch is stored in the debian/patches/ directory. Patch by dquilt.  $ dquilt new 000-prefix-usr.patch Patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch is now on top $ dquilt add Makefile File Makefile added to patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ head -1 Makefile prefix = /usr $ dquilt refresh Refreshed patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch $ dquilt header -e --dep3 ... edit the DEP-3 patch header with editor $ tree -a . ├── debian │   ├── changelog │   ├── clean │   ├── control │   ├── copyright │   ├── dirs │   ├── gbp.conf │   ├── install │   ├── links │   ├── patches │   │   ├── 000-prefix-usr.patch │   │   └── series │   ├── README.Debian │   ├── README.source │   ├── rules │   ├── salsa-ci.yml │   ├── source │   │   ├── format     │   │   ├── local-options.ex │   │   └── local-patch-header.ex │   ├── tests │   │   └── control │   ├── upstream │   │   └── metadata │   └── watch ├── Makefile ├── .pc │   ├── 000-prefix-usr.patch │   │   ├── Makefile │   │   └── .timestamp │   ├── applied-patches │   ├── .quilt_patches │   ├── .quilt_series │   └── .version ├── └── src └── hello.c 9 directories, 29 files $ cat debian/patches/series 000-prefix-usr.patch $ cat debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch Description: set prefix=/usr patch Author: Osamu Aoki Index: debhello-0.0/Makefile =================================================================== --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello     Here, Makefile in the upstream source tree doesn’t need to be restored to the original state for the packaging. Note When generating the Debian source package by dpkg-source via     dpkg-buildpackage in the following step of “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild””, the dpkg-source command assumes that patches were applied to the upstream source, since the .pc/ applied-patches exists.     The upstream source tree can be restored to the original state for the packaging. The upstream source tree (restored):  $ dquilt pop -a Removing patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch Restoring Makefile No patches applied     $ head -1 Makefile prefix = /usr/local $ tree -a .pc .pc ├── .quilt_patches ├── .quilt_series └── .version 1 directory, 3 files     Here, Makefile is restored and the .pc/applied-patches is missing. 5.12. Patch by “dpkg-source --auto-commit” approach Here, the patch file isn’t created in this step but the source     files are setup to create debian/patches/* files in the following step of “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild””.     我们先来编辑上游源代码。 Modified Makefile.      $ vim Makefile ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ head -n1 Makefile prefix = /usr     Let’s edit debian/source/local-options: debian/source/local-options for auto-commit.  $ mv debian/source/local-options.ex debian/source/local-options $ vim debian/source/local-options ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/source/local-options # == Patch applied strategy (merge) ==     # # The source outside of debian/ directory is modified by maintainer and # different from the upstream one: # * Workflow using dpkg-source commit (commit all to VCS after dpkg-source ... # # * Workflow described in dgit-maint-merge(7) # single-debian-patch auto-commit     Let’s edit debian/source/local-patch-header: debian/source/local-patch-header for auto-commit.  $ mv debian/source/local-patch-header.ex debian/source/local-patch-header     $ vim debian/source/local-patch-header ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/source/local-patch-header Description: debian-changes Author: Osamu Aoki     Let’s remove debian/patches/* files and other unused template files. Remove unused template files.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/install debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree debian debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── gbp.conf     ├── rules ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   └── local-patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 13 files     There are no debian/patches/* files at the end of this step. Note When generating the Debian source package by dpkg-source via     dpkg-buildpackage in the following step of “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild””, the dpkg-source command uses options specified in debian/source/local-options to auto-commit modification applied to the upstream source as patches/ debian-changes. Let’s inspect the Debian source package generated after the     following “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild”” step and extracting files from debhello-0.0.debian.tar.xz. Inspect debhello-0.0.debian.tar.xz after debuild.  $ tar --xz -xvf debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz debian/ debian/README.Debian debian/changelog debian/control debian/copyright debian/gbp.conf debian/patches/     debian/patches/debian-changes debian/patches/series debian/rules debian/salsa-ci.yml debian/source/ debian/source/format debian/tests/ debian/tests/control debian/upstream/ debian/upstream/metadata debian/watch     Let’s check generated debian/patches/* files. Inspect debian/patches/* after debuild.  $ cat debian/patches/series debian-changes $ cat debian/patches/debian-changes Description: debian-changes Author: Osamu Aoki     --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello The Debian source package debhello-0.0.debian.tar.xz is confirmed     to be generated properly with debian/patches/* files for the Debian modification. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[9] This is a cliché to force a read-only relocation link for the hardening and to prevent the lintian warning “W: debhello:     hardening-no-relro usr/bin/hello”. This is not really needed for this example but should be harmless. The lintian tool seems to produce a false positive warning for this case which has no linked library. ^[10] 这里的做法是为了避免在依赖库情况复杂的情况下过度链接,例如     某些 GNOME 程序。这样做对这里的简单例子来说并不是必要的,但应当是 无害的。 Chapter 6. Basics for packaging Here, a broad overview is presented without using VCS operations     for the basic rules of Debian packaging focusing on the non-native Debian package in the “3.0 (quilt)” format. Note     为简明起见,某些细节被有意跳过。请按需查阅对应命令的手册页,例如 dpkg-source(1)、dpkg-buildpackage(1)、dpkg(1)、dpkg-deb(1)、deb (5),等等。     Debian 源码包是一组用于构建 Debian 二进制软件包的输入文件,而非单 个文件。     Debian 二进制软件包是一个特殊的档案文件,其中包含了一系列可安装的 二进制数据及与它们相关的信息。     单个 Debian 源码包可能根据 debian/control 文件定义的内容产生多个 Debian 二进制软件包。     The non-native Debian package in the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)” is the most normal Debian source package format. Note     有许多封装脚本可用。合理使用它们可以帮助您理顺工作流程,但是请确 保您能理解它们内部的基本工作原理。 6.1. 打包工作流 The Debian packaging workflow to create a Debian binary package involves generating several specifically named files (see “     Section 6.3, “软件包名称和版本””) as defined in the “Debian Policy Manual”. This workflow can be summarized in 10 steps with some over simplification as follows. 1. 下载上游源码压缩包(tarball)并命名为 package-version.tar.gz 文件。 2. 使上游提供的源码压缩包解压缩后的所有文件存储在 package-version/ 目录中。 3. 上游的源码压缩包被复制(或符号链接)至一个特定的文件名 packagename_version.orig.tar.gz。 + 分隔 package 和 version 的符号从 -(连字符)更改为 _(下 划线) + 文件扩展名添加了 .orig 部分。 4. Debian 软件包规范文件将被添加至上游源代码中,存放在 package-version/debian/ 目录下。 + debian/* 目录下的必需技术说明文件: debian/rules 构建 Debian 软件包所需的可执行脚本(参见 “ Section 6.5, “debian/rules file””) debian/control 软件包配置文件包含了源码包名称、源码构建依赖、二进制 软件包名称、二进制软件包依赖,等等。(参见 “ Section 6.6, “debian/control file””) debian/changelog Debian 软件包历史文件,其中第一行定义了上游软件包版本 号和 Debian 修订版本号(参见 “Section 6.7, “debian/ changelog file””) debian/copyright 版权和许可证摘要信息(参看 “Section 6.8, “debian/ copyright file””) + 在 debian/* 下的可选配置文件(参见 “Section 6.14, “Other debian/* files””): + The debmake command invoked in the package-version/ directory may be used to provide the initial template of these configuration files. o 必备的配置文件总会生成,无论是否提供 -x0 选项。 o debmake 命令永远不会覆写任何已经存在的配置文件。 + These files must be manually edited to their perfection according to the “Debian Policy Manual” and “Debian Developer’s Reference”. 5. The dpkg-buildpackage command (usually from its wrapper debuild or sbuild) is invoked in the package-version/ directory to make the Debian source and binary packages by invoking the debian/rules script. + The current directory is set as: “CURDIR=/path/to/ package-version/” + Create the Debian source package in the Debian source     format “3.0 (quilt)” using dpkg-source(1) o package_version.orig.tar.gz (copy or symlink of package-version.tar.gz) o package_version-revision.debian.tar.xz (tarball of debian/ found in package-version/) o package_version-revision.dsc + Build the source using “debian/rules build” into $ (DESTDIR) o “DESTDIR=debian/binarypackage/” for single binary package ^[11] o “DESTDIR=debian/tmp/” for multi binary package + 使用 dpkg-deb(1)、dpkg-genbuildinfo(1) 和 dpkg-genchanges (1) 创建 Debian 二进制软件包。 o binarypackage_version-revision_arch.deb o …​ (There may be multiple Debian binary package files.) o package_version-revision_arch.changes o package_version-revision_arch.buildinfo 6. 使用 lintian 命令检查 Debian 软件包的质量。(推荐) + Follow the rejection guidelines from ftp-master. o “软件包被拒绝常见问题解答(REJECT-FAQ)” o “新软件包(NEW)检查清单” o “Lintian 自动拒绝(autoreject)”(“lintian 标签列表” ) 7. 通过手工安装和运行软件包里的程序,来测试生成的 Debian 二进制 软件包的可用性。 8. After confirming the goodness, prepare files for the normal source-only upload to the Debian archive. 9. Sign the Debian package file with the debsign command using your private GPG key. + Use “debsign package_version-revision_source.changes” (normal source-only upload situation) + Use “debsign package_version-revision_arch.changes” (exceptional binary upload situation such as NEW uploads, and security uploads) files for the binary Debian package upload. 10. Upload the set of the Debian package files with the dput command to the Debian archive. + Use “dput package_version-revision_source.changes” (source-only upload) + Use “dput package_version-revision_arch.changes” (binary upload) Test building and confirming of the binary package goodness as     above is the moral obligation as a diligent Debian developer but there is no physical barrier for people to skip such operations at this moment for the source-only upload.     这里,请将文件名中对应的部分使用下面的方式进行替换: * 将 package 部分替换为 Debian 源码包名称 * 将 binarypackage 部分替换为 Debian 二进制软件包名称     * 将 version 部分替换为上游版本号 * 将 revision 部分替换为 Debian 修订号 * the arch part with the package architecture (e.g., amd64)     参见 “Source-only uploads”。 Tip     有很多种通过实践摸索而得到的补丁管理方法和版本控制系统的使用策略 与技巧。您没有必要将它们全部用上。 Tip     There is very extensive documentation in “Chapter 6. Best Packaging Practices” in the “Debian Developer’s Reference”. Please read it. 6.2. debhelper package Although a Debian package can be made by writing a debian/rules script without using the debhelper package, it is impractical to do so. There are too many modern “Debian Policy” required features to be addressed, such as application of the proper file     permissions, use of the proper architecture dependent library installation path, insertion of the installation hook scripts, generation of the debug symbol package, generation of package dependency information, generation of the package information files, application of the proper timestamp for reproducible build, etc. Debhelper package provides a set of useful scripts in order to simplify Debian’s packaging workflow and reduce the burden of     package maintainers. When properly used, they will help packagers handle and implement “Debian Policy” required features automatically.     现代化的 Debian 打包工作流可以组织成一个简单的模块化工作流,如下 所示: * 使用 dh 命令以自动调用来自 debhelper 软件包的许多实用脚本,以     及 * 使用 debian/ 目录下的声明式配置文件配置它们的行为。 您几乎总是应当将 debhelper 列为您的软件包的构建依赖之一。本文档在     接下来的内容中也假设您正在使用一个版本足够新的 debhelper 协助进行 打包工作。 Note For debhelper “compat >= 9”, the dh command exports compiler     flags (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS) with values as returned by dpkg-buildflags if they are not set previously. (The dh command calls set_buildflags defined in the Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib module.) Note     debhelper(1) changes its behavior with time. Please make sure to read debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7) to understand the situation. 6.3. 软件包名称和版本     如果所获取上游源代码的形式为 hello-0.9.12.tar.gz,您可以将 hello 作为上游源代码名称,并将 0.9.12 作为上游版本号。 组成 Debian 软件包名称的字符选取存在一定的限制。最明显的限制应当     是软件包名称中禁止出现大写字母。这里给出正则表达式形式的规则总结 : * Upstream package name (-p): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,}     * Binary package name (-b): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,} * Upstream version (-u): [0-9][-+.:~a-z0-9A-Z]* * Debian revision (-r): [0-9][+.~a-z0-9A-Z]*     See the exact definition in “Chapter 5 - Control files and their fields” in the “Debian Policy Manual”.     您必须为 Debian 打包工作适当地调整软件包名称和上游版本号。 为了能有效地使用一些流行的工具(如 aptitude)管理软件包名称和版本     信息,最好能将软件包名称保持在 30 字符以下;版本号和修订号加起来 最好能不超过 14 个字符。^[12]     为了避免命名冲突,对用户可见的二进制软件包名称不应选择任何常用的 单词。 如果上游没有使用像 2.30.32 这样正常的版本编号方案,而是使用了诸如 11Apr29 这样包含日期、某些代号或者一个版本控制系统散列值等字符串 作为版本号的一部分的话,请在上游版本号中将这些部分移除。这些信息 可以稍后在 debian/changelog 文件中进行记录。如果您需要为软件设计     一个版本字符串,可以使用 YYYYMMDD 格式,如 20110429 的字符串作为 上游版本号。这样能保证 dpkg 命令在升级时能正确地确定版本的先后关 系。如果您想要确保万一上游在未来重新采纳正常版本编号方案,例如 0.1 时能够做到顺畅地迁移,可以另行使用 0~YYMMDD 的格式,如 0~110429 作为上游版本号。     版本字符串可以按如下的方式使用 dpkg 命令进行比较。     $ dpkg --compare-versions ver1 op ver2     版本比较的规则可以归纳如下: * 字符串按照起始到末尾的顺序进行比较。     * 字符比数字大。 * 数字按照整数顺序进行比较。 * 字符按照 ASCII 编码的顺序进行比较。     对于某些字符,如句点(.)、加号(+)和波浪号(~),有如下的特殊规 则。     0.0 < 0.5 < 0.10 < 0.99 < 1 < 1.0~rc1 < 1.0 < 1.0+b1 < 1.0+nmu1 < 1.1 < 2.0 有一个稍需注意的情况,即当上游将 hello-0.9.12-ReleaseCandidate-99.tar.gz 这样的版本当作预发布版本     ,而将 hello-0.9.12.tar.gz 作为正式版本时。为了确保 Debian 软件包 升级能够顺畅进行,您应当修改版本号命名,如将上游源代码压缩包重命 名为 hello-0.9.12~rc99.tar.gz。 6.4. 原生 Debian 软件包 The non-native Debian package in the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)” is the most normal Debian source package format. The     debian/source/format file should have “3.0 (quilt)” in it as described in dpkg-source(1). The above workflow and the following packaging examples always use this format. 而原生 Debian 软件包是较罕见的一种 Debian 软件包格式。它通常只用     于打包仅对 Debian 项目有价值、有意义的软件。因此,该格式的使用通 常不被提倡。 Caution A native Debian package is often accidentally built when its     upstream tarball is not accessible from the dpkg-buildpackage command with its correct name package_version.orig.tar.gz . This is a typical newbie mistake caused by making a symlink name with “-” instead of the correct one with “_”.     原生 Debian 软件包不对上游代码和 Debian 的修改进行区分,仅包含以 下内容: * package_version.tar.gz (copy or symlink of package-version     .tar.gz with debian/* files.) * package_version.dsc     If you need to create a native Debian package, create it in the Debian source format “3.0 (native)” using dpkg-source(1). Tip There is no need to create the tarball in advance if the native Debian package format is used. The debian/source/format file     should have “3.0 (native)” in it as described in dpkg-source(1) and The debian/source/format file should have the version without the Debian revision (1.0 instead of 1.0-1). Then, the tarball containing is generated when “dpkg-source -b” is invoked in the source tree. 6.5. debian/rules file The debian/rules file is the executable script which re-targets the upstream build system to install files in the $(DESTDIR) and     creates the archive file of the generated files as the deb file. The deb file is used for the binary distribution and installed to the system using the dpkg command.     The Debian policy compliant debian/rules file supporting all the required targets can be written as simple as ^[13]: 简单的 debian/rules:.  #!/usr/bin/make -f     #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@     The dh command functions as the sequencer to call all required “ dh target” commands at the right moment. ^[14] * dh clean:清理源码树中的文件。 * dh build:在源码树中进行构建 * dh build-arch:在源码树中构建架构相关的软件包 * dh build-indep:在源代码中构建架构无关的软件包 * dh install:将二进制文件安装至 $(DESTDIR)     * dh install-arch:为架构相关的软件包将二进制文件安装至 $ (DESTDIR) 中 * dh install-indep:为架构无关的软件包将二进制文件安装进入 $ (DESTDIR) 中 * dh binary:产生 deb 文件 * dh binary-arch:为架构相关的软件包产生 deb 文件 * dh binary-indep:为架构无关的软件包产生 deb 文件     Here, $(DESTDIR) path depends on the build type. * “DESTDIR=debian/binarypackage/” for single binary package ^     [15] * “DESTDIR=debian/tmp/” for multi binary package     See “Section 8.2, “Customized debian/rules”” and “Section 8.3, “Variables for debian/rules”” for customization. Tip     Setting “export DH_VERBOSE = 1” outputs every command that modifies files on the build system. Also it enables verbose build logs for some build systems. 6.6. debian/control file     debian/control 文件包含了由空行分隔的数块元信息数据。每块元数据按 照如下的顺序定义了下面这些内容:     * Debian 源码包的元信息数据 * Debian 二进制软件包的元信息     See “Chapter 5 - Control files and their fields” of the “Debian Policy Manual” for the definition of each meta data. Note     The debmake command sets the debian/control file with “ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)” to set the debhelper compatibility level. Tip     If an existing package has lower than debhelper compatibility level 13, probably it’s time to update its packaging. 6.7. debian/changelog file     The debian/changelog file records the Debian package history. * This should be edited using the debchange command (alias dch ). * This defines the upstream package version and the Debian revision in its first line. * The changes need to be documented in the specific, formal, and concise style. + If Debian maintainer modification fixes reported bugs, add “Closes: #” to close those bugs.     * 即便您在自己独立进行软件包上传,您也必须记录所有较重要、用户 可见的变更,例如: + 安全相关的漏洞修复。 + 用户界面变动。 * 如果您需要他人协助您进行上传,您应当更详尽地记录变更内容,包 括所有打包相关的变动,从而方便他人对您的软件包进行审查。 + The sponsor shouldn’t be forced to second guess your thought behind your package. + 通常来说,协助您上传的人的时间比您的时间更宝贵。 After finishing your packaging and verifying its quality, please execute the “dch -r” command and save the finalized debian/     changelog file with the suite normally set to unstable. ^[16] If you are packaging for backports, security updates, LTS, etc., please use the appropriate distribution names instead. debmake 命令会创建初始的模板文件,其中带有上游软件包版本和 Debian     打包修订编号。发行版部分被设置为 UNRELEASED 以避免半成品不小心被 上传进入 Debian 仓库。 Tip     The date string used in the debian/changelog file can be manually generated by the “LC_ALL=C date -R” command. Tip     在实验时使用带有版本字符串的 debian/changelog 条目,例如 1.0.1-1~rc1 。然后,将这些更改日志条目整理到官方软件包的条目中。 The debian/changelog file is installed in the /usr/share/doc/     binarypackage directory as changelog.Debian.gz by the dh_installchangelogs command.     上游的变更日志则会安装至 /usr/share/doc/binarypackage 目录中,文 件名为 changelog.gz。 上游的变更日志是由 dh_installchangelogs 程序自动进行搜索和处理的 ;它会使用大小写不敏感的搜索方式寻找上游代码中特定名称的文件,如     changelog、changes、changelog.txt、changes.txt、history、 history.txt 或。除了根目录,程序还会在 doc/ 目录和 docs/ 目录内进行搜索。 6.8. debian/copyright file Debian takes the copyright and license matters very seriously.     The “Debian Policy Manual” enforces having a summary of them in the debian/copyright file in the package. * “12.5. Copyright information”     * “2.3. Copyright considerations” * “License information”     The debmake command creates the initial debian/copyright template file. * Please double check copyright with the licensecheck(1)     command. * Please format it as a “machine-readable debian/copyright file (DEP-5)”.     除非明确指定(有些严格过头的) -P 选项,debmake 命令会为了实用性 而跳过对自动生成的文件的检查与报告,默认它们采用宽松的许可证。 Caution     这里的 debian/copyright 文件中描述的许可证信息匹配信息应当合适地 进行排序,以确保越宽泛的文件匹配越靠前。请参见 “Section 15.6, “ debmake -k””。 Note     如果您发现了这个许可证检查工具存在一些问题,请向 debmake 软件包提 交缺陷报告并提供包含出现问题的许可证和版权信息在内的相关文本内容 。 6.9. debian/patches/* files As demonstrated in “Section 5.9, “Step 3 (alternatives):     Modification to the upstream source””, the debian/patches/ directory holds * patch-file-name.patch files providing -p1 patches and     * the series file which which defines how these patches are applied.     See how these files are used in: * “Section 12.6, “dpkg-source -b”” to build the Debian source     package * “Section 12.7, “dpkg-source -x”” to extract source files from the Debian source package Note     Header texts of these patches should conform to “DEP-3”. Note     If you want to use VCS tools such as git, gbp and dgit to create and manage these patches after learning basics here, please refer to later in “Chapter 10, Packaging with git”. 6.10. debian/source/include-binaries file The “dpkg-source --commit” command functions like dquilt but has one advantage over the dquilt command. While the dquilt command     can’t handle modified binary files, the “dpkg-source --commit” command detects modified binary files and lists them in the debian/source/include-binaries file to include them in the Debian tarball as a part of the Debian source package. 6.11. debian/watch file     The uscan(1) command downloads the latest upstream version using the debian/watch file. E.g.: Basic debian/watch file:      version=4 @PACKAGE@@ANY_VERSION@@ARCHIVE_EXT@ The uscan command may verify the authenticity of the upstream     tarball with optional configuration (see “Section 6.12, “debian/ upstream/signing-key.asc file””). See uscan(1), “Section 8.4, “新上游版本””, “Section 7.1, “Fix     with Files-Excluded””, and “Section 10.10, “Manage patch queue with gbp-pq”” for more. 6.12. debian/upstream/signing-key.asc file     Some packages are signed by a GPG key and their authenticity can be verified using their public GPG key.     For example, “GNU hello” can be downloaded via HTTP from https:// . There are sets of files:     * hello-version.tar.gz(上游源代码) * hello-version.tar.gz.sig(分离的签名)nature)     我们现在来选择最新的版本套装。 Download the upstream tarball and its signature.  $ wget ...     $ wget ... $ gpg --verify hello-2.9.tar.gz.sig gpg: Signature made Thu 10 Oct 2013 08:49:23 AM JST using DSA key ID 80EE4A00 gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found If you know the public GPG key of the upstream maintainer from     the mailing list, use it as the debian/upstream/signing-key.asc file. Otherwise, use the hkp keyserver and check it via your web of trust. Download public GPG key for the upstream.  $ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 80EE4A00 gpg: requesting key 80EE4A00 from hkp server gpg: key 80EE4A00: public key "Reuben Thomas " imported gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found     gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 $ gpg --verify hello-2.9.tar.gz.sig gpg: Signature made Thu 10 Oct 2013 08:49:23 AM JST using DSA key ID 80EE4A00 gpg: Good signature from "Reuben Thomas " ... Primary key fingerprint: 9297 8852 A62F A5E2 85B2 A174 6808 9F73 80EE 4A00 Tip     If your network environment blocks access to the HKP port 11371, use “hkp://” instead.     在确认密钥身份 80EE4A00 值得信任之后,应当下载其公钥并将其保存在 debian/upstream/signing-key.asc 文件中。 Set public GPG key to debian/upstream/signing-key.asc.      $ gpg --armor --export 80EE4A00 >debian/upstream/signing-key.asc With the above debian/upstream/signing-key.asc file and the     following debian/watch file, the uscan command can verify the authenticity of the upstream tarball after its download. E.g.: Improved debian/watch file with GPG support:      version=4 opts="pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.sig/" \ @PACKAGE@@ANY_VERSION@@ARCHIVE_EXT@ 6.13. debian/salsa-ci.yml file     Install Salsa CI configuration file. See “Section 10.3, “Salsa CI service””. 6.14. Other debian/* files 另外也可以添加一些可选的配置文件并放入 debian/ 目录。它们大多用于     控制由 debhelper 软件包提供的 dh_* 命令的行为,但也有一些文件会影 响 dpkg-source、lintian 和 gbp 这些命令。 Tip     Even an upstream source without its build system can be packaged just by using these files. See “Section 13.2, “无 Makefile(shell ,命令行界面)”” as an example. The alphabetical list of notable optional debian/binarypackage.*     configuration files listed below provides very powerful means to set the installation path of files. Please note: * The "^-x[01234]" superscript notation that appears in the following list indicates the minimum value for the debmake -x option that generates the associated template file. See “ Section 15.9, “debmake -x”” or debmake(1) for details. * For a single binary package, the “binarypackage.” part of the filename in the list may be removed. * For a multi binary package, a configuration file missing the “binarypackage” part of the filename is applied to the first binary package listed in the debian/control. * When there are many binary packages, their configurations can be specified independently by prefixing their name to their configuration filenames such as “package-1.install”, “ package-2.install”, etc. * debmake 可能没有自动生成某些模板配置文件。如遇到这种情况,您 可以使用文本编辑器手动创建缺失的文件。 * Some configuration template files generated by the debmake command with an extra .ex suffix need to be activated by removing that suffix. * 您应当删除 .ex 命令生成但对您无用的配置模板文件。 * 请按需复制配置模板文件以匹配其对应的二进制包名称以及您的需求 。 binarypackage.bug-control ^-x3 将安装至 binarypackage 软件包的 usr/share/bug/ binarypackage/control 位置。另请参考“Section 8.11, “错误 报告””。 binarypackage.bug-presubj ^-x3 将安装至 binarypackage 软件包的 usr/share/bug/ binarypackage/presubj 位置。另请参考“Section 8.11, “错误 报告””。 binarypackage.bug-script ^-x3 将安装至 binarypackage 软件包的 usr/share/bug/ binarypackage or usr/share/bug/binarypackage/script 位置 。另请参考“Section 8.11, “错误报告””。 binarypackage.bash-completion ^-x3 List bash completion scripts to be installed. The bash-completion package is required for both build and user environments. 另请参考dh_bash-completion(1)。 clean ^-x2 列出(构建前)未被 dh_auto_clean 命令清理,且需要手工清理 的文件。 另请参考 dh_auto_clean(1) 和 dh_clean(1)。 compat ^-x4 Set the debhelper compatibility level. (deprecated) Use “Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)” in debian/ control to specify the compatibility level and remove debian/compat. See “COMPATIBILITY LEVELS” in debhelper(7). binarypackage.conffiles ^-x3 This optional file is installed into the DEBIAN directory within the binary package while supplimenting it with all the conffiles auto-detected by debhelper. This file is primarily useful for using "special" entries such as the remove-on-upgrade feature from dpkg(1). 如果您正要打包的程序要求每个用户都对 /etc 目录下的配置文 件进行修改,可以采取两种常见办法使其不作为 conffile 配置 文件出现,避免 dpkg 命令处理软件包时给出不必要的处理选项 。 # 在 /etc 目录下创建一个符号链接,指向 /var 目录下的某 些文件;实际存在的文件则使用维护者脚本(maintainer script)予以创建。 # 使用维护者脚本(maintainer script)在 /etc 目录下创建 并维护配置所需的文件。 另请参考 dh_installdeb(1)。 binarypackage.config ^-x3 这是 debconf config 脚本,用来在配置软件包时向用户询问任 何必需的问题。另请参见“Section 9.22, “debconf””。 binarypackage.cron.hourly ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包内的 etc/cron/hourly/binarypackage 文件。 另请参见 dh_installcron(1) 和 cron(8)。 binarypackage.cron.daily ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包内的 etc/cron/daily/binarypackage 文件。 另请参见 dh_installcron(1) 和 cron(8)。 binarypackage.cron.weekly ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包内的 etc/cron/weekly/binarypackage 文件。 另请参见 dh_installcron(1) 和 cron(8)。 binarypackage.cron.monthly ^-x3 Installed into the *etc/cron/monthly/*binarypackage file in binarypackage. 另请参见 dh_installcron(1) 和 cron(8)。 binarypackage.cron.d ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包内的 etc/cron.d/binarypackage 文件 。 参见 dh_installcron(1)、cron(8) 和 crontab(5)。 binarypackage.default ^-x3 若该文件存在,它将被安装至 binarypackage 包中的 etc/ default/binarypackage 位置。 参见 dh_installinit(1)。 binarypackage.dirs ^-x1 列出 binarypackage 包中要创建的目录。 参见 dh_installdirs(1)。 通常情况下您并不需要这么做,因为所有的 dh_install* 命令都 会自动创建所需的目录。请仅在遇到问题时考虑使用这一工具。 binarypackage.doc-base ^-x1 作为 binarypackage 包中的 doc-base 控制文件进行安装。 See dh_installdocs(1) and “Debian doc-base Manual ( doc-base.html)” provided by the doc-base package. ^-x1 列出要安装在 binarypackage 包中的文档文件。 参见 dh_installdocs(1)。 binarypackage.emacsen-compat ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包中的 usr/lib/emacsen-common/ packages/compat/binarypackage 文件。 参见 dh_installemacsen(1)。 binarypackage.emacsen-install ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包中的 usr/lib/emacsen-common/ packages/install/binarypackage 文件。 参见 dh_installemacsen(1)。 binarypackage.emacsen-remove ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包中的 usr/lib/emacsen-common/ packages/remove/binarypackage 文件。 参见 dh_installemacsen(1)。 binarypackage.emacsen-startup ^-x3 安装至 binarypackage 包中的 usr/lib/emacsen-common/ packages/startup/binarypackage 文件。 参见 dh_installemacsen(1)。 binarypackage.examples ^-x1 列出要安装至 binarypackage 包中 usr/share/doc/ binarypackage/examples/ 位置下的示例文件或目录。 参见 dh_installexamples(1)。 gbp.conf ^-x1 如果该文件存在,它将作为 gbp 命令的配置文件发挥作用。 参见 gbp.conf(5)、gbp(1) 和 git-buildpackage(1)。 ^-x1 列出要安装至 binarypackage 包中的 info 文件。 参见 dh_installinfo(1)。 binarypackage.init ^-x4 Installed into etc/init.d/binarypackage in binarypackage. (deprecated) 参见 dh_installinit(1)。 binarypackage.install ^-x1 列出未被 dh_auto_install 命令安装的其它应当安装的文件。 参见 dh_install(1) 和 dh_auto_install(1)。     binarypackage.links ^-x1 列出要生成符号链接的源文件和目标文件对。每一对链接均应在 单独的一行中列出,源文件和目标文件之间使用空白字符分隔。 参见 dh_link(1)。 binarypackage.lintian-overrides ^-x3 安装至软件包构建目录的 usr/share/lintian/overrides/ binarypackage 位置。该文件用于消除 lintian 错误生成的诊断 信息。 参见 dh_lintian(1)、lintian(1) 和 “Lintian 用户手册”。 binarypackage.maintscript ^-x2 If this optional file exists, debhelper uses this as the template to generate DEBIAN/binarypackage.{pre,post} {inst,rm} files within the binary package while adding “ -- "$@"” to the dpkg-maintscript-helper(1) command. See dh_installdeb(1) and “Chapter 6 - Package maintainer scripts and installation procedure” in the “Debian Policy Manual”. manpage.* ^-x3 这些文件是 debmake 命令生成的 man 手册页模板文件。请将其 重命名为合适的文件名并更新其内容。 Debian Policy requires that each program, utility, and function should have an associated manual page included in the same package. Manual pages are written in nroff (1). If you are new to making a manpage, use manpage.asciidoc or manpage.1 as the starting point. binarypackage.manpages ^-x1 列出要安装的 man 手册页。 参见 dh_installman(1)。 (已过时,不再安装) tech-ctte #741573 decided “Debian should use .desktop files as appropriate”. 安装至 binarypackage 包中的 usr/share/menu/binarypackage Debian 菜单文件。 参见 menufile(5) 以了解其格式。另请参见 dh_installmenu(1) 。 NEWS ^-x3 安装至 usr/share/doc/binarypackage/NEWS.Debian 文件。 参见 dh_installchangelogs(1)。 patches/* 这是 -p1 补丁文件的集合,它们将在使用源代码构建之前应用在 上游源码上。 debmake 默认不会生成补丁文件。 参见 dpkg-source(1)、“Section 4.4, “quilt setup”” 和 “ Section 5.9, “Step 3 (alternatives): Modification to the upstream source””。 patches/series ^-x1 patches/* 补丁文件的应用顺序。 binarypackage.preinst ^-x2, binarypackage.postinst ^-x2, binarypackage.prerm ^-x2, binarypackage.postrm ^-x2 If these optional files exist, the corresponding files are installed into the DEBIAN directory within the binary package after enriched by debhelper. Otherwise, these files in the DEBIAN directory within the binary package is generated by debhelper. Whenever possible, simpler binarypackage.maintscript should be used instead. See dh_installdeb(1) and “Chapter 6 - Package maintainer scripts and installation procedure” in the “Debian Policy Manual”. See also debconf-devel(7) and “3.9.1 Prompting in maintainer scripts” in the “Debian Policy Manual”. README.Debian ^-x1 安装至 debian/control 文件列出的第一个二进制软件包中的 usr/share/doc/binarypackage/README.Debian 位置。 该文件提供了针对该 Debian 软件包的信息。 参见 dh_installdocs(1)。 README.source ^-x1 Installed into the first binary package listed in the debian/control file as usr/share/doc/binarypackage/ README.source. If running “dpkg-source -x” on a source package doesn’t produce the source of the package, ready for editing, and allow one to make changes and run dpkg-buildpackage to produce a modified package without taking any additional steps, creating this file is recommended. See “Debian policy manual section 4.14”. binarypackage.service ^-x3 如果该文件存在,它将被安装到 binarypackage 包下面的 lib/ systemd/system/binarypackage.service 位置。 参见 dh_systemd_enable(1)、dh_systemd_start(1) 和 dh_installinit(1)。 source/format ^-x1 Debian 软件包格式。 # Use “3.0 (quilt)” to make this non-native package (recommended) # Use “3.0 (native)” to make this native package See “SOURCE PACKAGE FORMATS” in dpkg-source(1). source/lintian-overrides ^-x3 These file is not installed, but are scanned by the lintian command to provide overrides for the source package. 另请参考 dh_lintian(1) 和 lintian(1)。 source/local-options ^-x1 dpkg-source 命令使用此内容作为它的选项,比较重要的选项有 : # unapply-patches # abort-on-upstream-changes # auto-commit # single-debian-patch 该文件不会包含在生成的源码包中,仅对维护者在版本控制系统 中维护软件包有意义。 See “FILE FORMATS” in dpkg-source(1). source/local-patch-header ^-x1 自由格式的文本,将被包含在自动生成补丁的顶部。 该文件不会包含在生成的源码包中,仅对维护者在版本控制系统 中维护软件包有意义。 See “FILE FORMATS” in dpkg-source(1). source/options ^-x3 Use source/local-options instead to avoid issues with NMUs. See “FILE FORMATS” in dpkg-source(1). source/patch-header ^-x4 Use source/local-patch-header instead to avoid issues with NMUs. See “FILE FORMATS” in dpkg-source(1). binarypackage.symbols ^-x1 这些符号文件如果存在,将交由 dpkg-gensymbols 命令进行处理 和安装。 参见 dh_makeshlibs(1) 和 “Section 9.16, “库符号””。 binarypackage.templates ^-x3 这是 debconf 模板文件,用于在安装过程中向用户询问必需的问 题以正确配置软件包。请参阅 “Section 9.22, “debconf””。 tests/control ^-x1 This is the RFC822-style test meta data file defined in DEP-8. See autopkgtest(1) and “Section 9.4, “持续集成””. TODO ^-x3 安装至 debian/control 文件列出的第一个二进制包中的 usr/ share/doc/binarypackage/TODO.Debian 文件。 参见 dh_installdocs(1)。 binarypackage.tmpfile ^-x3 如果该文件存在,它将被安装至 binarypackage 包中的 usr/lib /tmpfiles.d/binarypackage.conf 文件。 参见 dh_systemd_enable(1)、dh_systemd_start(1) 和 dh_installinit(1)。 binarypackage.upstart ^-x4 If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/ package.conf in the package build directory. (deprecated) 参见 dh_installinit(1)。 upstream/metadata ^-x1 Per-package machine-readable metadata about upstream (DEP-12). See “Upstream MEtadata GAthered with YAml (UMEGAYA)”. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[11] This is the default up to debhelper v13. At debhelper v14,     it warns the default change. After debhelper v15, it will change the default to DESTDIR=debian/tmp/ . ^[12] 对九成以上的软件包来说,软件包名称都不会超过 24 个字符;上     游版本号通常不超过 10 个字符,而 Debian 修订版本号也通常不超过 3 个字符。     ^[13] debmake 命令会产生稍微复杂一些的 debian/rules 文件。虽然如 此,其核心结构没有什么变化。     ^[14] 这个简化形式在 debhelper 软件包第七版或更新的版本中可用。本 指南内容假设您在使用 debhelper 第 13 版或更新的版本。 ^[15] This is the default up to debhelper v13. At debhelper v14,     it warns the default change. After debhelper v15, it will change the default to DESTDIR=debian/tmp/ .     ^[16] If you are using the vim editor, make sure to save this with the “:wq” command. Chapter 7. Sanitization of the source     There are a few cases which require to sanitize the source to prevent contaminating the generated Debian source package. * Non DFSG contents in the upstream source. + Debian takes software freedom seriously and follows the DFSG. * Extraneous auto-generated contents in the upstream source. + Debian package should rebuild them under the latest system.     * Extraneous VCS contents in the upstream source. + The -i and -I options set in “Section 4.5, “devscripts setup”” for the dpkg-source(1) command should avoid these. o The -i option is aimed at the non-native Debian package. o The -I is aimed at the native Debian package.     以下几种方法均可避免引入不必要的内容。 7.1. Fix with Files-Excluded     This is suitable for avoiding non DFSG contents in the upstream source tarball. * 在 debian/copyright 文件中的 Files-Excluded 一节中列出需要移 除的文件。 * 在 debian/watch 文件中列出下载上游源码包(tarball)所使用的 URL。 * 运行 uscan 命令以下载新的上游源码包(tarball)。     + Alternatively, use the “gbp import-orig --uscan --pristine-tar” command. * mk-origtargz invoked from uscan removes excluded files from the upstream tarball and repack it as a clean tarball. * 最后得到 tarball 的版本编号会附加一个额外的后缀 +dfsg。     See “COPYRIGHT FILE EXAMPLES” in mk-origtargz(1). 7.2. Fix with “debian/rules clean”     This is suitable for avoiding auto-generated files and removes them in the “debian/rules clean” target Note     The “debian/rules clean” target is called before the “dpkg-source --build” command by the dpkg-buildpackage command and the “ dpkg-source --build” command ignores removed files. 7.3. Fix with extend-diff-ignore     This is for the non-native Debian package. The problem of extraneous diffs can be fixed by ignoring changes     made to parts of the source tree by adding the “ extend-diff-ignore=…​” line in the debian/source/options file. debian/source/options to exclude the config.sub, config.guess and Makefile files:      # Don't store changes on autogenerated files extend-diff-ignore = "(^|/)(config\.sub|config\.guess|Makefile)$" Note     即使您无法删除文件,这种做法总可以正常工作。您无需在每次构建之前 手动删除文件并手动进行恢复。 Tip     如果您转而使用 debian/source/local-options 文件,您可以在生成的源 码包中隐藏该项设置。这种做法在本地非标准版本控制系统和您的打包工 作有冲突时可能有用。 7.4. Fix with tar-ignore     This is for the native Debian package. You can exclude some files in the source tree from the generated     tarball by tweaking the file glob by adding the “tar-ignore=…​” lines in the debian/source/options or debian/source/local-options files. Note If, for example, the source package of a native package needs files with the file extension .o as a part of the test data, the     setting in “Section 4.5, “devscripts setup”” is too aggressive. You can work around this problem by dropping the -I option for DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS in “Section 4.5, “devscripts setup”” while adding the “tar-ignore=…​” lines in the debian/ source/local-options file for each package. 7.5. Fix with “git clean -dfx” The problem of extraneous contents in the second build can be     avoided by restoring the source tree by committing the source tree to the Git repository before the first build.     您可以在第二次构建软件包之前恢复最初的源码树。例如:     $ git reset --hard $ git clean -dfx This works because the dpkg-source command ignores the contents     of the typical VCS files in the source tree with the DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS setting in `"Section 4.5, “ devscripts setup”`". Tip     If the source tree is not managed by a VCS, you should run “git init; git add -A .; git commit” before the first build. Chapter 8. More on packaging     Let’s describe more basics on Debian packaging. 8.1. Package customization All customization data for the Debian source package resides in     the debian/ directory as presented in “Section 5.7, “第三步:编辑 模板文件””: * The Debian package build system can be customized through the debian/rules file (see “Section 8.2, “Customized debian/rules ””).     * 可以使用额外的配置文件(如 debian/ directory 目录下的 package .install 和 文件)以配合来自 debhelper 软件包的 dh_* 命令自定义 Debian 软件包文件的安装路径等信息(请参见 “ Section 6.14, “Other debian/* files””)。 When these are not sufficient to make a good Debian package, -p1 patches of debian/patches/* files are deployed to modify the     upstream source. These are applied in the sequence defined in the debian/patches/series file before building the package as presented in “Section 5.9, “Step 3 (alternatives): Modification to the upstream source””.     您应当以引入最少修改的方式解决打包中出现的根本问题。所生成的软件 包应当考虑到未来的更新需求并有一定的健壮性。 Note     如果补丁对上游有所帮助的话,也请将解决根本问题的补丁反馈给上游作 者和维护者。 8.2. Customized debian/rules Flexible customization of the Section 6.5, “debian/rules file” is     realized by adding appropriate override_dh_* targets and their rules. 如果需要在 dh 命令调用某些特定的 dh_foo 命令时采取某些特别的操作     ,则任何自动执行的操作均可以被 debian/rules 中额外添加的 override_dh_foo 这样的 Makefile 目标所覆写。     构建的过程可以使用某些上游提供的接口进行定制化,如使用传递给标准 的源代码构建系统的参数。这些构建系统包括但不限于: * configure,     * Makefile, * “python -m build”, or * Build.PL。 If this is the case, you should add the override_dh_auto_build     target with “dh_auto_build -- arguments”. This ensures passing arguments to the build system after the default parameters that dh_auto_build usually passes. Tip     Please try not to execute the bare build system commands directly if they are supported by the dh_auto_build command.     参见: * “Section 5.7, “第三步:编辑模板文件”” for the basic example. * “Section 9.3, “Note on build system”” to be reminded of the     challenge involving the underlying build system. * “Section 9.10, “多体系结构”” for multiarch customization. * “Section 9.6, “编译加固”” for hardening customization. 8.3. Variables for debian/rules     某些对自定义 debian/rules 有用的变量定义可以在 /usr/share/dpkg/ 目录下的文件中找到。比较重要的包括: Set DEB_SOURCE, DEB_VERSION, DEB_VERSION_EPOCH_UPSTREAM, DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM_REVISION, DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM, and DEB_DISTRIBUTION variables obtained from dpkg-parsechangelog (1). (useful for backport support etc..) Set DEB_VENDOR and DEB_PARENT_VENDOR variables; and     dpkg_vendor_derives_from macro obtained from dpkg-vendor(1). (useful for vendor support (Debian, Ubuntu, …​).) Set DEB_HOST_* and DEB_BUILD_* variables obtained from dpkg-architecture(1). Set CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, OBJCFLAGS, OBJCXXFLAGS, GCJFLAGS, FFLAGS, FCFLAGS, and LDFLAGS build flags obtained from dpkg-buildflags(1).     例如,您按如下的方法在 debian/rules 文件中添加内容,从而为 linux-any 目标架构添加额外的 CONFIGURE_FLAGS: DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS) ...     ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-wayland endif     参见 “Section 9.10, “多体系结构””、dpkg-architecture(1) 和 dpkg-buildflags(1)。 8.4. 新上游版本 When a new upstream release tarball foo-newvwesion.tar.gz is     released, the Debian source package can be updated by invoking commands in the old source tree as: $ uscan     ... foo-newversion.tar.gz downloaded $ uupdate -v newversion ../foo-newversion.tar.gz * The debian/watch file in the old source tree must be a valid one. * This make symlink ../foo_newvwesion.orig.tar.gz pointing to     ../foo-newvwesion.tar.gz. * Files are extracted from ../foo-newvwesion.tar.gz to ../foo- newversion/ * Files are copied from ../foo-oldversion/debian/ to ../foo- newvesion/debian/ . After the above, you should refresh debian/patches/* files (see “     Section 8.5, “Manage patch queue with dquilt””) and update debian /changelog with the dch(1) command. When “debian uupdate” is specified at the end of line in the     debian/watch file, uscan automatically executes uupdate(1) after downloading the tarball. 8.5. Manage patch queue with dquilt     You can add, drop, and refresh debian/patches/* files with dquilt to manage patch queue. * Add a new patch debian/patches/bugname.patch recording the upstream source modification on the file buggy_file as: $ dquilt push -a $ dquilt new bugname.patch $ dquilt add buggy_file $ vim buggy_file ... $ dquilt refresh $ dquilt header -e $ dquilt pop -a * Drop (== disable) an existing patch     + Comment out pertinent line in debian/patches/series + Erase the patch itself (optional) * Refresh debian/patches/* files to make “dpkg-source -b” work as expected after updating a Debian package to the new upstream release. $ uscan; uupdate # updating to the new upstream release $ while dquilt push; do dquilt refresh ; done $ dquilt pop -a + If conflicts are encountered with “dquilt push” in the above, resolve them and run “dquilt refresh” manually for each of them. 8.6. Build commands     Here is a recap of popular low level package build commands. There are many ways to do the same thing. * dpkg-buildpackage = 软件包打包工具的核心 * debuild = dpkg-buildpackage + lintian (在清理后的环境变量下     构建) * schroot = core of the Debian chroot environment tool * sbuild = dpkg-buildpackage on custom schroot (build in the chroot) 8.7. Note on sbuild The sbuild(1) command is a wrapper script of dpkg-buildpackage     which builds Debian binary packages in a chroot environment managed by the schroot(1) command. For example, building for Debian unstable suite can be done as:     $ sudo sbuild -d unstable In schroot(1) terminology, this builds a Debian package in a     clean ephemeral chroot “chroot:unstable-amd64-sbuild” started as a copy of the clean minimal persistent chroot “ source:unstable-amd64-sbuild”. This build environment was set up as described in “Section 4.6, “     sbuild setup”” with “sbuild-debian-developer-setup -s unstable” which essentially did the following: $ sudo mkdir -p /srv/chroot/dist-amd64-sbuild     $ sudo sbuild-createchroot unstable /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild $ sudo usermod -a -G sbuild $ sudo newgrp - The schroot(1) configuration for unstable-amd64-sbuild was     generated at /etc/schroot/chroot.d/unstable-amd64-sbuild.$suffix : [unstable-amd64-sbuild] description=Debian sid/amd64 autobuilder groups=root,sbuild     root-groups=root,sbuild profile=sbuild type=directory directory=/srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild union-type=overlay     其中: * The profile defined in the /etc/schroot/sbuild/ directory is used to setup the chroot environment.     * /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild directory holds the chroot filesystem. * /etc/sbuild/unstable-amd64-sbuild is symlinked to /srv/chroot /unstable-amd64-sbuild .     You can update this source chroot “source:unstable-amd64-sbuild” by:     $ sudo sbuild-update -udcar unstable     You can log into this source chroot “source:unstable-amd64-sbuild ” by:     $ sudo sbuild-shell unstable Tip     If your source chroot filesystem is missing packages such as libeatmydata1, ccache, and lintian for your needs, you may want to install these by logging into it. 8.8. Special build cases The orig.tar.gz file may need to be uploaded for a Debian     revision other than 0 or 1 under some exceptional cases (e.g., for a security upload). When an essential package becomes a non-essential one (e.g.,     adduser), you need to remove it manually from the existing chroot environment for its use by piuparts. 8.9. 上传 orig.tar.gz     当您第一次向归档上传软件包时,您还需要包含原始的 orig.tar.gz 源码 。     如果 Debian 修订码是 1 或者 0,这都是默认的。否则,您必须使用带有 -sa 选项的 dpkg-buildpackage 命令。 * dpkg-buildpackage -sa     * debuild -sa * sbuild * For “gbp buildpackage”, edit the ~/.gbp.conf file. Tip     另一方面,-sd 选项将会强制排除原始的 orig.tar.gz 源码。 Tip     添加至 ~/.bashrc 文件。 8.10. 跳过的上传 如果当跳过上传时,你在 debian/changelog 中创建了多个条目,你必须     创建一个包含自上次上传以来所有变更的 debian/changelog 文件。这可 以通过指定 dpkg-buildpackage 选项 -v 以及上次上传的版本号,比如 1.2 来完成。 * dpkg-buildpackage -v1.2     * debuild -v1.2 * sbuild --debbuildopts -v1.2 * 对于 gbp buildpackage,请编辑 ~/.gbp.conf 文件。 8.11. 错误报告     The reportbug(1) command used for the bug report of binarypackage can be customized by the files in usr/share/bug/binarypackage/.     dh_bugfiles 命令将安装以下位于 debian/ 目录中的的模板文件。 * debian/binarypackage.bug-control → usr/share/bug/ binarypackage/control + 该文件包含诸如重定向错误报告至其它软件包的一些指导性内容 。 * debian/binarypackage.bug-presubj → usr/share/bug/     binarypackage/presubj + 该文件的内容将由 reportbug 命令向用户展示。 * debian/binarypackage.bug-script → usr/share/bug/binarypackage or usr/share/bug/binarypackage/script + reportbug 命令运行此脚本以生成错误报告的模板文件。     See dh_bugfiles(1) and “reportbug’s Features for Developers ( README.developers)” Tip     如果您总是需要提醒提交报告的用户某些注意事项或询问他们某些问题, 使用这些文件可以将这个过程自动化。 Chapter 9. 高级打包     Let’s describe advanced topics on Debian packaging. 9.1. Historical perspective     Let me oversimplify historical perspective of Debian packaging practices focused on the non-native packaging. Debian was started in 1990s when upstream packages were available     from public FTP sites such as Sunsite. In those early days, Debian packaging used Debian source format currently known as the Debian source format “1.0”: * The Debian source package ships a set of files for the Debian source package. + package_version.orig.tar.gz : symlink to or copy of the     upstream released file. + package_version-revision.diff.gz : “One big patch” for Debian modifications. + package_version-revision.dsc : package description. * Several workaround approaches such as dpatch, dbs, or cdbs were deplyoed to manage multiple topic patches.     The modern Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)” was invented around 2008 (see “ProjectsDebSrc3.0”): * The Debian source package ships a set of files for the Debian source package. + package_version.orig.tar.?z : symlink to or copy of the upstream released file. + package_version-revision.debian.tar.?z : tarball of debian/ for Debian modifications.     o The debian/source/format file contains “3.0 (quilt)”. o Optional multiple topic patches are stored in the debian/patches/ directory. + package_version-revision.dsc : package description. * The standarized approach to manage multiple topic patches using quilt(1) is deployed for the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)”.     Most Debian packages adopted the Debian source formats “3.0 (quilt)” and “3.0 (native)”. Now, the git(1) is popular with upstream and Debian developers.     The git and its associated tools are important part of the modern Debian packaging workflow. This modern workflow involving git will be mentioned later in “Chapter 10, Packaging with git”. 9.2. Current trends     Current Debian packaging practices and their trends are moving target. See: * “Debian Trends” — Hints for “De facto standard” of Debian practices + Build systems: dh + Debian source format: “3.0 (quilt)” + VCS: git     + VCS Hosting: salsa + Rules-Requires-Root: adopted, fakeroot + Copyright format: DEP-5 * “debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7) manpage” — Upgrade checklist for debhelper * “DEP - Debian Enhancement Proposals” — Formal proposals to enhance Debian     You can also search entire Debian source code data by yourself, too. * “Debian Sources” — code search tool     + “Debian Code Search” — wiki page describing its usage * “Debian Code Search” — another code search tool 9.3. Note on build system Auto-generated files of the build system may be found in the     released upstream tarball. These should be regenerated when Debian package is build. E.g.:     * “dh $@ --with autoreconf” should be used in the debian/rules if Autotools (autoconf + automake) are used. Some modern build system may be able to download required source codes and binary files from arbitrary remote hosts to satisfy     build requirements. Don’t use this download feature. The official Debian package is required to be build only with packages listed in Build-Depends: of the debian/control file. 9.4. 持续集成 The dh_auto_test(1) command is a debhelper command that tries to     automatically run the test suite provided by the upstream developer during the Debian package building process. The autopkgtest(1) command can be used after the Debian package     building process. It tests generated Debian binary packages in the virtual environment using the debian/tests/control RFC822-style metadata file as continuous integration (CI). See: * Documents in the /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest/ directory     * “4. autopkgtest: Automatic testing for packages” of the “ Ubuntu Packaging Guide”     您可以在 Debian 系统上探索使用不同的持续集成系统。 * The Salsa offers “Section 10.3, “Salsa CI service””.     * debci 软件包:建立在 autopkgtest 之上的持续集成平台 * jenkins 软件包:通用持续集成平台 9.5. 自举 Debian cares about supporting new ports or flavours. The new ports or flavours require bootstrapping operation for the     cross-build of the initial minimal native-building system. In order to avoid build-dependency loops during bootstrapping, the build-dependency needs to be reduced using the DEB_BUILD_PROFILES environment variable.     See Debian wiki: “BuildProfileSpec”. Tip     If a core package foo build depends on a package bar with deep build dependency chains but bar is only used in the test target in foo, you can safely mark the bar with in the Build-depends of foo to avoid build loops. 9.6. 编译加固     The compiler hardening support spreading for Debian jessie (8.0) demands that we pay extra attention to the packaging.     您应当详细阅读下列参考内容。     * Debian wiki: “Hardening” * Debian wiki: “Hardening Walkthrough” debmake 命令会向 debian/rules 文件中按需添加     DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS、DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND 和 DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND 的项目(参见 “Chapter 5, Simple packaging” 和 dpkg-buildflags(1))。 9.7. 可重现的构建     为了做到软件包可重现的构建,这里给出一些相关的建议。 * 不要嵌入基于系统时间的时间戳。 * Don’t embed the file path of the build environment. * Use “dh $@” in the debian/rules to access the latest debhelper features. * Export the build environment as “LC_ALL=C.UTF-8” (see “     Section 11.1, “在 UTF-8 环境下构建””). * 对上游源代码中使用的时间戳,使用 debhelper 提供的环境变量 $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH 的值。 * 阅读“可重现构建”了解更多信息。 + “可重现构建操作方法”。 + “可重现构建时间戳处理提议”。 由 dpkg-genbuildinfo(1) 生成的控制文件     source-name_source-version_arch.buildinfo 记录了构建环境信息。参 见 deb-buildinfo(5) 9.8. Substvar debian/control 也定义了软件包的依赖关系,其中“变量替换机制”(     substvar)的功能可以用来将软件包维护者从跟踪(大多数简单的)软件 包依赖的重复劳动中解放出来。请参见 deb-substvars(5)。     debmake 命令支持下列变量替换指令: * ${misc:Depends},可用于所有二进制软件包 * ${misc:Pre-Depends},可用于所有 multiarch 软件包 * ${shlibs:Depends},可用于所有含有二进制可执行文件或库的软件包     * ${python:Depends},可用于所有 Python 软件包 * ${python3:Depends},可用于所有 Python3 软件包 * ${perl:Depends},用于所有 Perl 软件包 * ${ruby:Depends},用于所有 Ruby 软件包 For the shared library, required libraries found simply by “     objdump -p /path/to/program | grep NEEDED” are covered by the shlib substvar. For Python and other interpreters, required modules found simply     looking for lines with “import”, “use”, “require”, etc., are covered by the corresponding substvars.     对其它没有部署属于自己范畴内的变量替换机制的情况,misc 变量替换占 位符通常用来覆盖对应的依赖替换需求。     对 POSIX shell 程序来说,并没有简单的办法来验证其依赖关系, substvar 的变量替换也无法自动得出它们的依赖。 对使用动态加载机制,包括 “GObject introspection” 机制的库和模块来     说,现在没有简单的方法可以检查依赖关系,变量替换机制也无法自动推 导出所需的依赖。 9.9. 库软件包     打包软件库需要您投入更多的工作。下面有一些打包软件库的提醒和建议 : * 库二进制软件包必须根据 “Section 9.17, “Library package name”” 进行命名。 * Debian 按照 /usr/lib// 这样的路径     提供共享链接库(参见 “Section 9.10, “多体系结构””)。 * Debian 鼓励在共享库中使用带版本的符号(见 “Section 9.16, “库 符号””)。 * Debian 不提供 *.la libtool 库归档文件。 * Debian 不推荐使用、提供 *.a 静态库文件。     在打包共享库软件之前,请查阅: * “Chapter 8 - Shared libraries” of the “Debian Policy Manual”     * “10.2 Libraries” of the “Debian Policy Manual” * “6.7.2. Libraries” of the “Debian Developer’s Reference”     如需研究其历史背景,请参见: * “逃离依赖地狱” ^[17] + 该文档鼓励在共享库中使用带版本的符号。     * “Debian Library Packaging guide” ^[18] + Please read the discussion thread following its announcement, too. 9.10. 多体系结构 Debian wheezy(7.0,2013年5月)在 dpkg 和 apt 中引入了对跨架构二     进制软件包安装的多架构支持(特别是 i386 架构和 amd64 架构,但也支 持其它的组合),这部分内容值得我们额外关注。     您应当详细阅读下列参考内容。 * Ubuntu 维基(上游) + “多架构规范(MultiarchSpec)”     * Debian 维基(Debian 的现状) + “Debian 多架构支持” + “多架构支持/实现(Multiarch/Implementation)” 多架构支持使用三元组()的值,例如 i386-linux-gnu 和     x86_64-linux-gnu;它们出现在共享链接库的安装路径中,例如 /usr/lib //,等等。 * 三元组 的值由 debhelper 脚本隐式提前设置好,软件包维护 者无需担心。 * 不过,在 debian/rules 文件中用于 override_dh_* 目标的三元组 值需要由维护者手动进行显式设置。三元组 的值可 由 $(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) 变量在 debian/rules 文件中获取到,具体方     法如下: DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH = $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) ... override_dh_install: mkdir -p package1/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) cp -dR tmp/lib/. package1/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)     参见: * “Section 8.3, “Variables for debian/rules””     * “Section 15.2, “debmake -b”” * “Section 9.12, “拆包的场景和例子”” * “dpkg-architecture(1) manpage” 9.11. Debian 二进制软件包的拆分     对行为良好的构建系统来说,对 Debian 二进制包的拆分可以由如下方式 实现。 * 为所有二进制软件包在 debian/control 文件中创建对应的二进制软     件包条目。 * 在对应的 debian/二进制软件包名.install 文件中列出所有文件的路 径(相对于 debian/tmp 目录)。     请查看本指南中相关的例子: * “Section 13.11, “Autotools(多个二进制软件包)””(基于     Autotools) * “Section 13.12, “CMake(多个二进制软件包)””(基于 CMake) An intuitive and flexible method to create the initial template     debian/control file defining the split of the Debian binary packages is accommodated with the -b option. See “Section 15.2, “ debmake -b””. 9.12. 拆包的场景和例子     对于下面这样的上游源代码示例,我们在这里给出使用 debmake 处理时一 些典型的 multiarch 软件包拆分的场景和做法: * 一个软件库源码 libfoo-1.0.tar.gz     * 一个软件工具源码 bar-1.0.tar.gz,软件由编译型语言编写 * 一个软件工具源码 baz-1.0.tar.gz,软件由解释型语言编写 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |二进制软件包| 类型 |Architecture:|Multi-Arch:| 软件包内容 | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------------| |libfoo1 |lib^* |any |same |共享库,可共同安 | | | | | |装 | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------------| |libfoo-dev |dev^* |any |same |共享库头文件及相 | | | | | |关开发文件,可共 | | | | | |同安装 | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------------| |libfoo-tools|bin^* |any |foreign |运行时支持程序, |     | | | | |不可共同安装 | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------------| |libfoo-doc |doc^* |all |foreign |共享库文档 | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------------| |bar |bin^* |any |foreign |编译好的程序文件 | | | | | |,不可共同安装 | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------------| |bar-doc |doc^* |all |foreign |程序的配套文档文 | | | | | |件 | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-----------------| |baz |script|all |foreign |解释型程序文件 | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 9.13. Multiarch library path Debian policy requires to comply with the “Filesystem Hierarchy     Standard (FHS), version 3.0”, with the exceptions noted in “File System Structure”. The most notable exception is the use of /usr/lib//     instead of /usr/lib/ (e.g., /lib32/ and /lib64/) to support a multiarch library. Table 9.1. 多架构库路径选项 +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |经典路径 | i386 多体系结构路径 | amd64 多体系结构路径 |     |---------+------------------------+--------------------------| |/lib/ |/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ |/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | |---------+------------------------+--------------------------| |/usr/lib/|/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/|/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/| +-------------------------------------------------------------+     对基于 Autotools 且由 debhelper (compat>=9)管理的软件包来说,这 些路径设置已由 dh_auto_configure 命令自动处理。     对于其它使用不支持的构建系统的软件包,您需要按照下面的方式手动调 整安装路径。 * If “./configure” is used in the override_dh_auto_configure target in debian/rules, make sure to replace it with “     dh_auto_configure --” while re-targeting the install path from /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/. * 请在 debian/foo.install 文件中将所有出现的 /usr/lib/ 字符串替 换为 /usr/lib/*/。 所有启用多架构的软件包安装至相同路径的文件必须内容完全相同。您必     须小心处理,避免数据字节序或者压缩算法等等问题带来的文件内容差异 。     位于默认路径 /usr/lib/ 和 /usr/lib// 的共享库可被自动加 载。     对位于其它路径的共享库,必须使用 pkg-config 命令设置 GCC 选项 -l 以正确进行加载。 9.14. Multiarch header file path     在支持多架构的 Debian 系统上,GCC 默认会同时包含、使用 /usr/ include/ 和 /usr/include// 下的头文件。     如果头文件不在这些路径中,必须使用 pkg-config 命令设置 GCC 的 -I 参数以使得“#include ”正常工作。 Table 9.2. 多架构头文件路径选项 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | 经典路径 | i386 多体系结构路径 | amd64 多体系结构路径 | |--------------+-----------------------+------------------------| |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ | | |i386-linux-gnu/ |x86_64-linux-gnu/ | |--------------+-----------------------+------------------------|     |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ | |软件包名/ |i386-linux-gnu/软件包名|x86_64-linux-gnu/软件包 | | |/ |名/ | |--------------+-----------------------+------------------------| |  |/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu|/usr/lib/ | | |/软件包名/ |x86_64-linux-gnu/软件包 | | | |名/ | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 为库文件使用 /usr/lib//软件包名/ 路径可帮助上游维护者对     使用 /usr/lib/ 的多架构系统和使用 /usr/lib/ 的双架 构系统使用相同的安装脚本。^[19]     使用包含 packagename 的文件路径也使得在同一系统上同时安装多个架构 的开发库成为可能。 9.15. Multiarch *.pc file path     packagename 用来获取系统上已安装库的信息。它在 *.pc 文件中存储配 置参数,用来设置 GCC 的 -I 和 -l 选项。 Table 9.3. *.pc 文件路径选项 +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 经典路径 |i386 多体系结构 | amd64 多体系结构路径 |     | | 路径 | | |----------------+----------------+------------------------------| |/usr/lib/ |/usr/lib/ |/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | |pkgconfig/ |pkgconfig/ |pkgconfig/ | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 9.16. 库符号 Debian lenny(5.0,2009年5月)中引入的 dpkg 符号支持可以帮助我们     管理同一共享链接库软件包的向后 ABI 兼容性(backward ABI compatibility)。二进制软件包中的 DEBIAN/symbols 文件提供了每个符 号及其对应的最小版本号。     一个极其简化的软件库打包流程大概如下所示。 * Extract the old DEBIAN/symbols file of the immediate previous binary package with the “dpkg-deb -e” command. + 或者,mc 命令也可以用来解压得到 DEBIAN/symbols 文件。 * 将其复制为 debian/binarypackage.symbols 文件。 + 如果这是第一次打包的话,可以只创建一个空文件。 * 构建二进制软件包。     + 如果 dpkg-gensymbols 命令警告添加了新的符号的话: o Extract the updated DEBIAN/symbols file with the “ dpkg-deb -e” command. o 将其中的 Debian 修订版本号,例如 -1,从文件中去除。 o 将其复制为 debian/binarypackage.symbols 文件。 o 重新构建二进制软件包。 + 如果 dpkg-gensymbols 命令不报和新链接符号有关的警告: o 您已完成了共享库的打包工作。     如需了解详细信息,您应当阅读下列第一手参考资料。 * “8.6.3 The symbols system” of the “Debian Policy Manual” * “dh_makeshlibs(1) manapage”     * “dpkg-gensymbols(1) manapage” * “dpkg-shlibdeps(1) manapage” * “deb-symbols(5) manapage”     您也应当查看: * Debian wiki: “UsingSymbolsFiles” * Debian wiki: “Projects/ImprovedDpkgShlibdeps”     * Debian kde team: “Working with symbols files” * “Section 13.11, “Autotools(多个二进制软件包)”” * “Section 13.12, “CMake(多个二进制软件包)”” Tip For C++ libraries and other cases where the tracking of symbols     is problematic, follow “8.6.4 The shlibs system” of the “Debian Policy Manual”, instead. Please make sure to erase the empty debian/binarypackage.symbols file generated by the debmake command. For this case, the DEBIAN/shlibs file is used. 9.17. Library package name 我们考虑 libfoo 这个库的上游 tarball 源码压缩包的名字从 lib     foo-7.0.tar.gz 更新为了 libfoo-8.0.tar.gz,同时带有一次 SONAME 大 版本的跳跃(并因此影响了其它软件包)。 库的二进制软件包将必须从 libfoo7 重命名为 libfoo8 以保持使用     unstable 套件的系统上所有依赖该库的软件包在上传了基于 libfoo-8.0 .tar.gz 的新库后仍然能够正常运行。 Warning     如果这个二进制库软件包没有得到更名,许多使用 unstable 套件的系统 上的各个依赖该库的软件包会在新的库包上传后立刻破损,即便立刻请求 进行 binNMU 上传也无法避免这个问题。由于种种原因,binNMU 不可能在 上传后立刻开始进行,故无法缓解问题。     -dev 软件包必须遵循以下命名规则: * 使用不带版本号的 -dev 软件包名称:libfoo-dev + 该情况通常适用于依赖关系处于叶节点的库软件包。 + 仓库内只允许存在一个版本的库源码包。 o The associated library package needs to be renamed from libfoo7 to libfoo8 to prevent dependency breakage in the unstable suite during the library transition. + This approach should be used if the simple binNMU resolves the library dependency quickly for all affected packages. (ABI change by dropping the deprecated API while keeping the active API unchanged.) + This approach may still be a good idea if manual code updates, etc. can be coordinated and manageable within     limited packages. (API change) * 使用带版本的 -dev 软件包名称:libfoo7-dev 和 libfoo8-dev + 该情况通常适用于各类重要库软件包。 + 两个版本的库源码包可同时出现在发行版仓库中。 o 令所有依赖该库的软件包依赖 libfoo-dev。 o 令 libfoo7-dev 和 libfoo8-dev 两者都提供 libfoo-dev。 o 源码包需要从 libfoo-?.0.tar.gz 相应地重命名为 lib foo7-7.0.tar.gz 和 libfoo8-8.0.tar.gz。 o 需要仔细选择 libfoo7 和 libfoo8 软件包文件安装时的路 径,如头文件等等,以保证它们可以同时安装。 + 可能的话,不要使用这个重量级的、需要大量人为干预的方法。 + This approach should be used if the update of multiple dependent packages require manual code updates, etc. (API change) Otherwise, the affected packages become RC buggy with FTBFS. Tip     如果包内数据文件编码方案有所变化(如,从 latin1 变为 utf-8),该 场景应比照 API 变化做类似的考虑与处理。     参见 “Section 9.9, “库软件包””。 9.18. 库变迁 When you package a new library package version which affects other packages, you must file a transition bug report against the pseudo package using the reportbug command with the ben file and wait for the approval for its upload from the Release Team.     发行团队提供了“变迁跟踪系统”。参见 “变迁(Transition)”。 Caution     请确保您按照 “Section 9.17, “Library package name”” 的描述正确地 对二进制软件包进行了重命名。 9.19. binNMU 安全 A “binNMU” is a binary-only non-maintainer upload performed for library transitions etc. In a binNMU upload, only the “     Architecture: any” packages are rebuilt with a suffixed version number (e.g. version 2.3.4-3 will become 2.3.4-3+b1). The “ Architecture: all” packages are not built. The dependency defined in the debian/control file among binary     packages from the same source package should be safe for the binNMU. This needs attention if there are both “Architecture: any ” and “Architecture: all” packages involved in it. * “Architecture: any” package: depends on “Architecture: any” foo package + Depends: foo (= ${binary:Version}) * “Architecture: any” package: depends on “Architecture: all” bar package     + Depends: bar (= ${source:Version}) * “Architecture: all” package: depends on “Architecture: any” baz package + Depends: baz (>= ${source:Version}), baz (<< $ {source:Version}.0~) 9.20. 调试信息 The Debian package is built with the debugging information but     packaged into the binary package after stripping the debugging information as required by “Chapter 10 - Files” of the “Debian Policy Manual”.     参见 * “6.7.9. Best practices for debug packages” of the “Debian Developer’s Reference”. * “18.2 Debugging Information in Separate Files” of the “ Debugging with gdb” * “dh_strip(1) manapage”     * “strip(1) manapage” * “readelf(1) manapage” * “objcopy(1) manapage” * Debian wiki: “DebugPackage” * Debian wiki: “AutomaticDebugPackages” * Debian debian-devel 列表发布的邮件:“自动调试软件包状态” (2015-08-15) 9.21. -dbgsym package     调试信息由 dh_strip 命令的默认行为自动打包并进行剥离。所分离得到 的调试软件包名具有 -dbgsym 的后缀。 * debian/rules 文件不应显式包括 dh_strip 。     * 编辑 debian/control 文件,在 Build-Depends 中写入 debhelper-compat (>=13),同时移除 Build-Depends 中对 debhelper 的依赖。 9.22. debconf     debconf 软件包可以帮助我们在下列两种情况下配置软件包: * 在 debian-installer(Debian 安装器)预安装时进行非交互式配置 。 * interactively from the menu interface (dialog, gnome, kde,     …​) + 软件包安装时:由 dpkg 命令调用 + 对已安装软件包:由 dpkg-reconfigure 命令调用     软件包安装时的所有用户交互都必须由这里的 debconf 系统进行处理,下 列配置文件对这个过程进行控制。 * debian/binarypackage.config + 这是 debconf config 脚本,用于向用户询问对于配置软件包必     需的问题。 * debian/binarypackage.template + 这是 debconf templates(模板)文件,用于向用户询问对于配 置软件包必需的问题。     These debconf files are called by package configuration scripts in the binary Debian package * DEBIAN/binarypackage.preinst     * DEBIAN/binarypackage.prerm * DEBIAN/binarypackage.postinst * DEBIAN/binarypackage.postrm     See dh_installdebconf(1), debconf(7), debconf-devel(7) and “3.9.1 Prompting in maintainer scripts” in the “Debian Policy Manual”. ---------------------------------------------------------------------     ^[17] 该文档是在 symbols 文件被引入之前写成的。 ^[18] 在“第六章 - 开发(-DEV)软件包”中,存在强烈的使用含有     SONAME 版本号的 -dev 软件包名而非仅使用 -dev 作为名称的偏好,但前 ftp-master 成员(Steve Langasek)对此有不同意见。请注意该文档在 multiarch 系统和 symbols 引入之前写成,可能有一定程度的过时。 ^[19] This path is compliant with the FHS. “Filesystem Hierarchy Standard: /usr/lib : Libraries for programming and packages”     states “Applications may use a single subdirectory under /usr/lib . If an application uses a subdirectory, all architecture-dependent data exclusively used by the application must be placed within that subdirectory.” Chapter 10. Packaging with git Up to “Chapter 9, 高级打包”, we focused on packaging operations     without using Git or any other VCS. These traditional packaging operations were based on the tarball released by the upstream as mentioned in “Section 9.1, “Historical perspective””. Currently, the git(1) command is the de-facto platform for the VCS tool and is the essential part of both upstream development     and Debian packaging activities. (See Debian wiki “Debian git packaging maintainer branch formats and workflows” for existing VCS workflows.) Note Since the non-native Debian source package uses “diff -u” as its     backend technology for the maintainer modification, it can’t represent modification involving symlink, file permissions, nor binary data (March 2022 discussion on debian-devel@l.d.o). Please avoid making such maintainer modifications even though these can be recorded in the Git repository. Since VCS workflows are complicated topic and there are many     practice styles, I only touch on some key points with minimal information, here. Salsa is the remote Git repository service with associated tools.     It offers the collaboration platform for Debian packaging activities using a custom GitLab application instance. See: * “Section 10.1, “Salsa repository””     * “Section 10.2, “Salsa account setup”” * “Section 10.3, “Salsa CI service””     There are 2 styles of branch names for the Git repository used for the packaging. See “Section 10.4, “Branch names””.     There are 2 main usage styles for the Git repository for the packaging. See:     * “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository”” * “Section 10.6, “Patch applied Git repository””     There are 2 notable Debian packaging tools for the Git repository for the packaging. * gbp(1) and its subcommands: + This is a tool designed to work with “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository””. + See “Section 10.7, “Note on gbp””. * dgit(1) and its subcommands:     + This is a tool designed to work with both “Section 10.6, “Patch applied Git repository”” and “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository””. + This contains a tool to upload Debian packages using the dgit server. + See “Section 10.8, “Note on dgit””. 10.1. Salsa repository It is highly desirable to host Debian source code package on     Salsa. Over 90% of all Debian source code packages are hosted on Salsa. ^[20] The exact VCS repository hosting an existing Debian source code     package can be identified by a metadata field Vcs-* which can be viewed with the apt-cache showsrc command. 10.2. Salsa account setup After signing up for an account on Salsa, make sure that the     following pages have the same e-mail address and GPG keys you have configured to be used with Debian, as well as your SSH key: *     * * 10.3. Salsa CI service     Salsa runs Salsa CI service as an instance of GitLab CI for “ Section 9.4, “持续集成””. For every “git push” instances, tests which mimic tests run on     the official Debian package service can be run by setting Salsa CI configuration file “Section 6.13, “debian/salsa-ci.yml file”” as: --- include:     - # Customizations here 10.4. Branch names     The Git repository for the Debian packaging should have at least 2 branches: * debian-branch to hold the current development work. + old style: master (or debian, main, latest, …​)     + DEP-14 style: debian/sid * upstream-branch to hold the upstream releases. + old style: upstream + DEP-14 style: upstream/latest     In this tutorial, old style branch names are used in examples for simplicity. Note     This upstream-branch may need to be created using the tarball released by the upstream independent of the upstream Git repository since it tends to contain automatically generated files. The upstream Git repository content can co-exit in the local Git     repository used for the Debian packaging by adding its copy. E.g.:     $ git remote add upstream-git $ git fetch upstream-git master:upstream-master     This allows easy cherry-picking from the upstream Git repository for bug fixes. 10.5. Patch unapplied Git repository     The patch unapplied Git repository can be summarized as: * This seems to be the traditional practice as of 2024. * The source tree matches extracted contents by “dpkg-source -x --skip-patches” of the Debian source package. + The upstream source is recorded in the Git repository without changes. + The maintainer modified contents are confined within the debian/* directory. + Maintainer changes to the upstream source are recorded in debian/patches/* files for the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)”. * This repository style is useful for all variants of traditional workflows and gdb based workflow: + “Section 5.7, “第三步:编辑模板文件”” (no patch) + “Section 5.10, “Patch by “diff -u” approach””     o debian/patches/* files can also be generated using “ git format-patch”, “git diff”, or “gitk” from git commits in the through-away maintainer modification branch or from the upstream unreleased commits. + “Section 5.11, “Patch by dquilt approach”” including the last “dquilt pop -a” step + “Section 10.9, “Patch by “gbp-pq” approach”” * Use helper scripts such as dquilt(1) and gbp-pq(1) to manage data in debian/patches/* files. + Add .pc line to the ~/.gitignore file if dquilt is used. + Add unapply-patches and abort-on-upstream-changes lines in the debian/source/local-options file. * Use “dpkg-source -b” to build the Debian source package. * Use dput(1) to upload the Debian source package. + Use “dgit --gbp push-source” or “dgit --gbp push” instead to upload the Debian package via the dgit server (see “ dgit-maint-gbp(7)”). Note     The debian/source/local-options and debian/source/ local-patch-header files are meant to be recorded by the git command. These aren’t included in the Debian source package. 10.6. Patch applied Git repository     The patch applied Git repository can be summarized as: * The source tree matches extracted contents by “dpkg-source -x ” of the Debian source package. + The source tree is buildable and the same as what NMU     maintainers see. + The source is recorded in the Git repository with maintainer changes including the debian/ directory. + Maintainer changes to the upstream source are also recorded in debian/patches/* files for the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)”.     Use one of workflow styles: * dgit-maint-merge(7) workflow. + Use this if you don’t intend to record topic patches in the Debain source package. + Good enough for packages only with trivial modifications to the upstream. + Only choice for packages with intertwined modification histories to the upstream + Add auto-commit and single-debian-patch lines in the debian/source/local-options file + Use “git checkout upstream; git pull” to pull the new upstream commit and use “git checkout master ; git merge ” to merge it to the master branch. + Use “dpkg-source -b” to build the Debian source package. + Use “dgit push-source” or “dgit push” for uploading the     Debian package via the dgit server. + See “Section 5.12, “Patch by “dpkg-source --auto-commit” approach”” for example. * dgit-maint-debrebase(7) workflow. + Use this if you wish to commit maintainer changes to the patch applied Git repository with the same granularity as patches of “Section 10.9, “Patch by “gbp-pq” approach””. + Good for packages with multiple sequenced modifications to the upstream. + Use “dgit build-source” to build the Debian source package. + Use “dgit push-source” or “dgit push” for uploading the Debian package via the dgit server. + Details of this workflow are beyond the scope of this tutorial document. See “Section 10.12, “Note on dgit-maint-debrebase workflow”” for more. 10.7. Note on gbp     The gbp command is provided by the git-buildpackage package. * This command is designed to manage contents of “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository”” efficiently. * Use “gbp import-orig” to import the new upstream tar to the git repository. + The “--pristine-tar” option for the “git import-orig” command enables storing the upstream tarball in the same git repository. + The “--uscan” option as the last argument of the “gbp import-orig” command enables downloading and committing the new upstream tarball into the git repository. * Use “gbp import-dsc” to import the previous Debian source package to the git repository.     * Use “gbp dch” to generate the Debian changelog from the git commit messages. * Use “gbp buildpackage” to build the Debian binary package from the git repository. + The sbuild package can be used as its clean chroot build backend either by configuration or adding “--git-builder= 'sbuild -A -s --source-only-changes -v -d unstable'” * Use “gbp pull” to update the debian, upstream and pristine-tar branches safely from the remote repository. * Use “gbp pq” to manage quilt patches without using dquilt command. * Use “gbp clone REPOSITORY_URL” to clone and set up tracking branches for debian, upstream and pristine-tar. Package history management with the git-buildpackage package is     becoming the standard practice for many Debian maintainers. See more at: * “使用 git-buildpackage 构建 Debian 软件包” * “4 tips to maintain a “3.0 (quilt)” Debian source package in a VCS”     * The systemd packaging practice documentation on “Building from source” * The workflow mentioned in dgit-maint-gbp(7) which enables to use this gbp with dgit 10.8. Note on dgit     The dgit command is provided by the dgit package. * This command is designed to manage contents of “Section 10.6, “Patch applied Git repository”” efficiently. + This enables to access the Debian package repository as     if it is a git remote repository. * This command supports uploading Debian packages using the dgit server from both “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository”” and “Section 10.6, “Patch applied Git repository””. The new dgit package offers commands to automate packaging     activities using the git repository as an alternative to still popular gbp-buildpackage. Please read their guide: * dgit-maint-merge(7) — for the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)” package with its changes flowing both ways between the upstream Git repository and the Debian Git repository which are tightly coupled using “Section 10.6, “Patch applied Git repository””. * dgit-maint-debrebase(7) — for the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)” package with its changes flowing mostly one way from     the upstream Git repository to the Debian Git repository using “Section 10.6, “Patch applied Git repository””. * dgit-maint-gbp(7) — for the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt) ” package with its Debian Git repository which is kept usable also for people using gbp-buildpackage(1) using “ Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository””. * dgit-maint-native(7) — for the Debian source format “3.0 (native)” package in the Debian Git repository. (No maintainer changes) The dgit(1) command can push the easy-to-trace change history to     the site and can upload Debian package to the Debian repository properly without using dput(1).     The concept around dgit is beyond this tutorial document. Please start reading relevant information:     * “dgit: use the Debian archive as a git remote (2015)” * “tag2upload (2023)” 10.9. Patch by “gbp-pq” approach For “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository””, you can     generate debian/patches/* files using the gbp-pq(1) command from git commits in the through-away patch-queue branch. Unlike dquilt which offers similar functionality as seen “     Section 5.11, “Patch by dquilt approach”” and “Section 8.5, “Manage patch queue with dquilt””, gbp-pq doesn’t generate .pc/* files. 10.10. Manage patch queue with gbp-pq     You can add, drop, and refresh debian/patches/* files with gbp-pq to manage patch queue. If the package is managed in “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git     repository”” using the git-buildpackage package, you can revise the upstream source to fix bug as the maintainer and release a new Debian revision using gbp pq. * Add a new patch recording the upstream source modification on the file buggy_file as: $ git checkout master $ gbp pq import gbp:info: ... imported on 'patch-queue/master $ vim buggy_file ... $ git add buggy_file $ git commit $ gbp pq export gbp:info: On 'patch-queue/master', switching to 'master' gbp:info: Generating patches from git (master..patch-queue/master) $ git add debian/patches/* $ dch -i $ git commit -a -m "Closes: #" $ git tag debian/- * Drop (== disable) an existing patch + Comment out pertinent line in debian/patches/series     + Erase the patch itself (optional) * Refresh debian/patches/* files to make “dpkg-source -b” work as expected after updating a Debian package to the new upstream release. $ git checkout master $ gbp pq --force import # ensure patch-queue/master branch gbp:info: ... imported on 'patch-queue/master $ git checkout master $ gbp import-orig --pristine-tar --uscan ... gbp:info: Successfully imported version ?.?.? of ../packagename_?.?.?.orig.tar.gz $ gbp pq rebase ... resolve conflicts and commit to patch-queue/master branch $ gbp pq export gbp:info: On 'patch-queue/master', switching to 'master' gbp:info: Generating patches from git (master..patch-queue/master) $ git add debian/patches $ git commit -m "Update patches" $ dch -v -1 $ git commit -a -m "release -1" $ git tag debian/-1 10.11. gbp import-dscs --debsnap For Debian source packages named “” recorded in     the archive, an initial git repository managed in “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository”” with all of the Debian version history can be generated as follows.     $ gbp import-dscs --debsnap --pristine-tar 10.12. Note on dgit-maint-debrebase workflow     Here are some hints around dgit-maint-debrebase(7). ^[21] * Use “dgit setup-new-tree” to prepare the local git working repository. * The first maintainer modification commit should contain files only in the debian/ directory excluding files in the debian/ patches directory. * debian/patches/* files are generated from the maintainer modification commit history using the “dgit quilt-fixup”     command automatically invoked from “dgit build” and “dgit push”. * Use “git-debrebase new-version ” to rebase the maintainer modification commit history with automatically updated debian/changelog. * Use “git-debrebase conclude” to make a new pseudomerge (== “ git merge -s ours”) to record Debian package with clean ff-history.     See dgit-maint-debrebase(7), dgit(1) and git-debrebase(1) for more. 10.13. Quasi-native Debian packaging     The quasi-native packaging scheme packages a source without the real upstream tarball using the non-native package format. Tip     Some people promote this quasi-native packaging scheme even for programs written only for Debian since it helps to ease communication with the downstream distros such as Ubuntu for bug fixes etc.     This quasi-native packaging scheme involves 2 preparation steps: * Organize its source tree almost like native Debian package (see “Section 6.4, “原生 Debian 软件包””) with debian/* files with a few exceptions: + Make debian/source/format to contain “3.0 (quilt)” instead of “3.0 (native)” .     + Make debian/changelog to contain version-revision instead of version . * Generate missing upstream tarball preferably without debian/* files. + For Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)”, removal of files under debian/ directory is an optional action.     The rest is the same as the non-native packaging workflow as written in “Section 6.1, “打包工作流””. Although this can be done in many ways (“Section 15.4, “Snapshot     upstream tarball (-d, -t)””), you can use the Git repository and “git deborig” as: $ cd /path/to/ $ dch -r ... set its -, e.g., 1.0-1 $ git tag -s debian/1.0-1     $ git rm -rf debian $ git tag -s upstream/1.0 $ git commit -m upstream/1.0 $ git reset --hard HEAD^ $ git deborig $ sbuild ---------------------------------------------------------------------     ^[20] Use of or are deprecated now.     ^[21] I may be incorrect, here. Chapter 11. 提示 Please also read insightful pages linked from “Notes on Debian”     by Russ Allbery (long time Debian developer) which have best practices for advanced packaging topics. 11.1. 在 UTF-8 环境下构建     构建环境的默认语言环境是 C。     某些程序(如 Python3 的 read 函数)会根据区域设置改变行为。     添加以下代码到 debian/rules 文件可以确保程序使用 C.UTF-8 的区域语 言设置(locale)进行构建。     LC_ALL := C.UTF-8 export LC_ALL 11.2. UTF-8 转换     If upstream documents are encoded in old encoding schemes, converting them to UTF-8 is a good idea.     Use the iconv command in the libc-bin package to convert the encoding of plain text files.     $ iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 foo_in.txt > foo_out.txt     使用 w3m(1) 将 HTML 文件转换为 UTF-8 纯文本文件。执行此操作时,请 确保在 UTF-8 语言环境下执行它。 $ LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 w3m -o display_charset=UTF-8 \     -cols 70 -dump -no-graph -T text/html \ < foo_in.html > foo_out.txt     在 debian/rules 文件的 override_dh_* 目标中运行这些脚本。 11.3. Hints for Debugging     当您遇到构建问题或者生成的二进制程序核心转储时,您需要自行解决他 们。这就是除错(debug)。     This is too deep a topic to describe here. So, let me just list few pointers and hints for some typical debug tools. * Wikipedia: “core dump” + “man core” + Update the “/etc/security/limits.conf” file to include the following: * soft core unlimited + “ulimit -c unlimited” in ~/.bashrc + “ulimit -a” to check + Press Ctrl-\ or “kill -ABRT 'PID'” to make a core dump file * gdb - The GNU Debugger + “info gdb” + “Debugging with GDB” in /usr/share/doc/gdb-doc/html/gdb/ index.html * strace - 跟踪系统调用和信号     + 使用 /usr/share/doc/strace/examples/ 中的 strace-graph 脚 本来建立一个好看的树形图 + “man strace” * ltrace - 跟踪库调用 + “man ltrace” * “sh -n” - Syntax check of a Shell script * “sh -x” - Trace a Shell script * “python3 -m py_compile” - Syntax check of a Python script * “python3 -mtrace --trace” - Trace a Python script * “perl -I ../libpath -c” - Syntax check of a Perl script * “perl -d:Trace” - Trace a Perl script + 安装 libterm-readline-gnu-perl 软件包或者同类型软件来添加 输入行编辑功能与历史记录支持。 * lsof - 按进程列出打开的文件 + “man lsof” Tip     script 命令能帮助记录控制台输出。 Tip     在 ssh 命令中搭配使用 screen 和 tmux 命令,能够提供安全并且强健的 远程连接终端。 Tip     libreply-perl(新的)软件包和来自 libdevel-repl-perl(旧的)软件 包的 命令为 Perl 提供了一个类似 Python 和 Shell 的 REPL (= READ + EVAL + PRINT + LOOP) 环境。 Tip     The rlwrap and rlfe commands add input line editing capability with history support to any interactive commands. E.g. “rlwrap dash -i'” . Chapter 12. Tool usages     Here are some notable tools around Debian packaging. Note     本节中的描述过于简洁,对大多数潜在的维护者都没用。这是作者的有意 为之。我们强烈建议您搜索并阅读与所用命令相关的所有文档。 Note     Examples here use the gz-compression. The xz-compression may be used instead. 12.1. debdiff     您可以使用 debdiff 命令来对比两个 Debian 软件包组成的差别。     $ debdiff old-package.dsc new-package.dsc     您也可以使用 debdiff 命令来对比两组二进制 Debian 软件包中的文件列 表。     $ debdiff old-package.changes new-package.changes 当检查源代码包中哪些文件被修改时,这个命令非常有用。它还可以用来     检测二进制包中是否有文件在更新过程中发生变动,比如被意外替换或删 除。     Debian now enforces the source-only upload when developing packages. So there may be 2 different *.changes files: * package_version-revision_source.changes for the normal     source-only upload * package_version-revision_arch.changes for the binary upload 12.2. dget     您可以使用 dget 命令来下载 Debian 源包的文件集。     $ dget 12.3. mk-origtargz You can make the upstream tarball ../foo-newversion.tar.[xg]z     accessible from the Debian source tree as ../foo_newversion .orig.tar.[xg]z. 12.4. origtargz     You can fetch the pre-existing orig tarball of a Debian package from various sources, and unpack it with origtargz command.     This is basically for -2, -3, …​ revisions. 12.5. git deborig If the upstream project is hosted on a Git repository without the official release of tarball, you can generate its orig tarball     from the git repository for use by the Debain source package. Please, execute “git deborig” from the root of the checked-out source tree.     This is basically for -1 revisions. 12.6. dpkg-source -b     The “dpkg-source -b” command packs the upstream source tree into the Debian source package.     It expects a series of patches in the debian/patches/ directory and their application sequence in debian/patches/series. It is compatible with dquilt (see “Section 4.4, “quilt setup””)     operations and understands the the patch application status from the existance of .pc/applied-patches.     The dpkg-buildpackage command invokes “dpkg-source -b”. 12.7. dpkg-source -x The “dpkg-source -x” command extracts source tree and applies the patches in the debian/patches/ directory using the sequence     specified in debian/patches/series to the upstream source tree. It also adds .pc/applied-patches. (See “Section 10.6, “Patch applied Git repository””.) The “dpkg-source -x --skip-patches” command extracts source tree     only. It doesn’t add .pc/applied-patches. (See “Section 10.5, “Patch unapplied Git repository””.)     Both extracted source trees are ready for building Debian binary packages with dpkg-buildpackage, dbuild, sbuild, etc.. 12.8. debc     您应该使用 debc 命令安装生成的软件包以在本地测试它。     $ debc package_version-rev_arch.changes 12.9. piuparts     您应该使用 piuparts 命令安装生成的软件包以自动进行测试。     $ sudo piuparts package_version-rev_arch.changes Note     这是一个非常慢的过程,因为它需要访问远程 APT 软件包仓库。 12.10. bts After uploading the package, you will receive bug reports. It is     an important duty of a package maintainer to manage these bugs properly as described in “5.8. Handling bugs” of the “Debian Developer’s Reference”.     bts 命令是一个用以处理 “Debian 缺陷追踪系统” 上的错误的便捷工具。     $ bts severity 123123 wishlist , tags -1 pending Chapter 13. 更多示例     There is an old Latin saying: “fabricando fit faber” (“practice makes perfect”).     强烈建议使用简单的包来练习和试验 Debian 打包的所有步骤。本章为您 的练习提供了许多上游案例。     这也可以作为许多编程主题的介绍性示例。 * 在 POSIX shell,Python3 和 C 中编程。 * 使用图标图形创建桌面 GUI 程序启动器的方法。 * Conversion of a command from CLI to GUI.     * Conversion of a program to use gettext for internationalization and localization: POSIX shell and C sources. * Overview of many build systems: Makefile, Python, Autotools, and CMake.     请注意,Debian 对以下事项非常注意: * 自由软件 * 操作系统的稳定性与安全性 * 通过以下方式以实现通用操作系统:     + 上游源码的自由选择, + CPU架构的自由选择,以及 + 用户界面语言的自由选择。     在 “Chapter 5, Simple packaging” 中介绍的典型打包示例是本章节的先 决条件。     在以下数小节中,有些细节被刻意模糊。请尝试阅读相关文件,并且尝试 自行厘清它们。 Tip     The best source of a packaging example is the current Debian archive itself. Please use the “Debian Code Search” service to find pertinent examples. 13.1. 挑选最好的模板     以下是一个从空目录由零开始构建简单的 Debian 软件包的示例。     这是一个很棒的平台,可以使您获得所有的模板文件,而不会使您正在处 理的上游源码树变得一团糟。     让我们假设这个空目录为 debhello-0.1。 $ mkdir debhello-0.1 $ tree     . └── debhello-0.1 2 directories, 0 files     Let’s generate the maximum amount of template files.     Let’s also use the “-p debhello -t -u 0.1 -r 1” options to make the missing upstream tarball with default -x3 and T options. $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.1     $ debmake -p debhello -t -u 0.1 -r 1 I: set parameters ...     我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 $ cd /path/to $ tree . ├── debhello-0.1 │   └── debian │   ├── README.Debian │   ├── README.source │   ├── changelog │   ├── clean │   ├── control │   ├── copyright │   ├── debhello.bug-control.ex │   ├── debhello.bug-presubj.ex │   ├── debhello.bug-script.ex │   ├── debhello.conffiles.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.d.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.daily.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.hourly.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.monthly.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.weekly.ex │   ├── debhello.default.ex │   ├── debhello.emacsen-install.ex │   ├── debhello.emacsen-remove.ex │   ├── debhello.emacsen-startup.ex │   ├── debhello.lintian-overrides.ex │   ├── debhello.service.ex │   ├── debhello.tmpfile.ex │   ├── dirs │   ├── gbp.conf │   ├── install     │   ├── links │   ├── maintscript.ex │   ├── manpage.1.ex │   ├── manpage.asciidoc.ex │   ├── │   ├── manpage.sgml.ex │   ├── manpage.xml.ex │   ├── patches │   │   └── series │   ├── postinst.ex │   ├── postrm.ex │   ├── preinst.ex │   ├── prerm.ex │   ├── rules │   ├── salsa-ci.yml │   ├── source │   │   ├── format │   │   ├── lintian-overrides.ex │   │   ├── local-options.ex │   │   ├── local-patch-header.ex │   │   ├── options.ex │   │   └── patch-header.ex │   ├── tests │   │   └── control │   ├── upstream │   │   └── metadata │   └── watch ├── debhello-0.1.tar.gz └── debhello_0.1.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.1.tar.gz 7 directories, 50 files     现在,您可以复制 debhello-0.1/debian/ 目录下所有生成的模板文件到 您的软件包中。 13.2. 无 Makefile(shell,命令行界面)     此处是一个从 POSIX shell 命令行界面程序创建简单的 Debian 软件包的 示例,我们假设它没有使用任何构建系统。     让我们假设上游的源码包为 debhello-0.2.tar.gz。     此类源码不具有自动化方法,所以必须手动安装文件。     For example: $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.2.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-0.2 $ sudo cp scripts/hello /bin/hello ...     Let’s get this source as tar file from a remote site and make it the Debian package. 下载 debhello-0.2.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.2.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-0.2 │   ├──     │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello └── debhello-0.2.tar.gz 5 directories, 6 files     这里的 POSIX shell 脚本 hello 非常的简单。 hello(v=0.2).  $ cat debhello-0.2/scripts/hello     #!/bin/sh -e echo "Hello from the shell!" echo "" echo -n "Type Enter to exit this program: " read X     此处的 hello.desktop 支持 “桌面项(Desktop Entry)规范”。 hello.desktop(v=0.2).  $ cat debhello-0.2/data/hello.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Hello Name[fr]=Bonjour     Comment=Greetings Comment[fr]=Salutations Type=Application Keywords=hello Exec=hello Terminal=true Icon=hello.png Categories=Utility;     此处的 hello.png 是图标的图像文件。     让我们使用 debmake 命令来打包。这里使用 -b':sh' 选项来指明生成的 二进制包是一个 shell 脚本。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.2 $ debmake -b':sh' -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="0.2", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-0.2". *** I: provide debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-0.2.tar.gz debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-0.2" I: parse binary package settings: :sh I: binary package=debhello Type=script / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Unknown I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 25 %, ext = md ...     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 执行基本的 debmake 命令后的源码树。(v=0.2).  $ cd /path/to $ tree . ├── debhello-0.2 │   ├── │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── debian │   │   ├── README.Debian │   │   ├── README.source │   │   ├── changelog │   │   ├── clean │   │   ├── control │   │   ├── copyright │   │   ├── dirs │   │   ├── gbp.conf │   │   ├── install     │   │   ├── links │   │   ├── patches │   │   │   └── series │   │   ├── rules │   │   ├── salsa-ci.yml │   │   ├── source │   │   │   ├── format │   │   │   ├── local-options.ex │   │   │   └── local-patch-header.ex │   │   ├── tests │   │   │   └── control │   │   ├── upstream │   │   │   └── metadata │   │   └── watch │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello ├── debhello-0.2.tar.gz └── debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.2.tar.gz 10 directories, 26 files debian/rules(模板文件,v=0.2):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.2 $ cat debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ 这基本上是带有 dh 命令的标准 debian/rules 文件。因为这是个脚本软     件包,所以这个 debian/rules 模板文件没有与构建标记(build flag) 相关的内容。 debian/control(模板文件,v=0.2):.  $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: "Osamu Aoki" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage:     Rules-Requires-Root: no #Vcs-Git: #Vcs-Browser: Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package. Since this is the shell script package, the debmake command sets     “Architecture: all” and “Multi-Arch: foreign”. Also, it sets required substvar parameters as “Depends: ${misc:Depends}”. These are explained in “Chapter 6, Basics for packaging”. 因为这个上游源码缺少上游的 Makefile,所以这个功能需要由维护者提供 。这个上游源码仅包含脚本文件和数据文件,没有 C 的源码文件,因此构     建(build)的过程可以被跳过,但是需要实现安装(install)的过程。 对于这种情况,通过添加 debian/install 和 debian/manpages 文件可以 很好地实现这一功能,且不会使 debian/rules 文件变得复杂。     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=0.2):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.2 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ...     $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ debian/control(维护者版本,v=0.2):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) Warning     If you leave “Section: unknown” in the template debian/control file unchanged, the lintian error may cause a build failure. debian/install(维护者版本,v=0.2):.  $ vim debian/install     ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/install data/hello.desktop usr/share/applications data/hello.png usr/share/pixmaps scripts/hello usr/bin debian/manpages(维护者版本,v=0.2):.      $ vim debian/manpages ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/manpages man/hello.1     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。 debian/ 目录下的模板文件。(v=0.2):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── gbp.conf     ├── install ├── manpages ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 13 files 您可以在此源代码树中使用 debuild 命令(或其等效命令)创建非原生的     Debian 软件包。如下所示,该命令的输出非常详细,并且解释了它所做的 事。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-0.2 $ debuild dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui -i dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package debhello dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 0.2-1 dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution unstable dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Osamu Aoki dpkg-source -i --before-build . dpkg-buildpackage: info: host architecture amd64 debian/rules clean dh clean dh_clean     rm -f debian/debhelper-build-stamp ... debian/rules binary dh binary dh_update_autotools_config dh_autoreconf create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp dh_prep rm -f -- debian/debhello.substvars rm -fr -- debian/.debhelper/generated/debhello/ debian/debhello/ debi... dh_auto_install --destdir=debian/debhello/ ... Finished running lintian.     现在我们来看看成果如何。 通过 debuild 生成的第 0.2 版的 debhello 文件:.  $ cd /path/to $ tree -FL 1 ./ ├── debhello-0.2/ ├── debhello-0.2.tar.gz     ├── debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz ├── debhello_0.2-1.dsc ├── debhello_0.2-1_all.deb ├── ├── debhello_0.2-1_amd64.buildinfo ├── debhello_0.2-1_amd64.changes └── debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.2.tar.gz 2 directories, 8 files     您可以看见生成的全部文件。 * debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz 是指向上游源码包的符号链接。 * debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz 包含了维护者生成的内容。 * debhello_0.2-1.dsc 是 Debian 源码包的元数据文件。 * The debhello_0.2-1_all.deb 是 Debian 二进制软件包。     * 是 Debian 二进制软件包。 * debhello_0.2-1_amd64.buildinfo 文件是由 dpkg-genbuildinfo(1) 自动生成的元文件。 * debhello_0.2-1_amd64.changes 是 Debian 二进制软件包的元数据文 件。     debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz 包含了 Debian 对上游源代码的修改,具 体如下所示。 压缩过的归档文件 debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz 中的内容物:.  $ tar -tzf debhello-0.2.tar.gz debhello-0.2/ debhello-0.2/data/ debhello-0.2/data/hello.desktop debhello-0.2/data/hello.png debhello-0.2/man/ debhello-0.2/man/hello.1 debhello-0.2/scripts/ debhello-0.2/scripts/hello debhello-0.2/ $ tar --xz -tf debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz debian/     debian/README.Debian debian/changelog debian/control debian/copyright debian/gbp.conf debian/install debian/manpages debian/rules debian/salsa-ci.yml debian/source/ debian/source/format debian/tests/ debian/tests/control debian/upstream/ debian/upstream/metadata debian/watch     debhello_0.2-1_amd64.deb 包含了将要安装至系统中的文件,如下所示。 debhello_0.2-1_all.deb 二进制软件包中的内容:.  $ dpkg -c debhello_0.2-1_all.deb drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/bin/ -rwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/bin/hello drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/applications/     -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/applications/hello.desktop drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/ -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/README.Debian -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/changelog.Debian.gz -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/doc/debhello/copyright drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/man/ drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/man/man1/ -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/man/man1/hello.1.gz drwxr-xr-x root/root ... ./usr/share/pixmaps/ -rw-r--r-- root/root ... ./usr/share/pixmaps/hello.png     此处是生成的 debhello_0.2-1_all.deb 的依赖项列表。 debhello_0.2-1_all.deb 的依赖项列表:.      $ dpkg -f debhello_0.2-1_all.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks     (No extra dependency packages required since this is a POSIX shell program.) Note If you wish to replace upstream provided PNG file data/hello.png     with maintainer provided one debian/hello.png, editing debian/ install isn’t enough. When you add debian/hello.png, you need to add a line “include-binaries” to debian/source/options since PNG is a binary file. See dpkg-source(1). 13.3. Makefile(shell,命令行界面)     下面是从 POSIX shell 命令行界面程序创建简单的 Debian 软件包的示例 ,我们假设它使用 Makefile 作为构建系统。     让我们假设上游的源码包为 debhello-1.0.tar.gz。     这一类源代码设计可以用这样的方式安装成为非系统文件: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.0.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-1.0 $ make install Debian packaging requires changing this “make install” process to     install files to the target system image location instead of the normal location under /usr/local.     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.0.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.0.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.0 │   ├── Makefile     │   ├── │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello └── debhello-1.0.tar.gz 5 directories, 7 files 这里的 Makefile 正确使用 $(DESTDIR) 和 $(prefix)。其他的所有文件     都和 “Section 13.2, “无 Makefile(shell,命令行界面)”” 中的一样 ,并且大多数的打包工作也都一样。 Makefile(v=1.0).  $ cat debhello-1.0/Makefile prefix = /usr/local all: : # do nothing install: install -D scripts/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello install -m 644 -D data/hello.desktop \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop install -m 644 -D data/hello.png \     $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png install -m 644 -D man/hello.1 \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 clean: : # do nothing distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall     让我们使用 debmake 命令来打包。这里使用 -b':sh' 选项来指明生成的 二进制包是一个 shell 脚本。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.0 $ debmake -b':sh' -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.0", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.0". *** I: provide debhello_1.0.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.0.tar.gz debhello_1.0.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.0" I: parse binary package settings: :sh I: binary package=debhello Type=script / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 25 %, ext = md ...     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件,v=1.0):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.0 $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1     %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_install: # dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.pyc -X.pyo     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=1.0):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.0 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr     因为上游源码含有正确的上游 Makefile 文件,所以没有必要再去创建 debian/install 和 debian/manpages 文件。     debian/control 文件和 “Section 13.2, “无 Makefile(shell,命令行 界面)”” 中的完全一致。     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。 debian/ 目录下的模板文件。(v=1.0):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/install debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright     ├── gbp.conf ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 11 files     其余的打包操作基本上和 “Section 13.2, “无 Makefile(shell,命令行 界面)”” 中的相同。 13.4. pyproject.toml (Python3, CLI)     Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a Python3 CLI program using pyproject.toml.     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.1.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.1.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.1 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── │   ├──     │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── manpages │   │   └── hello.1 │   ├── pyproject.toml │   └── src │   └── debhello │   ├── │   └── └── debhello-1.1.tar.gz 6 directories, 10 files     Here, the content of this debhello source tree as follows. pyproject.toml (v=1.1) — PEP 517 configuration.  $ cat debhello-1.1/pyproject.toml [build-system] requires = ["setuptools >= 61.0"] # REQUIRED if [build-system] table is used... build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" # If not defined, then legacy behavi... [project] name = "debhello" version = "1.1.0" description = "Hello Python (CLI)" readme = {file = "", content-type = "text/markdown"} requires-python = ">=3.12" license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"} keywords = ["debhello"] authors = [ {name = "Osamu Aoki", email = "" }, ] maintainers = [ {name = "Osamu Aoki", email = "" }, ]     classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only", # Others "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Natural Language :: English", ] [project.urls] "Homepage" = "" "Bug Reports" = "" "Source" = "" [project.scripts] hello = "debhello.main:main" [tool.setuptools] package-dir = {"" = "src"} packages = ["debhello"] include-package-data = true (v=1.1) — for tar-ball.      $ cat debhello-1.1/ include data/* include manpages/* src/debhello/ (v=1.1).      $ cat debhello-1.1/src/debhello/ """ debhello program (CLI) """ src/debhello/ (v=1.1) — command entry point.  $ cat debhello-1.1/src/debhello/ """ debhello program """ import sys     __version__ = '1.1.0' def main(): # needed for console script print(' ========== Hello Python3 ==========') print('argv = {}'.format(sys.argv)) print('version = {}'.format(debhello.__version__)) return if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())     让我们使用 debmake 命令来打包。这里使用 -b':py3' 选项来指明生成的 二进制包包含 Python3 脚本和模块文件。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.1 $ debmake -b':py3' -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.1", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.1". *** I: provide debhello_1.1.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.1.tar.gz debhello_1.1.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.1" I: parse binary package settings: :py3 I: binary package=debhello Type=python3 / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree W: setuptools build system. I: build_type = Python (pyproject.toml: PEP-518, PEP-621, PEP-660) I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions ...     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件,v=1.1):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.1 $ cat debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild     这基本上是带有 dh 命令的标准 debian/rules 文件。 The use of the “--with python3” option invokes dh_python3 to     calculate Python dependencies, add maintainer scripts to byte compiled files, etc. See dh_python3(1). The use of the “--buildsystem=pybuild” option invokes various     build systems for requested Python versions in order to build modules and extensions. See pybuild(1). debian/control(模板文件,v=1.1):.  $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: "Osamu Aoki" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-python, pybuild-plugin-pyproject, python3-all, python3-setuptools     Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no #Vcs-Git: #Vcs-Browser: #X-Python3-Version: >= 3.7 Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package. Since this is the Python3 package, the debmake command sets “ Architecture: all” and “Multi-Arch: foreign”. Also, it sets     required substvar parameters as “Depends: ${python3:Depends}, $ {misc:Depends}”. These are explained in “Chapter 6, Basics for packaging”.     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=1.1):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.1 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=debhello export PYBUILD_VERBOSE=1 export DH_VERBOSE=1 %: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild debian/control(维护者版本,v=1.1):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), pybuild-plugin-pyproject, python3-all Standards-Version: 4.6.2     Rules-Requires-Root: no Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Package: debhello Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This is an example package to demonstrate Debian packaging using the debmake command. . The generated Debian package uses the dh command offered by the debhelper package and the dpkg source format `3.0 (quilt)'.     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。 This debhello command comes with the upstream-provided manpage     and desktop file but the upstream pyproject.toml doesn’t install them. So you need to update debian/install and debian/manpages as follows: debian/install (maintainer version, v=1.1):  $ vim debian/copyright ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/copyright Format: Upstream-Name: debhello Upstream-Contact: Osamu Aoki Source: Files: * Copyright: 2015-2024 Osamu Aoki License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a     copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. debian/manpages (maintainer version, v=1.1):  $ vim debian/install     ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/install data/hello.desktop usr/share/applications data/hello.png usr/share/pixmaps     其余的打包工作与 “Section 13.3, “Makefile(shell,命令行界面)”” 中的几乎一致。 debian/ 目录下的模板文件。(v=1.1):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── gbp.conf     ├── install ├── manpages ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 13 files     此处是生成的 debhello_1.1-1_all.deb 包的依赖项列表。 debhello_1.1-1_all.deb 的依赖项列表:.      $ dpkg -f debhello_1.1-1_all.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: python3:any 13.5. Makefile(shell,图形界面)     此处是一个从 POSIX shell 图形界面程序构建简单的 Debian 软件包的示 例,我们假设程序使用 Makefile 作为构建系统。     上游是基于 “Section 13.3, “Makefile(shell,命令行界面)”” 中的源 代码,并带有增强的图形界面支持。     让我们假设上游的源码包为 debhello-1.2.tar.gz。     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.2.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.2.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.2 │   ├── Makefile     │   ├── │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello └── debhello-1.2.tar.gz 5 directories, 7 files     此处的 hello 已经被重写以便使用 zenity 命令来使其成为 GTK+ 图形界 面程序。 hello(v=1.2).      $ cat debhello-1.2/scripts/hello #!/bin/sh -e zenity --info --title "hello" --text "Hello from the shell!"     这里,作为图形界面程序,桌面文件被更新为 Terminal=false。 hello.desktop(v=1.2).  $ cat debhello-1.2/data/hello.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Hello Name[fr]=Bonjour     Comment=Greetings Comment[fr]=Salutations Type=Application Keywords=hello Exec=hello Terminal=false Icon=hello.png Categories=Utility;     其余的所有文件都与 “Section 13.3, “Makefile(shell,命令行界面)” ” 中的一致。 Let’s package this with the debmake command. Here, the “-b':sh'”     option is used to specify that the generated binary package is a shell script. $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.2 $ debmake -b':sh' -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.2", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.2". *** I: provide debhello_1.2.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.2.tar.gz debhello_1.2.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.2" I: parse binary package settings: :sh I: binary package=debhello Type=script / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 25 %, ext = md ...     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/control(模板文件,v=1.2):.  $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: "Osamu Aoki" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage:     Rules-Requires-Root: no #Vcs-Git: #Vcs-Browser: Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package.     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/control(维护者版本,v=1.2):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: zenity, ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only)     请注意,这里需要手动添加 zenity 依赖。     debian/rules 文件与 “Section 13.3, “Makefile(shell,命令行界面) ”” 中的完全一致。     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。 debian/ 目录下的模板文件。(v=1.2):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/install debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright     ├── gbp.conf ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 11 files     其余的打包工作与 “Section 13.3, “Makefile(shell,命令行界面)”” 中的几乎一致。     此处是 debhello_1.2-1_all.deb 的依赖项列表。 debhello_1.2-1_all.deb 的依赖项列表:.      $ dpkg -f debhello_1.2-1_all.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: zenity 13.6. pyproject.toml (Python3, GUI)     Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a Python3 GUI program using pyproject.toml.     让我们假设上游源码包为 debhello-1.3.tar.gz。     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.3.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.3.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.3 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── │   ├──     │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── manpages │   │   └── hello.1 │   ├── pyproject.toml │   └── src │   └── debhello │   ├── │   └── └── debhello-1.3.tar.gz 6 directories, 10 files     Here, the content of this debhello source tree as follows. pyproject.toml (v=1.3) — PEP 517 configuration.  $ cat debhello-1.3/pyproject.toml [build-system] requires = ["setuptools >= 61.0"] # REQUIRED if [build-system] table is used... build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" # If not defined, then legacy behavi... [project] name = "debhello" version = "1.3.0" description = "Hello Python (GUI)" readme = {file = "", content-type = "text/markdown"} requires-python = ">=3.12" license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"} keywords = ["debhello"] authors = [ {name = "Osamu Aoki", email = "" }, ] maintainers = [ {name = "Osamu Aoki", email = "" }, ]     classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only", # Others "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Natural Language :: English", ] [project.urls] "Homepage" = "" "Bug Reports" = "" "Source" = "" [project.scripts] hello = "debhello.main:main" [tool.setuptools] package-dir = {"" = "src"} packages = ["debhello"] include-package-data = true (v=1.3) — for tar-ball.      $ cat debhello-1.3/ include data/* include manpages/* src/debhello/ (v=1.3).      $ cat debhello-1.3/src/debhello/ """ debhello program (GUI) """ src/debhello/ (v=1.3) — command entry point.  $ cat debhello-1.3/src/debhello/ #!/usr/bin/python3 from gi.repository import Gtk __version__ = '1.3.0' class TopWindow(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self): Gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.title = "Hello World!" self.counter = 0 self.border_width = 10 self.set_default_size(400, 100) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER)     self.button = Gtk.Button(label="Click me!") self.button.connect("clicked", self.on_button_clicked) self.add(self.button) self.connect("delete-event", self.on_window_destroy) def on_window_destroy(self, *args): Gtk.main_quit(*args) def on_button_clicked(self, widget): self.counter += 1 widget.set_label("Hello, World!\nClick count = %i" % self.counter) def main(): window = TopWindow() window.show_all() Gtk.main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()     让我们使用 debmake 命令来打包。这里使用 -b':py3' 选项来指明生成的 二进制包包含 Python3 脚本和模块文件。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.3 $ debmake -b':py3' -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.3", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.3". *** I: provide debhello_1.3.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.3.tar.gz debhello_1.3.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.3" I: parse binary package settings: :py3 I: binary package=debhello Type=python3 / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree W: setuptools build system. I: build_type = Python (pyproject.toml: PEP-518, PEP-621, PEP-660) I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions ...     The result is practically the same as in “Section 13.4, “pyproject.toml (Python3, CLI)””.     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=1.3):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.3 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=debhello export PYBUILD_VERBOSE=1 export DH_VERBOSE=1 %: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild debian/control(维护者版本,v=1.3):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), pybuild-plugin-pyproject,     python3-all Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: gir1.2-gtk-3.0, python3-gi, ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only)     请注意,此处需要手动添加 python3-gi 和 gir1.2-gtk-3.0 依赖。     The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as in >.     此处是 debhello_1.3-1_all.deb 的依赖项列表。 debhello_1.3-1_all.deb 的依赖项列表:.      $ dpkg -f debhello_1.3-1_all.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: gir1.2-gtk-3.0, python3-gi, python3:any 13.7. Makefile(单个二进制软件包)     这里给出了从简单的 C 语言源代码创建简单的 Debian 软件包的例子,并 假设上游使用了 Makefile 作为构建系统。 此处的上游源代码是 “Chapter 5, Simple packaging” 中的源代码的增强     版本。它带有手册页、桌面文件和桌面图标。并且为了更加贴合实际,它 还有一个外部库文件 libm。     让我们假设上游源码包为 debhello-1.4.tar.gz。     这一类源代码设计可以用这样的方式安装成为非系统文件: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.4.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-1.4 $ make $ make install Debian packaging requires changing this “make install” process to     install files into the target system image location instead of the normal location under /usr/local.     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.4.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.4.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.4 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile     │   ├── │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── config.h │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.4.tar.gz 5 directories, 9 files     此处的源码如下所示。 src/hello.c(v=1.4):.  $ cat debhello-1.4/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     int main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); return 0; } src/config.h(v=1.4):.  $ cat debhello-1.4/Makefile prefix = /usr/local all: src/hello src/hello: src/hello.c $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -lm install: src/hello install -D src/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello install -m 644 -D data/hello.desktop \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop     install -m 644 -D data/hello.png \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png install -m 644 -D man/hello.1 \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 clean: -rm -f src/hello distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall Makefile(v=1.4):.      $ cat debhello-1.4/src/config.h #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR "Osamu Aoki"     请注意,此 Makefile 含有正确的手册页、桌面文件、桌面图标的 install 对象。     让我们使用 debmake 命令打包。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.4 $ debmake -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.4", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.4". *** I: provide debhello_1.4.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.4.tar.gz debhello_1.4.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.4" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 33 %, ext = c ...     其余的工作与 “Section 5.6, “Step 2: Generate template files with debmake”” 中的几乎一致。     像 “Section 5.7, “第三步:编辑模板文件”” 中所写的一样,让我们这些 维护者来把这个 Debian 软件包做的更好。 If the DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS environment variable is not     exported in debian/rules, lintian warns “W: debhello: hardening-no-relro usr/bin/hello” for the linking of libm. debian/control 文件与 “Section 5.7, “第三步:编辑模板文件”” 中的     完全一致,因为 libm 库是 libc6 库的一部分,所以它总是可获得的(优 先级:必需 / Priority: required)。     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。 debian/ 目录下的模板文件。(v=1.4):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright     ├── gbp.conf ├── install ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 12 files     其余的打包步骤与 “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild”” 中的基本一致。     此处是生成的二进制包的依赖项列表。 生成的二进制包的依赖项列表(v=1.4):.  $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_1.4-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \     depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: debhello (= 1.4-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_1.4-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34) 13.8. + configure(单个二进制软件包)     这里给出了从简单的 C 语言源代码创建简单的 Debian 软件包的例子,并 假设上游使用了 和 configure 作为构建系统。 此处的源码示例是 “Section 13.7, “Makefile(单个二进制软件包)””     中的源代码的增强版本。它也有一个外部链接库 libm,并且它的源代码可 以使用 configure 脚本进行配置,然后生成相应的 Makefile、src/ config.h 文件。     让我们假设上游源码包为 debhello-1.5.tar.gz。     此类型的源码旨在作为非系统文件安装,例如: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.5.tar.gz $ cd debhello-1.5     $ ./configure --with-math $ make $ make install     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.5.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.5.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.5 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├──     │   ├── │   ├── configure │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.5.tar.gz 5 directories, 9 files     此处的源码如下所示。 src/hello.c(v=1.5):.  $ cat debhello-1.5/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_MATH # include #endif #include int     main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); #ifdef WITH_MATH printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); #else printf("I can't do MATH!\n"); #endif return 0; }  $ cat debhello-1.5/ prefix = @prefix@ all: src/hello src/hello: src/hello.c $(CC) @VERBOSE@ \ $(CPPFLAGS) \ $(CFLAGS) \ $(LDFLAGS) \ -o $@ $^ \ @LINKLIB@ install: src/hello install -D src/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello     install -m 644 -D data/hello.desktop \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop install -m 644 -D data/hello.png \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png install -m 644 -D man/hello.1 \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 clean: -rm -f src/hello distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall configure(v=1.5):.  $ cat debhello-1.5/configure #!/bin/sh -e # default values PREFIX="/usr/local" VERBOSE="" WITH_MATH="0" LINKLIB="" PACKAGE_AUTHOR="John Doe" # parse arguments while [ "${1}" != "" ]; do VAR="${1%=*}" # Drop suffix =* VAL="${1#*=}" # Drop prefix *= case "${VAR}" in --prefix) PREFIX="${VAL}" ;; --verbose|-v) VERBOSE="-v" ;;     --with-math) WITH_MATH="1" LINKLIB="-lm" ;; --author) PACKAGE_AUTHOR="${VAL}" ;; *) echo "W: Unknown argument: ${1}" esac shift done # setup configured Makefile and src/config.h sed -e "s,@prefix@,${PREFIX}," \ -e "s,@VERBOSE@,${VERBOSE}," \ -e "s,@LINKLIB@,${LINKLIB}," \ Makefile if [ "${WITH_MATH}" = 1 ]; then echo "#define WITH_MATH" >src/config.h else echo "/* not defined: WITH_MATH */" >src/config.h fi echo "#define PACKAGE_AUTHOR \"${PACKAGE_AUTHOR}\"" >>src/config.h     Please note that the configure command replaces strings with @…​@ in to produce Makefile and creates src/config.h.     让我们使用 debmake 命令打包。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.5 $ debmake -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.5", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.5". *** I: provide debhello_1.5.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.5.tar.gz debhello_1.5.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.5" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = configure I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 17 %, ext = in ...     结果与 “Section 5.6, “Step 2: Generate template files with debmake”” 中的相似,但是并不完全一致。     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件,v=1.5):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.5 $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package.     #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,-O1 %: dh $@     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=1.5):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.5 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ --with-math \ --author="Osamu Aoki"     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。     其余的打包步骤与 “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild”” 中的基本一致。 13.9. Autotools(单个二进制文件) Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a     simple C source program using Autotools = Autoconf and Automake ( and as its build system. 此种源码通常也带有上游自动生成的 和 configure 文件。     在 autotools-dev 软件包的帮助下,我们可以按 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二进制软件包)”” 中所介绍的,使用这 些文件进行打包。 The better alternative is to regenerate these files using the latest Autoconf and Automake packages if the upstream provided and are compatible with the latest version. This is advantageous for porting to new CPU architectures, etc. This can be automated by using the “--with autoreconf” option for the dh command.     让我们假设上游的源码包为 debhello-1.6.tar.gz。     此类型的源码旨在作为非系统文件安装,例如: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.6.tar.gz $ cd debhello-1.6     $ autoreconf -ivf # optional $ ./configure --with-math $ make $ make install     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.6.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.6.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.6 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── │   ├──     │   ├── │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   ├── │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.6.tar.gz 5 directories, 11 files     此处的源码如下所示。 src/hello.c(v=1.6):.  $ cat debhello-1.6/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_MATH # include #endif #include int     main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); #ifdef WITH_MATH printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); #else printf("I can't do MATH!\n"); #endif return 0; }  $ cat debhello-1.6/ SUBDIRS = src man     $ cat debhello-1.6/man/ dist_man_MANS = hello.1 $ cat debhello-1.6/src/ bin_PROGRAMS = hello hello_SOURCES = hello.c  $ cat debhello-1.6/ # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([debhello],[2.1],[]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/hello.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) echo "Standard customization chores" AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # Add #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR ... in config.h with a comment AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE_AUTHOR, ["Osamu Aoki"], [Define PACKAGE_AUTHOR]) echo "Add --with-math option functionality to ./configure" AC_ARG_WITH([math], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-math], [compile with math library @<:@default=yes@:>@])], [], [with_math="yes"] )     echo "==== withval := \"$withval\"" echo "==== with_math := \"$with_math\"" # m4sh if-else construct AS_IF([test "x$with_math" != "xno"],[ echo "==== Check include: math.h" AC_CHECK_HEADER(math.h,[],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([Couldn't find math.h.] ) ]) echo "==== Check library: libm" AC_SEARCH_LIBS(atan, [m]) #AC_CHECK_LIB(m, atan) echo "==== Build with LIBS := \"$LIBS\"" AC_DEFINE(WITH_MATH, [1], [Build with the math library]) ],[ echo "==== Skip building with math.h." AH_TEMPLATE(WITH_MATH, [Build without the math library]) ]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile man/Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT Tip     Without “foreign” strictness level specified in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE () as above, automake defaults to “gnu” strictness level requiring several files in the top-level directory. See “3.2 Strictness” in the automake document.     让我们使用 debmake 命令打包。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.6 $ debmake -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.6", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.6". *** I: provide debhello_1.6.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.6.tar.gz debhello_1.6.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.6" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Autotools with autoreconf I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 33 %, ext = am ...     结果与 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二进制软件包 )”” 中的类似,但是并不完全一致。     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件,v=1.6):  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.6 $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1     #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,-O1 %: dh $@ --with autoreconf #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.pyc -X.pyo     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=1.6):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.6 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ --with autoreconf override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ --with-math     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。     其余的打包步骤与 “Section 5.8, “Step 4: Building package with debuild”” 中的基本一致。 13.10. CMake(单个二进制软件包) Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a     simple C source program using CMake (CMakeLists.txt and some files such as as its build system. The cmake command generates the Makefile file based on the     CMakeLists.txt file and its -D option. It also configures the file as specified in its configure_file(…​) by replacing strings with @…​@ and changing the #cmakedefine …​ line.     让我们假设上游的源码包为 debhello-1.7.tar.gz。     此类型的源码旨在作为非系统文件安装,例如: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.7.tar.gz $ cd debhello-1.7 $ mkdir obj-x86_64-linux-gnu # for out-of-tree build     $ cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu $ cmake .. $ make $ make install     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-1.7.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.7.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.7 │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── LICENSE │   ├──     │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.7.tar.gz 5 directories, 11 files     此处的源码如下所示。 src/hello.c(v=1.7):.  $ cat debhello-1.7/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_MATH # include #endif #include int     main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); #ifdef WITH_MATH printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); #else printf("I can't do MATH!\n"); #endif return 0; } src/  $ cat debhello-1.7/src/     /* name of the package author */ #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR "@PACKAGE_AUTHOR@" /* math library support */ #cmakedefine WITH_MATH CMakeLists.txt(v=1.7):.  $ cat debhello-1.7/CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(debhello) set(PACKAGE_AUTHOR "Osamu Aoki") add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(man) $ cat debhello-1.7/man/CMakeLists.txt install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/hello.1 DESTINATION share/man/man1 ) $ cat debhello-1.7/src/CMakeLists.txt     # Always define HAVE_CONFIG_H add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H) # Interactively define WITH_MATH option(WITH_MATH "Build with math support" OFF) #variable_watch(WITH_MATH) # Generate config.h from configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" ) include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") add_executable(hello hello.c) install(TARGETS hello RUNTIME DESTINATION bin )     让我们使用 debmake 命令打包。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.7 $ debmake -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.7", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.7". *** I: provide debhello_1.7.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.7.tar.gz debhello_1.7.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.7" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Cmake I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 33 %, ext = text ...     结果与 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二进制软件包 )”” 中的类似,但是并不完全一致。     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件,v=1.7):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.7 $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,-O1 %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_configure: # dh_auto_configure -- \ # -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE="$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)" debian/control(模板文件,v=1.7):.  $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: "Osamu Aoki" Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage:     Rules-Requires-Root: no #Vcs-Git: #Vcs-Browser: Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package.     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=1.7):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-1.7 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- -DWITH-MATH=1 debian/control(维护者版本,v=1.7):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only)     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。     其余的打包工作与 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二 进制软件包)”” 中的近乎一致。 13.11. Autotools(多个二进制软件包) Here is an example of creating a set of Debian binary packages including the executable package, the shared library package, the     development file package, and the debug symbol package from a simple C source program using Autotools = Autoconf and Automake (which use and as their input files) as its build system.     让我们用与 “Section 13.9, “Autotools(单个二进制文件)”” 中的相同 的方式打包。     让我们假设上游源码包为 debhello-2.0.tar.gz。     此类型的源码旨在作为非系统文件安装,例如: $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.0.tar.gz $ cd debhello-2.0     $ autoreconf -ivf # optional $ ./configure --with-math $ make $ make install     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-2.0.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.0.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-2.0 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── data     │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── lib │   │   ├── │   │   ├── sharedlib.c │   │   └── sharedlib.h │   ├── man │   │   ├── │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── │   └── hello.c └── debhello-2.0.tar.gz 6 directories, 14 files     此处的源码如下所示。 src/hello.c(v=2.0):.  $ cat debhello-2.0/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     int main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); sharedlib(); return 0; } lib/sharedlib.h 与 lib/sharedlib.c(v=1.6):.  $ cat debhello-2.0/lib/sharedlib.h int sharedlib(); $ cat debhello-2.0/lib/sharedlib.c     #include int sharedlib() { printf("This is a shared library!\n"); return 0; }  $ cat debhello-2.0/ # recursively process `` in SUBDIRS SUBDIRS = lib src man $ cat debhello-2.0/man/ # manpages (distributed in the source package) dist_man_MANS = hello.1 $ cat debhello-2.0/lib/ # libtool librares to be produced lib_LTLIBRARIES = # source files used for lib_LTLIBRARIES libsharedlib_la_SOURCES = sharedlib.c # C pre-processor flags used for lib_LTLIBRARIES #libsharedlib_la_CPPFLAGS =     # Headers files to be installed in /include include_HEADERS = sharedlib.h # Versioning Libtool Libraries with version triplets libsharedlib_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0 $ cat debhello-2.0/src/ # program executables to be produced bin_PROGRAMS = hello # source files used for bin_PROGRAMS hello_SOURCES = hello.c # C pre-processor flags used for bin_PROGRAMS AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/lib # Extra options for the linker for hello # hello_LDFLAGS = # Libraries the `hello` binary to be linked hello_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/  $ cat debhello-2.0/ # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([debhello],[2.2],[]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/hello.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) echo "Standard customization chores" AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # Set default to --enable-shared --disable-static LT_INIT([shared disable-static])     # find the libltdl sources in the libltdl sub-directory LT_CONFIG_LTDL_DIR([libltdl]) # choose one LTDL_INIT([recursive]) #LTDL_INIT([subproject]) #LTDL_INIT([nonrecursive]) # Add #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR ... in config.h with a comment AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE_AUTHOR, ["Osamu Aoki"], [Define PACKAGE_AUTHOR]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC # only for the recursive case AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile lib/Makefile man/Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT     让我们用 debmake 命令将这些打包到多个包中: * debhello: type = bin     * libsharedlib1: type = lib * libsharedlib-dev: type = dev     Here, the -b\',libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev' option is used to specify the generated binary packages. $ cd /path/to/debhello-2.0 $ debmake -b',libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev' -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="2.0", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-2.0". *** I: provide debhello_2.0.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-2.0.tar.gz debhello_2.0.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-2.0" I: parse binary package settings: ,libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: binary package=libsharedlib1 Type=lib / Arch=any M-A=same I: binary package=libsharedlib-dev Type=dev / Arch=any M-A=same I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Autotools with autoreconf ...     结果与 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二进制软件包 )”” 中的相似,但是这个具有更多的模板文件。     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件,v=2.0):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-2.0 $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1     #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,-O1 %: dh $@ --with autoreconf #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.pyc -X.pyo     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=2.0):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-2.0 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ --with autoreconf override_dh_missing: dh_missing debian/control(维护者版本,v=2.0):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-autoreconf Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}     Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the compiled binary executable. . This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) Package: libsharedlib1 Section: libs Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the shared library. Package: libsharedlib-dev Section: libdevel Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the development files. debian/*.install(维护者版本,v=2.0):.  $ vim debian/copyright ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/copyright Format: Upstream-Name: debhello Upstream-Contact: Osamu Aoki Source: Files: * Copyright: 2015-2021 Osamu Aoki License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a     copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.     因为上游源码已经具有正确的自动生成的 Makefile 文件,所以没有必要 再去创建 debian/install 和 debian/manpages 文件。     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。 debian/ 目录下的模板文件。(v=2.0):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/install debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ rm -rf debian/patches $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── debhello.dirs ├── debhello.doc-base ├── ├── debhello.examples ├──     ├── debhello.install ├── debhello.links ├── debhello.manpages ├── gbp.conf ├── libsharedlib-dev.install ├── libsharedlib1.install ├── libsharedlib1.symbols ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 22 files     其余的打包工作与 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二 进制软件包)”” 中的近乎一致。     此处是生成的二进制包的依赖项列表。 生成的二进制包的依赖项列表(v=2.0):.  $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: debhello (= 2.0-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.0-1), libc6 (>= 2.34)     $ dpkg -f libsharedlib-dev_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.0-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1-dbgsym_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.0-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5) 13.12. CMake(多个二进制软件包) Here is an example of creating a set of Debian binary packages including the executable package, the shared library package, the     development file package, and the debug symbol package from a simple C source program using CMake (CMakeLists.txt and some files such as as its build system.     让我们假设上游源码包为 debhello-2.1.tar.gz。     此类型的源码旨在作为非系统文件安装,例如: $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.1.tar.gz $ cd debhello-2.1 $ mkdir obj-x86_64-linux-gnu     $ cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu $ cmake .. $ make $ make install     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-2.1.tar.gz.  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.1.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-2.1 │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop     │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── lib │   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   │   ├── sharedlib.c │   │   └── sharedlib.h │   ├── man │   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── │   └── hello.c └── debhello-2.1.tar.gz 6 directories, 14 files     此处的源码如下所示。 src/hello.c(v=2.1):.  $ cat debhello-2.1/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     int main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); sharedlib(); return 0; } src/      $ cat debhello-2.1/src/ /* name of the package author */ #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR "@PACKAGE_AUTHOR@" lib/sharedlib.c 与 lib/sharedlib.h(v=2.1):.  $ cat debhello-2.1/lib/sharedlib.h int sharedlib(); $ cat debhello-2.1/lib/sharedlib.c     #include int sharedlib() { printf("This is a shared library!\n"); return 0; } CMakeLists.txt(v=2.1):.  $ cat debhello-2.1/CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(debhello) set(PACKAGE_AUTHOR "Osamu Aoki") add_subdirectory(lib) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(man) $ cat debhello-2.1/man/CMakeLists.txt install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/hello.1 DESTINATION share/man/man1 )     $ cat debhello-2.1/src/CMakeLists.txt # Always define HAVE_CONFIG_H add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H) # Generate config.h from configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" ) include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") include_directories("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib") add_executable(hello hello.c) target_link_libraries(hello sharedlib) install(TARGETS hello RUNTIME DESTINATION bin )     让我们使用 debmake 命令打包。 $ cd /path/to/debhello-2.1 $ debmake -b',libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev' -x1 I: set parameters ... I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="2.1", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-2.1". *** I: provide debhello_2.1.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-2.1.tar.gz debhello_2.1.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-2.1" I: parse binary package settings: ,libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: binary package=libsharedlib1 Type=lib / Arch=any M-A=same I: binary package=libsharedlib-dev Type=dev / Arch=any M-A=same I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Cmake ...     结果与 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二进制软件包 )”” 中的类似,但是并不完全一致。     让我们来检查一下自动产生的模板文件。 debian/rules(模板文件,v=2.1):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-2.1 $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,-O1 %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_configure: # dh_auto_configure -- \ # -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE="$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)"     作为维护者,我们要把这个 Debian 软件包做得更好。 debian/rules(维护者版本,v=2.1):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-2.1 $ vim debian/rules ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE="$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)" debian/control(维护者版本,v=2.1):.  $ vim debian/control ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}     Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the compiled binary executable. . This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) Package: libsharedlib1 Section: libs Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the shared library. Package: libsharedlib-dev Section: libdevel Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the development files. debian/*.install(维护者版本,v=2.1):.  $ vim debian/copyright ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/copyright Format: Upstream-Name: debhello Upstream-Contact: Osamu Aoki Source: Files: * Copyright: 2015-2021 Osamu Aoki License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a     copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.     需要对上游的 CMakeList.txt 进行修补,以便应对多架构的路径。 debian/patches/*(维护者版本,v=2.1):.      ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat debian/libsharedlib1.symbols libsharedlib1 #MINVER# sharedlib@Base 2.1     因为上游源码已经具有正确的自动生成的 Makefile 文件,所以没有必要 再去创建 debian/install 和 debian/manpages 文件。     在 debian/ 目录下还有一些其它的模板文件。它们也需要进行更新。 debian/ 目录下的模板文件。(v=2.1):.  $ rm -f debian/clean debian/dirs debian/install debian/links $ rm -f debian/README.source debian/source/*.ex $ tree -F debian debian/ ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── debhello.dirs ├── debhello.doc-base ├── ├── debhello.examples ├── ├── debhello.install ├── debhello.links     ├── debhello.manpages ├── gbp.conf ├── libsharedlib-dev.install ├── libsharedlib1.install ├── libsharedlib1.symbols ├── patches/ │   ├── 000-cmake-multiarch.patch │   └── series ├── rules* ├── salsa-ci.yml ├── source/ │   └── format ├── tests/ │   └── control ├── upstream/ │   └── metadata └── watch 5 directories, 24 files     其余的打包工作与 “Section 13.8, “ + configure(单个二 进制软件包)”” 中的近乎一致。     此处是生成的二进制包的依赖项列表。 生成的二进制包的依赖项列表(v=2.1):.  $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: debhello (= 2.1-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.1-1), libc6 (>= 2.34)     $ dpkg -f libsharedlib-dev_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.1-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1-dbgsym_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.1-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5) 13.13. 国际化 此处是更新 “Section 13.11, “Autotools(多个二进制软件包)”” 中提     供的简单上游 C 语言源代码 debhello-2.0.tar.gz 以便进行国际化( i18n)并创建更新后的上游 C 语言源代码 debhello-2.0.tar.gz 的示例 。     在实际情况中,此软件包应该已被国际化过。所以此示例用作帮助您了解 国际化的具体实现方法。 Tip     负责维护国际化的维护者的日常活动就是将通过缺陷追踪系统(BTS)反馈 给您的 po 翻译文件添加至 po/ 目录,然后更新 po/LINGUAS 文件的语言 列表。     让我们取得源码并制作 Debian 软件包。 下载 debhello-2.0.tar.gz(国际化版).  $ wget ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.0.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-2.0 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── data     │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── lib │   │   ├── │   │   ├── sharedlib.c │   │   └── sharedlib.h │   ├── man │   │   ├── │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── │   └── hello.c └── debhello-2.0.tar.gz 6 directories, 14 files     使用 gettextize 命令将此源代码树国际化,并删除由 Autotools 自动生 成的文件。 运行 gettextize(国际化版):.  $ cd /path/to/debhello-2.0 $ gettextize Creating po/ subdirectory Creating build-aux/ subdirectory Copying file ABOUT-NLS Copying file build-aux/config.rpath Not copying intl/ directory. Copying file po/ Copying file po/Makevars.template Copying file po/Rules-quot Copying file po/boldquot.sed Copying file po/en@boldquot.header Copying file po/en@quot.header Copying file po/insert-header.sin Copying file po/quot.sed Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin Creating initial po/ Creating po/ChangeLog Creating directory m4 Copying file m4/gettext.m4 Copying file m4/iconv.m4 Copying file m4/lib-ld.m4 Copying file m4/lib-link.m4 Copying file m4/lib-prefix.m4 Copying file m4/nls.m4 Copying file m4/po.m4 Copying file m4/progtest.m4     Creating m4/ChangeLog Updating (backup is in Updating (backup is in Creating ChangeLog Please use AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) in order to cause autoconfiguration to look for an external libintl. Please create po/Makevars from the template in po/Makevars.template. You can then remove po/Makevars.template. Please fill po/ as described in the documentation. Please run 'aclocal' to regenerate the aclocal.m4 file. You need aclocal from GNU automake 1.9 (or newer) to do this. Then run 'autoconf' to regenerate the configure file. You will also need config.guess and config.sub, which you can get from the CV... of the 'config' project at The commands to fetch th... are $ wget '*checkout*/config/config/conf... $ wget '*checkout*/config/config/conf... You might also want to copy the convenience header file gettext.h from the /usr/share/gettext directory into your package. It is a wrapper around that implements the configure --disable-nl... option. Press Return to acknowledge the previous 6 paragraphs. $ rm -rf m4 build-aux *~     让我们确认一下 po/ 目录下生成的文件。 po 目录下的文件(国际化版):.  $ ls -l po total 60 -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 494 Jul 24 10:14 ChangeLog -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 17577 Jul 24 10:14 -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 3376 Jul 24 10:14 Makevars.template     -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 59 Jul 24 10:14 -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 2203 Jul 24 10:14 Rules-quot -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 217 Jul 24 10:14 boldquot.sed -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 1337 Jul 24 10:14 en@boldquot.header -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 1203 Jul 24 10:14 en@quot.header -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 672 Jul 24 10:14 insert-header.sin -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 153 Jul 24 10:14 quot.sed -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 432 Jul 24 10:14 remove-potcdate.sin     Let’s update the by adding “AM_GNU_GETTEXT ([external])”, etc..国际化版):.  $ vim ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([debhello],[2.2],[]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/hello.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) echo "Standard customization chores" AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # Set default to --enable-shared --disable-static LT_INIT([shared disable-static]) # find the libltdl sources in the libltdl sub-directory LT_CONFIG_LTDL_DIR([libltdl])     # choose one LTDL_INIT([recursive]) #LTDL_INIT([subproject]) #LTDL_INIT([nonrecursive]) # Add #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR ... in config.h with a comment AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE_AUTHOR, ["Osamu Aoki"], [Define PACKAGE_AUTHOR]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC # desktop file support required AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION([0.19.3]) AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) # only for the recursive case AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile po/ lib/Makefile man/Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT     让我们从 po/Makevars.template 文件中创建 po/Makevars 文件。 po/Makevars(国际化版):.  ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ diff -u po/Makevars.template po/Makevars --- po/Makevars.template 2024-07-24 10:14:46.440850967 +0900 +++ po/Makevars 2024-07-24 10:14:46.520852183 +0900 @@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ # or entity, or to disclaim their copyright. The empty string stands for # the public domain; in this case the translators are expected to disclaim # their copyright. -COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Free Software Foundation, Inc.     +COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Osamu Aoki # This tells whether or not to prepend "GNU " prefix to the package # name that gets inserted into the header of the $(DOMAIN).pot file. # Possible values are "yes", "no", or empty. If it is empty, try to # detect it automatically by scanning the files in $(top_srcdir) for # "GNU packagename" string. -PACKAGE_GNU = +PACKAGE_GNU = no # This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report # bugs in the untranslated strings: $ rm po/Makevars.template     Let’s update C sources for the i18n version by wrapping strings with _(…​). src/hello.c (国际化版):.  ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     #include #define _(string) gettext (string) int main() { printf(_("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n")); sharedlib(); return 0; } lib/sharedlib.c(国际化版):.  ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat lib/sharedlib.c #include #include     #define _(string) gettext (string) int sharedlib() { printf(_("This is a shared library!\n")); return 0; }     新版本的 gettext(v = 0.19)可以直接处理桌面文件的国际化版本。 data/国际化版):.  $ fgrep -v '[ja]=' data/hello.desktop > data/ $ rm data/hello.desktop $ cat data/ [Desktop Entry]     Name=Hello Comment=Greetings Type=Application Keywords=hello Exec=hello Terminal=true Icon=hello.png Categories=Utility;     让我们列出输入文件,以便在 po/ 中提取可翻译的字符串。 po/国际化版):.  ... hack, hack, hack, ...     $ cat po/ src/hello.c lib/sharedlib.c data/     此处是在 SUBDIRS 环境变量中添加 po 目录后更新过的根 文件。 (国际化版):.  $ cat # recursively process `` in SUBDIRS     SUBDIRS = po lib src man ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 EXTRA_DIST = build-aux/config.rpath m4/ChangeLog     让我们创建一个翻译模板文件 debhello.pot。 po/debhello.pot(国际化版):.  $ xgettext -f po/ -d debhello -o po/debhello.pot -k_ $ cat po/debhello.pot # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-24 10:14+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"     "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: src/hello.c:9 #, c-format msgid "Hello, I am " msgstr "" #: lib/sharedlib.c:7 #, c-format msgid "This is a shared library!\n" msgstr "" #: data/ msgid "Hello" msgstr "" #: data/ msgid "Greetings" msgstr "" #: data/ msgid "hello" msgstr ""     让我们添加法语的翻译。 po/LINGUAS 与 po/fr.po(国际化版):.  $ echo 'fr' > po/LINGUAS $ cp po/debhello.pot po/fr.po $ vim po/fr.po ... hack, hack, hack, ... $ cat po/fr.po # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # This file is put in the public domain. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: debhello 2.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-01 20:22+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-21 23:18+0900\n" "Last-Translator: Osamu Aoki \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "Language: ja\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"     #: src/hello.c:34 #, c-format msgid "Hello, my name is %s!\n" msgstr "Bonjour, je m'appelle %s!\n" #: lib/sharedlib.c:29 #, c-format msgid "This is a shared library!\n" msgstr "Ceci est une bibliothèque partagée!\n" #: data/ msgid "Hello" msgstr "" #: data/ msgid "Greetings" msgstr "Salutations" #: data/ msgid "hello" msgstr "" #: data/ msgid "hello.png" msgstr ""     打包工作与 “Section 13.11, “Autotools(多个二进制软件包)”” 中的 近乎一致。     You can find more i18n examples by following “Section 13.14, “细 节””. 13.14. 细节     所示示例的实际细节及其变体可通过以下方式获得。 如何取得细节.      $ apt-get source debmake-doc $ cd debmake-doc* $ cd examples $ view examples/     Follow the exact instruction in examples/     $ cd examples $ make     Now, each directory named as examples/debhello-?.?_build-? contains the Debian packaging example. * 模拟控制台命令行活动日志:.log 文件 * 模拟控制台命令行活动日志(缩略版):.slog 文件     * 执行 debmake 命令后的源码树快照:debmake 目录 * 打包后的源码树快照:packge 目录 * 执行 debuild 命令后的源码树快照:test 目录     Notable examples are: * the POSIX shell script with Makefile with i18n (v=3.0),     * the C source with + configure with i18n (v=3.2), * the C source with Autotools with i18n with i18n (v=3.3), and * the C source with CMake with i18n (v=3.4). Chapter 14. debmake(1) 手册页 14.1. 名称     debmake,用来制作 Debian 源码包的程序 14.2. 概述 debmake [-h] [-c | -k] [-n | -a package-version.orig.tar.gz | -d | -t ] [-p package] [-u version] [-r revision] [-z extension] [-b     "binarypackage[:type], …​]" [-e] [-f "firstname lastname"] [-i "buildtool" | -j] [-l license_file] [-m] [-o file] [-q] [-s] [-v] [-w "addon, …​"] [-x [01234]] [-y] [-L] [-P] [-T] 14.3. 描述     debmake 协助从上游源代码构建一个 Debian 软件包,通常做法如下: * 下载上游源码压缩包(tarball)并命名为 package-version.tar.gz 文件。 * 对其进行解压缩并将所有文件放置于 package-version/ 目录之下。     * 在 package-version/ 目录中调用 debmake,并按需带上参数。 * 手工调整 package-version/debian/ 目录下的文件。 * dpkg-buildpackage (usually from its wrapper debuild or sbuild ) is invoked in the package-version/ directory to make Debian packages.     请确保将 -b、-f、-l 和 -w 选项的参数使用引号合适地保护起来,以避 免 shell 环境的干扰。 14.3.1. 可选参数: -h, --help 显示本帮助信息并退出。 -c, --copyright 为授权+许可证文本而扫描源码,然后退出。 o -c:简单输出风格 o -cc:正常输出风格(类似 debian/copyright 文件) o -ccc:调试输出风格 -k, --kludge 对 debian/copyright 文件和源代码进行比较并退出。 debian/copyright 必须将通用的文件匹配模式放在前部并将个别文件 的例外放在后部。 o -k:基本输出风格 o -kk:冗长输出风格 -n, --native make a native Debian source package without .orig.tar.gz. This makes a Debian source format “3.0 (native)” package. If you are thinking of packaging a Debian-specific source tree with debian/ in it into a native Debian package, please think otherwise. You can use the “debmake -d -i debuild” or “ debmake -t -i debuild” commands to make a Debian non-native package using the Debian source format “3.0 (quilt)” The only difference is that the debian/changelog file must use the non-native version scheme: version-revision. The non-native package is more friendly to downstream distributions. -a package-version.tar.gz, --archive package-version.tar.gz 直接使用上游源码压缩包。(-p, -u, -z:被覆盖) 上游源码压缩包可以命名为 package_version.orig.tar.gz 或者 tar.gz。在某些情况下,也可使用 tar.bz2 或 tar.xz。 如果所指定的源码压缩包文件名中包含大写字母,Debian 打包时生成 的名称会将其转化为小写字母。 If the specified argument is the URL (http://, https://, or ftp://) to the upstream tarball, the upstream tarball is downloaded from the URL using wget or curl. -d, --dist run the “make dist” command equivalents first to generate the upstream tarball and use it. The “debmake -d” command is designed to run in the package/ directory hosting the upstream VCS with the build system supporting the “make dist” command equivalents. (automake/ autoconf, …​) -t, --tar run the “tar” command to generate the upstream tarball and use it. The “debmake -t” command is designed to run in the package/ directory hosting the upstream VCS. Unless you provide the upstream version with the -u option or with the debian/ changelog file, a snapshot upstream version is generated in the 0\~%y%m%d%H%M format, e.g., 0~1403012359, from the UTC date and time. The generated tarball excludes the debian/ directory found in the upstream VCS. (It also excludes typical VCS directories: .git/, .hg/, .svn/, .CVS/.) -p 软件包名, --package 软件包名 设置 Debian 软件包名称。 -u 上游版本号, --upstreamversion 版本号 设置上游软件包版本。 -r 修订号, --revision 修订号 设置 Debian 软件包修订号。 -z 扩展名, --targz 扩展名 设置源码压缩包类型,扩展名=(tar.gz|tar.bz2|tar.xz)。(别名:z , b, x) -b "binarypackage[:type],…​", --binaryspec "binarypackage [:type],…​" set the binary package specs by a comma separated list of binarypackage:type pairs. Here, binarypackage is the binary package name, and the optional type is chosen from the following type values: o bin: C/C++ compiled ELF binary code package (any, foreign) (default, alias: "", i.e., null-string) o data: Data (fonts, graphics, …​) package (all, foreign) (alias: da) o dev:库开发软件包(any,same)(别名:de) o doc:文档软件包(all,foreign)(别名:do) o lib:库软件包(any,same)(别名:l) o perl:Perl 脚本软件包(all,foreign)(别名:pl)     o python3: Python (version 3) script package (all, foreign) (alias: py3, python, py) o ruby:Ruby 脚本软件包(all,foreign)(别名:rb) o nodejs:基于 Node.js 的 JavaScript 软件包(all,foreign) (别名:js) o script: Shell and other interpretted language script package (all, foreign) (alias: sh) The pair values in the parentheses, such as (any, foreign), are the Architecture and Multi-Arch stanza values set in the debian/control file. In many cases, the debmake command makes good guesses for type from binarypackage. If type is not obvious, type is set to bin. Here are examples for typical binary package split scenarios where the upstream Debian source package name is foo: o Generating an executable binary package foo: # “-b’foo:bin'”, or its short form `-b'-'`", or no -b option o Generating an executable (python3) binary package python3-foo: # “-b’python3-foo:py'”, or its short form “ -b’python3-foo'” o Generating a data package foo: # “-b’foo:data'”, or its short form “-b'-:data'” o Generating a executable binary package foo and a documentation one foo-doc: # “-b’foo:bin,foo-doc:doc'”, or its short form “ -b'-:-doc'” o Generating a executable binary package foo, a library package libfoo1, and a library development package libfoo-dev: # “-b’foo:bin,libfoo1:lib,libfoo-dev:dev'” or its short form “-b'-,libfoo1,libfoo-dev'” 如果源码树的内容和类型的设置不一致,debmake 命令会发出警告。 -e, --email 设置电子邮件地址。 默认值为环境变量 $DEBEMAIL 的值。 -f "名称姓氏", --fullname "名称姓氏" 设置全名。 默认值为环境变量 $DEBFULLNAME 的值。 -i "构建工具", --invoke "构建工具" invoke "buildtool" at the end of execution. buildtool may be “dpkg-buildpackage”, “debuild”, “sbuild”, etc. 默认情况是不执行任何程序。 设置该选项也会自动设置 --local 选项。 -j, --judge 运行 dpkg-depcheck 以检查构建依赖和文件路径。检查日志将存储在 父目录下。 o 软件包名.build-dep.log:dpkg-depcheck 的日志文件。 o 软件包名.install.log:记录 debian/tmp 目录下所安装文件的 日志。 -l "license_file,…​", --license "license_file,…​" 在存放许可证扫描结果的 debian/copyright 文件末尾添加格式化后 的许可证文本。 The default is to add COPYING and LICENSE, and license_file needs to list only the additional file names all separated by “,”. -m, --monoarch 强制软件包不使用多架构特性。 -o 文件, --option 文件 从指定file读取可选参数。(这个选项不适合日常使用。) 文件 file 的内容,将在 的末尾作为 Python 代码的源代码 。例如,软件包描述信息可以使用下述文件来定义。 para['desc'] = 'program short description' para['desc_long'] = '''\ program long description which you wish to include. . Empty line is space + . You keep going on ... ''' -q, --quitearly 在创建 debian/ 目录下的文件之前即提前退出程序。 -s, --spec use upstream spec ( for Python, etc.) for the package description. -v, --version 显示版本信息。 -w "addon,…​", --with "addon,…​" 在 debian/rules 文件中向 dh(1) 命令的参数中添加额外的 dh(1) 参数以指定所使用的附加组件(addon)。 The addon values are listed all separated by “,”, e.g., “-w "python3,autoreconf"”. For Autotools based packages, autoreconf as addon to run “ autoreconf -i -v -f” for every package building is default behavior of the dh(1) command. For Autotools based packages, if they install Python (version 3) programs, setting python3 as addon to the debmake command argument is needed since this is non-obvious. But for     pyproject.toml based Python packages, setting python3 as addon to the debmake command argument is not needed since this is obvious and the debmake command automatically set it to the dh(1) command. -x n, --extra n 以模板文件的形式创建配置文件(请注意 debian/changelog、debian /control、debian/copyright 和 debian/rules 文件是构建 Debian 二进制软件包所需的最小文件集合。) n 的数字大小决定了生成哪些配置模板文件。 o -x0: all required configuration template files. (selected option if any of these files already exist) o -x1: all -x0 files + desirable configuration template files with binary package type supports. o -x2: all -x1 files + normal configuration template files with maintainer script supports. o -x3: all -x2 files + optional configuration template files. (default optuin) o -x4: all -x3 files + deprecated configuration template files. Some configuration template files are generated with the extra .ex suffix to ease their removal. To activate these, rename their file names to the ones without the .ex suffix and edit their     contents. Existing configuration files are never overwritten. If you wish to update some of the existing configuration files, please rename them before running the debmake command and manually merge the generated configuration files with the old renamed ones. -y, --yes “force yes” for all prompts. (without option: “ask [Y/n]”; doubled option: “force no”) -L, --local     为本地软件包生成配置文件以绕过 lintian(1) 的检查。 -P, --pedantic 对自动生成的文件进行严格(甚至古板到迂腐程度)的检查。 -T, --tutorial output tutorial comment lines in template files. default when -x3 or -x4 is set. 14.4. 示例 For a well behaving source, you can build a good-for-local-use installable single Debian binary package easily with one command. Test install of such a package generated in this way offers a good alternative to the traditional “make install” command     installing into the /usr/local directory since the Debian package can be removed cleanly by the “dpkg -P '…​'” command. Here are some examples of how to build such test packages. (These should work in most cases. If the -d option does not work, try the -t option instead.)     For a typical C program source tree packaged with autoconf/ automake:     * debmake -d -i debuild     对于典型的 Python(版本 3)模块源码树:     * debmake -s -d -b":python3" -i debuild     对于 package-version.tar.gz 存档里的一个典型 Python*(版本 3)模 块:     * debmake -s -a package-version.tar.gz -b":python3" -i debuild     对于典型的以 package-version.tar.gz 归档提供的 Perl 模块:     * debmake -a package-version.tar.gz -b":perl" -i debuild 14.5. 帮助软件包     打包工作也许需要额外安装一些专用的帮助软件包。 * Python (version 3) programs may require the pybuild-plugin-pyproject package. * The Autotools (autoconf + automake) build system may require autotools-dev or dh-autoreconf package.     * Ruby 程序可能需要 gem2deb 软件包。 * 基于JavaScript 的 Node.js 程序可能需要 pkg-js-tools 软件包。 * Java 程序可能需要 javahelper 软件包。 * Gnome 程序可能需要 gobject-introspection 软件包。 * 等等。 14.6. 注意事项 Although debmake is meant to provide template files for the package maintainer to work on, actual packaging activities are     often performed without using debmake while referencing only existing similar packages and “Debian Policy Manual”. All template files generated by debmake are required to be modified manually.     There are 2 positive points for debmake: * debmake helps to write terse packaging tutorial “Guide for     Debian Maintainers” (debmake-doc package). * debmake provides short extracted license texts as debian/ copyright in decent accuracy to help license review.     Please double check copyright with the licensecheck(1) command. 组成 Debian 软件包名称的字符选取存在一定的限制。最明显的限制应当     是软件包名称中禁止出现大写字母。这里给出正则表达式形式的规则总结 : * Upstream package name (-p): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,}     * Binary package name (-b): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,} * Upstream version (-u): [0-9][-+.:~a-z0-9A-Z]* * Debian revision (-r): [0-9][+.~a-z0-9A-Z]*     See the exact definition in “Chapter 5 - Control files and their fields” in the “Debian Policy Manual”. debmake assumes relatively simple packaging cases. So all     programs related to the interpreter are assumed to be “ Architecture: all”. This is not always true. 14.7. 除错     请使用 reportbug 命令报告 debmake 软件包的问题与错误。     环境变量 $DEBUG 中设置的字符用来确定日志输出等级。 * i: logging * p: logging * s: check_format_style() logging * y: split_years_name() logging * b: parse_lines() 1 logging — content_state scan loop: begin-loop * m: parse_lines() 2 logging — content_state scan loop: after regex match * e: parse_lines() 3 logging — content_state scan loop: end-loop * a: parse_lines() 4 logging — print author/     translator section text * f: check_all_license() 1 logging — input filename for the copyright scan * l: check_all_license() 2 logging — print license section text * c: check_all_license() 3 logging — print copyright section text * k: check_all_license() 4 logging — sort key for debian/copyright stanza * r: logging * w: logging * n: logging (“debmake -k”)     Use this feature as:     $ DEBUG=ipsybmeaflckrwn debmake ...     See README.developer in the source for more. 14.8. 作者     Copyright © 2014-2024 Osamu Aoki 14.9. 许可证     Expat 许可证 14.10. 参见 The debmake-doc package provides the “Guide for Debian     Maintainers” in plain text, HTML and PDF formats under the /usr/ share/doc/debmake-doc/ directory. See also dpkg-source(1), deb-control(5), debhelper(7), dh(1),     dpkg-buildpackage(1), debuild(1), quilt(1), dpkg-depcheck(1), sbuild(1), gbp-buildpackage(1), and gbp-pq(1) manpages. Chapter 15. debmake options     Here are some additional explantion for debmake options. 15.1. Shortcut options (-a, -i)     debmake 命令提供了两个快捷选项。     * -a:打开上游源码压缩包 * -i:执行构建二进制包的脚本     前文中“Chapter 5, Simple packaging”的例子可以使用下面的命令直接达 到目的。     $ debmake -a package-1.0.tar.gz -i debuild Tip     A URL such as “” may be used for the -a option. Tip     A URL such as “ 1.5.7/3.fc21/src/ibus-1.5.7-3.fc21.src.rpm” may be used for the -a option, too. 15.2. debmake -b debmake 命令的 -b 选项提供了一个符合直觉又灵活的功能,可以用来创     建 debian/control 的初始模板文件,其中可以定义多个 Debian 二进制 软件包,每节中含有如下字段: * Package: * Architecture: (e.g. amd64)     * Multi-Arch: (see “Section 9.10, “多体系结构””) * Depends: * Pre-Depends:     debmake 命令也会在每个适当的依赖字段中设置合适的变量替换占位符( substvars)。     我们在这里直接引用 debmake 手册页中的相关一部分内容。 -b "binarypackage[:type],…​", --binaryspec "binarypackage [:type],…​" set the binary package specs by a comma separated list of binarypackage:type pairs. Here, binarypackage is the binary package name, and the optional type is chosen from the following type values: o bin: C/C++ compiled ELF binary code package (any, foreign) (default, alias: "", i.e., null-string) o data: Data (fonts, graphics, …​) package (all, foreign) (alias: da) o dev:库开发软件包(any,same)(别名:de) o doc:文档软件包(all,foreign)(别名:do) o lib:库软件包(any,same)(别名:l) o perl:Perl 脚本软件包(all,foreign)(别名:pl) o python3: Python (version 3) script package (all, foreign) (alias: py3, python, py) o ruby:Ruby 脚本软件包(all,foreign)(别名:rb) o nodejs:基于 Node.js 的 JavaScript 软件包(all,foreign) (别名:js) o script: Shell and other interpretted language script package (all, foreign) (alias: sh) The pair values in the parentheses, such as (any, foreign), are the Architecture and Multi-Arch stanza values set in the debian/control file. In many cases, the debmake command makes good guesses for type from binarypackage. If type is not     obvious, type is set to bin. Here are examples for typical binary package split scenarios where the upstream Debian source package name is foo: o Generating an executable binary package foo: # “-b’foo:bin'”, or its short form `-b'-'`", or no -b option o Generating an executable (python3) binary package python3-foo: # “-b’python3-foo:py'”, or its short form “ -b’python3-foo'” o Generating a data package foo: # “-b’foo:data'”, or its short form “-b'-:data'” o Generating a executable binary package foo and a documentation one foo-doc: # “-b’foo:bin,foo-doc:doc'”, or its short form “ -b'-:-doc'” o Generating a executable binary package foo, a library package libfoo1, and a library development package libfoo-dev: # “-b’foo:bin,libfoo1:lib,libfoo-dev:dev'” or its short form “-b'-,libfoo1,libfoo-dev'” 如果源码树的内容和类型的设置不一致,debmake 命令会发出警告。 15.3. debmake -cc     debmake 命令在带上 -cc 选项时可以向标准输出打印整个源码树的版权和 许可证概要信息。 $ tar -xvzf package-1.0.tar.gz     $ cd package-1.0 $ debmake -cc | less     如果转而使用 -c 选项,程序将提供较短的报告。 15.4. Snapshot upstream tarball (-d, -t) This test building scheme is good for the git repository     organized as described in gbp-buildpackage(7) which uses the master, upstream, and pristine-tar branches. The upstream snapshot from the upstream source tree in the     upstream VCS can be made with the -d option if the upstream supports the “make dist” equivalence.     $ cd /path/to/upstream-vcs $ debmake -d -i debuild     除此之外,也可使用 -t 选项以使用 tar 命令生成上游源码包。     $ cd /path/to/upstream-vcs $ debmake -p package -t -i debuild Unless you provide the upstream version with the -u option or     with the debian/changelog file, a snapshot upstream version is generated in the 0~%y%m%d%H%M format, e.g., 0~1403012359, from the UTC date and time.     If the upstream VCS is hosted in the package/ directory instead of the upstream-vcs/ directory, the “-p package” can be skipped. 如果版本控制系统中的上游源码树包含了 debian/* 文件,debmake 命令     在带有 -d 选项或者 -t 选项并结合 -i 选项可以自动化进行使用这些 debian/* 文件从版本控制系统快照中构建非原生软件包的流程。 $ cp -r /path/to/package-0~1403012359/debian/. /path/to/upstream-vcs/debian $ dch     ... update debian/changelog $ git add -A .; git commit -m "vcs with debian/*" $ debmake -t -p package -i debuild This non-native Debian binary package building scheme without the     real upstream tarball is considered as the quasi-native Debian package. See “Section 10.13, “Quasi-native Debian packaging””. 15.5. debmake -j     This is an experimental feature.     生成多个二进制软件包通常比只生成一个二进制软件包需要投入更多的工 作量。对源码包进行测试构建是其中的必要一环。     例如,我们考虑将相同的 package-1.0.tar.gz(参见 “Chapter 5, Simple packaging”)打包并生成多个二进制软件包。 * 调用 debmake 命令并使用 -j 选项以测试构建并报告结果。 $ debmake -j -a package-1.0.tar.gz * 请检查 文件最后的几行以确定 Build-Depends 所需填写的构建依赖。(您不需要在 Build-Depends 中列出 debhelper、perl 或 fakeroot 所使用的软件包。在只生成单 个软件包的情况下也是如此。) * 请检查 package.install.log 的文件内容以确定各个文件的安装路径 ,从而决定如何将它们拆分成多个软件包。 * 调用 debmake 命令以开始准备打包信息。     $ rm -rf package-1.0 $ tar -xvzf package-1.0.tar.gz $ cd package-1.0 $ debmake -b"package1:type1, ..." * 请使用以上信息更新 debian/control 和 debian/binarypackage .install 文件。 * 按需更新其它 debian/* 文件。 * 使用 debuild 或等效的其它工具构建 Debian 软件包。 $ debuild * 所有由 debian/binarypackage.install 文件指定的二进制软件包条 目均会生成 binarypackage_version-revision_arch.deb 的安装包。 Note The -j option for the debmake command invokes dpkg-depcheck(1) to run debian/rules under strace(1) to obtain library dependencies.     Unfortunately, this is very slow. If you know the library package dependencies from other sources such as the SPEC file in the source, you may just run the "debmake …​" command without the -j option and run the “debian/rules install” command to check the install paths of the generated files. 15.6. debmake -k     This is an experimental feature. 在使用上游新发行版本更新软件包时,debmake 可以使用已有的 debian/     copyright 文件和整个更新的源码树文件进行对比验证版权和许可证信息 。 $ cd package-vcs     $ gbp import-orig --uscan --pristine-tar ... update source with the new upstream release $ debmake -k | less The “debmake -k” command parses the debian/copyright file from the top to the bottom and compares the license of all the     non-binary files in the current package with the license described in the last matching file pattern entry of the debian/ copyright file.     在您编辑自动生成的 debian/copyright 文件时,请确保将最通用的文件 匹配模式放在文件前部,最精确的匹配模式放在后部。 Tip     For all new upstream releases, run the “debmake -k” command to ensure that the debian/copyright file is current. 15.7. debmake -P     调用 debmake 命令并带上 -P 选项将会严厉地检查所有自动生成文件的版 权和许可证文本信息;即使它们都使用宽松的许可证也是如此。     此选项不止会影响正常执行过程中所生成的 debian/copyright 文件的内 容,也会影响带参数 -k、-c、-cc 和 -ccc 选项的输出内容。 15.8. debmake -T     调用 debmake 命令并带上 -T 选项会额外输出详细的教程注释行。这些行 在模板文件中用 ### 进行标注。 15.9. debmake -x     debmake 生成的模板文件数量由 -x[01234] 选项进行控制。     * 请参见 “Section 13.1, “挑选最好的模板”” 以了解与拣选使用模板 文件的方式。 Note     debmake 命令不会修改任何已存在的配置文件。